Ok, Sup Forums, I want an unbiased rundown on what's going on right now. No /r/thedonald memers. No shill bait

Ok, Sup Forums, I want an unbiased rundown on what's going on right now. No /r/thedonald memers. No shill bait.

I just want an honest, adult answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Be supporter
>Former Trump
>Watching him crash and burn
>It's hilarious
>Have to be real for a second
>Can't let him get the nuclear codes

What's going on right now with what?
It's a big world out there.

the american government is doing what is has been doing for decades ever since it became the dominant force in the world

donald trump is being blamed for it as if bombing sandniggers was news


The Deep State and the Rothschild Family are attempting a Starbucks Putsch against Trump. This is where we find out what kind of guy we elected, and whether or not the fascist oligarchy that took control after JFK was JFK'd can be rolled back.

One small, tiny redpill? Bush and Obama have always been on the same side, and answered to the same masters.

Special prosecutor is going to investigate the story that hillary clinton made up out of whole cloth the day after she lost the election.
It's all bad news for HRC and the DNC.

So you're saying that Comey is just lying?

The jews want america to go to war with russia and syria. Until he meets their demands, they will attack him using the media and use the democrat puppets to obstruct everything he tries to do. It's simple.

Just the CIA using the tactics they've honed on 3rd world countries for decades on the US.

All these wars, technology build up and psychological experimentation has led up to this point in time.

We are all just rats in a fucked up experience, everyone in charge is bad, they're just playing roles.

Trump has a natural way of dividing a room, and his ability to garner support from conservatives is unlike any other.

Therefore, in short, food is getting scarce, the climate is warming, oil peaked 7 years ago, water is a limited commodity. It is time for a civil war to reduce population and consumption of resources.

So.. you faggots have no idea then?
I mean, you guys are genuine fucking faggots. Nothing in this thread was funny, you didn't answer OP's question. It's pretty obvious too that you guys are 6 months at most out from Reddit, and only come to Sup Forums to dick around. It really is a shame because 2 years ago this place was almost like a genuine news agrigate, where you could get info before it went through the biased media machine, but now all the old dedicated OC posters and Oldfags in general have all left because of trash like you guys.

I'm saying the independent council will investigate everything involved with the election, including a reexamination of clinton's email server.
And Comey and lynchs role in it.
Pay attention this summer.
It's going to be interesting.

Whoa now princess, I gave him my two cents, sorry I don't talk so good, I went to American public school.

The media is desperate for ratings so they keep running with the MUH RUSSIA meme.

That's it.

The liberal coastal media is going all out on another republican president. Nothing new under the sun.

I guess there are several angles to this. First it starts with the Trump-Russia lies propagated by Podesta (in my opinion he was willing to say he fell for a phishing scheme if it meant highlighting that Russia hacked the DNC), which we've all seen.

Well recently, Times claims that Comey read a memo regarding conversations with Trump over the phone, that implicated that Trump is going to be indicted and impeached. The specific information that supports this, is that Trump offhandedly asked Comey to drop investigations on Flynn. Now everyone's saying that those mere words are an obstruction of justice. Then the Senate asks for it, and asks Comey to testify. He agreed to testify publicly because he is not a humble person. This looks to me like a huge publicity stunt from Chaffetz and Comey, and some are already calling it a scandal.

In the meanwhile, after Trump fired Comey, the DOJ hired Mueller to continue the investigation, which /pol is apparently excited for.

Am I missing something?

No idea, i want them to leave though

he cannot control so many irrevocably corrupted institutions, even with his blinding pace. War is going to erupt as China defaults, the USA's military will be oriented around deepstate goals. unless theres a populist uprising.

look at that face in your OP pic - now, is that the face of 'an honest man' ? I still think Trump is honestly surprised/shocked/vaguely disturbed that he actually won; he is, fundamentally, a dishonest bullshit and bluster carnival hawker at heart. And that was never gonna wash as President, this fucking job is like being in court, on the stand, under oath, on the record, permanently - the mountain of BS is growing, hes having trouble seeing over it already. Eventually, this BS Berg of his own creation will bury him.

Redditors fucking trashed this board

redditors trash everything. they are literal human garbage. there was a huge migration over to VOAT today which had SOME decent conversations before... but now it is infested with plebbit faggots. Sup Forums is going down the drain even more. it's a damn shame


>They killed Seth Rich to cover up their corruption in the DNC
>Trump fired the only dude that coud protect them
>They need to impeach Trump to protect them selves from future prosecution.
>They need to make him look like an enemy of the state so that even if he blabs the truth about Seth he will seem crazy and not credible
>This is what Alex Jones says
>Bonus pizzagate

Comey is on Trump's side, you dense retard

Good rundown. There's a lot of fuckery and both sides have their chess pieces so to speak.

He fought the law and the law won.

A whole lot of fucking nothing is what's happening, and it's what'll be happening for months while retarded democrats keep trying to play the same game over and over again.

This user gets it.

The only "collusuon" was Seth Rich going to FSB for help/protection.

The theft of the primaries from the Berninator was downplayed massively by MSM.

Lead enabler fired by God Emperor.

We are now in interesting times. If GEOTUS doesn't pull through this....

...anons, Western Civilization itself is at stake.

Awww the shill doesn't like when we post the truth. Better blame it on reddit. You guys realize how obvious you are right?

The Clinton Foundation investigation never ended.

Consider these facts.
>memos written by Comey exist
>the Trump-Flynn memo was never published, all news orgs simply acknowledged the existence of it and had some of it read out to them.
>Comey has been writing memos through his tenure in the Obama administration

Now watch this video

I believe you're about to witness another Nov 8th where the entire liberal media is going to be utterly btfo.

uhh ... kikes shill MAGA redpill kikes kikes redpill kikes cuck kikes MAGA redpill kikes shill cuck

I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes.

They would put tons of big democrat figures in jail just so they could impeach Trump. That's how badly they want it. It's a Moby Dick scenario where they could very well bring down large segments of the government in this investigation.

That is, if the corruption story really is like how it's portrayed in the media.

Haha my nig

I used this pasta bait on plebbit and the replies are still rolling in.

Trump really is trying to stop the Globalists who want this country gone. They want slaves...not people who can think and upset their dream of controlling the world. This was planned years ago. They also want Europe and Russia gone...anyone they consider a threat. Why do you think the food has toxins, the vaccines have toxins, the ground has toxins, they are messing with our DNA and have been progressively been sterilizing us? You need to wake up to reality. They have been dumbing us down since the sixties. They have been slow walking their agenda; now they are in a hurry because humanity is starting to realize what is going on.

The so called elite want trump gone because he has the proof of their pedophilia.