Redpill me on global warming faggots

redpill me on global warming faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:$493-billion-on-renewable-fuel-by-2020/8164434

This thing has cycles and we are its servant.
Arrogance otherwise.

It's real, but half the people who talk about it are too retarded to actually understand how it functions so they advocate useless or near useless stuff

Ways to combat GW:
>Force regulation of power generation in China, India, and other third world countries
>Nuclear power
>Personal solar panels on roofs and in yards
>Recycle low-grade materials like plastics and paper
>Support local business owners instead of megacorporations
>Stop brazilians and South Americans from clear cutting forests to build farms

Ways to NOT combat GW:
>Yell at white people
>Yell at Americans
>Force countries to only use solar power
>Plant trees
>Buy Jewcorps new Crap(TM) Eco-Edition

you kike

t. retard and a leaf.

it's fake. don't worry about it.

You did it, good job goym. I ded


Scientists are wrong, read your bible, and ask Jesus his opinion.

Redpill yourself you fucking newfag.

how to convince skeptics that climate change is a problem

Fake news invented by Al Gore to scare you into voting for the Democrats

Does carbon dioxide trap heat? Is the greenhouse gas effect real or not?

Climate has been warming for 100 years, and the weather today is just lovely. So there's nothing to worry about.


It's not that it "traps heat", it's that CO2 is a molecule at the correct size to diffract IR radiation (what we feel as heat), so when it reflects off of the ground and then back into the atmosphere, CO2 will refract it around, heating up the air as it does so, which causes the temperature to go up slightly and can make temperatures in weather events slightly more erratic.

Carbon tax will fix everything

t. Liberal cucks

Nobody actually has any idea what the fuck is going on, including scientists because their fields of study are too specialized. Too many people stand to profit from either narrative to trust them.
No one is proposing to do anything about it that's sensible, like preparing infrastructure and building shelters.

Is CO2 the only variable in that cycle?
Has the Earth established a homeostatic method of handeling itself? Do you have the arrogance to say we can throw the entire earth off its center and cripple all its methods of keeping itself in balance?

Yes the greenhouse effect is real. Co2 used in greenhouses to grow plants rapidly. The rapid plant growth then in turn consumes more Co2.

Also look up the Vostok ice core sample and the trigger cycles Earth naturally goes through when we reach a certain Co2 level.

The "runaway greenhouse effect" that people are worried about is based on a theory of a water vapor feedback loop that has not panned out. Even the originator of the theory disowned it more than 20 years ago, stating clearly that "he intended to study it and after plenty of years of data it proved to be incorrect." 20 more years later and it's still incorrect. Carbon does warm the atmosphere, but only to a maximum of around 2c, which is entirely manageable. There is literally zero reason to believe the climate change alarmists. Sure, a few climate changes exist, that's normal. This is not even a particularly warm period - the US, for example, was much warmer in the 30's and the 50's. The whole thing is a fucking scam. Relax - this is good news!

well, only retards study "climatology". they are the laughing stock among real physicists.

Planting trees is good. You just can't plant in large enough numbers as a small community or a single person.

Yeah, but 90% of the time that's the only thing that's done so a better bet is to use the money to support anti-deforestation measures in SA.

Correct. Or, the two projects liberals would never support. Restoring the Aral Sea and Lake Chad.

Nuclear power is the solution. Accuse any green cunt that thinks climate change is grounds for radical action of not taking CC seriously if they oppose nuclear. Watch them sperg out.

>>Force regulation of power generation in China, India, and other third world countries
can you elaborate on this?
how is this different from
>>Force countries to only use solar power
are you saying they shouldn't use as much electricity and drive less?


Global warming changes based on the needs of the Globalists. All you need to know is that anyone who disagrees with it is ridiculed and shouted down. That only happens when someone is hiding something.


Fusion is going to be the future user, just wait

If you ever want two scoops when everybody else has one, stop global warming.

Sorry, I should have been more specific. When you ask liberals what to do about power generation, 90% will tell you that the US should go all solar, but the US already regulates emissions from coal plants. They're not completely clean, but they're tolerable. China though has no restrictions, and most pollution actually comes from Chinese and Indian coal plants that have no regulations on emissions. Nuclear and solar in the West isn't a terrible idea, but it's like trying to stick a bandaid on an amputation. It is not addressing the full extent of the problem.

>Force regulation of power generation in China, India, and other third world countries

this is not only politically impossible, but also unjust.
all we can do is help them to modernize into service economies, and hope we are still alive on the other side

I see no difference between the climate change myth and hedonistic acts in the old world like paganism or Islam altering the the choices of people and leaders. It's bad but it is part of being a human socity. We will do pointless things and waste resources on things which will not change anything, we have done so countless times before and will do it again. It really won't effect us long term, we will move on to the 'lunar shift' problem because of whatever the fuck and did this all over again.

Assuming this is true however, is correct, nuclear is the way to go until we can build a renewable engry source that can beat oil and coal in terms of price for performance

The countries best at paying lip service to it while completely ignoring "green" demands reap all of the benefits of manmade global warming

what's wrong with planting trees? Freeman Dyson calculated that 1 trillion trees would remove 100% of the carbon from the atmosphere, so just start at a fraction of that--1 billion or so. you wouldn't need social engineering, all you'd need is a few deep pocket backers and some volunteers.

Even China knows how bad an overabundance of CO2 can be






The way we utilize power right now is very insufficient. You heard those news Germany went solar for a day? Yeah took them couple of weeks to gather the energy for that day and bra about it.

It's not real The end.

corporations want to drill in Antarctica

Not impossible but not likely. All possible fusion implementations so far require massive scale, massive cost and massive lead time, and all that is based on best case projections of systems that are yet to be demonstrated as viable.

Fusion you have to constantly work at to keep running. I have my doubts such a system would ever be reliable even if they manage to get it running. One issue and whoops fusion stops and no output for a month while we reset the whole system.

Fission on the other hand is self-sustaining once you reach criticality, current solid fuel, water cooled reactors (mostly BWR/PWR) have the same issue with constant monitoring/intervention required but that is to prevent a run-away reaction so they have multiple redundencies and safeties that drives the cost way up.

I want to give MSR a shot. Liquid fuel, criticality sustained by shape of reactor vessel, if reaction runs away the fuel salt expands and density drops to the point where the reaction slows, so its self-regulating, 99% burn as opposed to 2-10% burn of current reactors.

MSR is a better option than both Fusion and current gen fission.

I stopped believing in it when I realized that every proposed solution is global communism

20k years ago, Seattle was LITERALLY covered in ice during a literal ice age. but somehow all that ice melted without the catalyst of burning hydrocarbons to aid the melting. so ask yourself, how much climate change is happening because of solar events and nature's cyclical behavior and how much is anthropogenic

It's called climate change now faggot.

It is real but probably exaggerated. Like said, everybody who talks about it is retarded and wants to implement policies that will destroy the world.
Alex Epstein is truly redpilled and you can watch a good interview with Rubin here. Or read his book.

Watch Steven Crowders interview with Dr. Patrick Moore. He sums it up pretty well.

>so ask yourself
or, i don't, actually read the vast scientific lecture that attempts to answer this question?

Too much to ask?

Checked, going to watch that right now.


>100 years
Can you remind me when the industrial revolution started?

>The only thing we have is a *hypothesis* that CO2 affects climate change in a meaningful way

I have to remind myself, I inflict this torture upon me by visiting these threads. There is no one else to blame

Ice ages... earth's temp is 9n the r8se. It also falls, we are on a rise period, 8gnore GW crying, it's just a cycle

Pumping chemical s into the air is natural guys. Case closed.