Sup Forums hypocrisies

">race theory is true guys, it's just simple genetics. Some races are inferior than others. It's basic biology"
>"people that are transgender or gay just chose to be the way they are by pure free will. Genetics has nothing to do with it"

Other urls found in this thread:

>"race is the same as gender"
Is that true?

it's a mix of genetics and environment but in the case of trannies it's a disorder

just because people have fucked up disorders doesn't mean you have to pretend it's normal

Can you prove that being lgbt is natural?

transgenders and gays are as natural as mental illness

>>"people that are transgender or gay just chose to be the way they are by pure free will. Genetics has nothing to do with it"
only christ cucks believe this.

also thats actually true for some of them, not all though.

everything that humans and in extensions other animals do is natural. They emerge from natural biological processes like anything we do. Are you asking whether it's beneficial to society? Because that's a different question.

that is a big candy bar


Then whites are inferior too asians.

What are you talking about? Most people I see on Sup Forums recognize that most trannies are mentally ill with a biological basis. They're sick in the brain and that's the sad truth.
That doesn't make them a different gender from what they are of course, as if you check out their sick brain it still operates in other areas as the correct sex.

I mean, there are exceptions since there are always outliers.

Sup Forums has late 19th century understanding of biology,
Weird that they use the word "genetics", as it means the opposite of what they want to.
Genetic clustering and trends throw away the "white" and "black" political divisions, as well as the political term "race" that accommodates them.
In fact what Sup Forums would call a race is, genetically speaking, very long term slight inbreeding, caused by where deserts, mountain ranges, seas and oceans divide people. They basically each adapt to their environment, and don't exchange sex fluids since its very hard to move to the other population.

the simple answer is you can change your genes. things like gender were already written though. things like who you are are unstable and rely on the moment.

Fuck off, reddit. Homosexuality and all its deviant derivatives are all social constructs, usually either manifestations of mental illness or a cry for attention.

Genetics probably has a great deal to do with it ... just as genetics has a great deal to do with schizophrenia, depression and the Downs.

Doesn't mean we should start playing to their delusions.

Not gonna lie, former #ImpeachTrump supporter here. It's fucking terrifying watching the MSM lie and distort everything. But in all seriousness we can't let the deep state get their hands on the nuclear codes.

But if only 0.4% of the "animal" population exhibit these traits then do the animals formulate their entire social structure around even less than 1% of their tribe?

Of course fucking not. Why do humans do it then?

Guilt, brainwashing, and virtue-signaled (and therefore false) "empathy' allow this otherwise completely unnatural behavior compared to ANY THING ELSE on this planet to thrive in the human population.

Nice try, Achmed.

My sides. God this pic

I choose to fuck who I want to.

Exactly. If it's not a majority-population factor then you don't uplift everything to accomdate it.

The establishment is doing it on purpose to rile everyone up, increase division, and increase Americans' hatred for one-another.

The writing's on the wall. They've done an excellent job of it.

To what end, I wonder...

Does it make your LWC hard?

> choose to be gay

>In fact what Sup Forums would call a race is, genetically speaking, very long term slight inbreeding, caused by where deserts, mountain ranges, seas and oceans divide people.

For any other animal we wouldn't refer to this as race, we would refer to it as subspecies... which is exactly what it is in the homo genus.

Homosexuality has a genetic component. There is a gene that makes you more likely to be homosexual, like there are genes making you more likely to develop breast cancer or have a heart attack.
Still, you can live a life that denies this gene, the same as most such conditions.

Homosexuality, scientifically speaking:
1, Is an illness, since it doesn't give you any productive benefits (the opposite in fact).
2. Has a genetic component, discovered and tested for many times in the last 25 years.
3. Has a cultural component, people without the "gay gene" sometimes identify and live as homosexuals, and people with it sometimes refuse it and deny it, and live as heterosexuals.
4. Is self correcting - gays don't have many children, thus don't spread it. No need to purge or cleanse them, they are self correcting, even more so now that its socially acceptable and they don't have to pretend, get married, have kids, and suck dick on the side.
5. Its victimless. No need to persecute them, since as long as the law is kept (consensual, age of consent, etc) they aren't hurting anyone. The homosexuality itself doesn't have victims, except maybe the homosexual himself.
6. Its men only. The genetic component at least is specific to men. Women can't be naturally gay.

>average black IQ is lower than average white IQ, heh, take THAT snowflakes, facts win again

but then the Sup Forumsweenie sees that the average ashkenazi jew has a higher IQ than the average white and suddenly:

>(((IQ))) is a load of bullshit perpetuated by jews and for jews, so fuck off with your subversion quotient, shlomo

explain this you frauds.

I did.


I believe it, jews are smart. Of course, I've also met some completely retarded jews.

Depending on your language, it can be a "variation of" or a "subspecies of" and so on.
However these terms are arbitrary, they are divisions created to easier categorize birds and have no objective, solid meaning.
Using them on people won't serve a purpose, and would make a lot of people mad and open old wounds of repression and genocide, so it makes no sense to do it.
It wouldn't be wrong, it would just be useless and impractical.

social constructs are a human biological process. The same way we can create laws and have debates on philosophy or religion. The law is not a real concept within the physical universe. Philosophical concepts aren't part of our physical universe. God, no matter how much you might believe in it as a concept doesn't suddenly manifest itself in reality. All of those things are unnatural concept but emerge from a natural biological process. You are conflating the vagueness of social constructs with the basis for biological physicality.

That's that tranny moderator from /leftypol/

What is a mental illness?
I would genuinely off myself if I was
as stupid as you. Your parents must be proud.

Native middle eastern jews are about as dumb as a typical middle easterner. European Jews are really smart typically, however due to careless inbreeding the same thing that made them smart as group so regularly also gives them an increased chance of normally rare genetic disorders.

race =/= gender

>transvestism and homosexuality are heritable and innate, therefore you must not blame them for their problems
>gender is a spectrum and in no way related to biology, you cishet bigot
This is a fun game. I bet I have more examples than you do.

How is chosen behavior the equivalent of cognitive capacity?

Race is genetic and physical. Queers are all mentally instable.

When you have people for whom it is illegal to do "honest work", because the hands that killed Jesus will never do any honest work, and they all have to be bankers, lawyers and so on, you have selection based on intelligence, and produce a more intelligent people.
Compare it to black americans, who were selected for physical strength. You go to africa and buy the strongest slaves, of them only the strongest survive the trip, of them only the strongest survive the initial shock of hard labor day after day. So you produce a very strong population.

>social constructs are a biological process

What the fuck are you talking about? Philosophic concepts are created out of whole cloth from the human mind. Societal norms are created and decided upon by political means, not biological means.

If homosexuality can be denied, then there is no need for it to be accepted as a norm. The "genetic component" is wholly irrelevant.

>but then the Sup Forumsweenie sees that the average ashkenazi jew has a higher IQ than the average white
Does anyone deny this?

So there's no such thing as a social construct? Differences in outcome are just natural inevitability then.

you need majority population factor? go back to uk and get in line for the crown.

>If homosexuality can be denied, then there is no need for it to be accepted as a norm. The "genetic component" is wholly irrelevant.

You are being very stupid here. Let me rephrase that with another genetic condition.
>If genetic susceptibility to testicular cancer can be avoided, as in a person who has the gene making him more likely to get that cancer can possibly not get it, then the gene is irrelevant.

Consider it like this:
1. A person has X chance to be gay, depending on his culture, surroundings, childhood, etc.
2. If that person also has the "gay gene", his chance is now 20X. He is 20 times more likely, genetically.

How is this an irrelevancy? I think it is very relevant.
Of course those are completely random numbers, but I think that the studies showed over 90% of gay men had this "gay gene", and over 90% of men who have the gay gene are indeed identifying and living as homosexuals.
Just because some do it as a fashion statement doesn't mean the majority aren't doing it as an expression of their genetic build.

95% of american posters.

Then there is no reason we should give trannies gender reassignment surgery or any form of chemical therapy.

I'd like to see the source on that.

transgender nonsense has nothing to do with genetics.

just self hate and the belief that the other gender has it better or some similar variation.

Nobody says that, though. Intelligence isn't the only virtue but it is an essential one.

I eagerly await your ad hominems.

I don't necessarily think they have a choice (except transitioning is definitely a choice) but they are broken people.

Behaviors are always the results of nature and nurture. But measurable differences between races can be studied independently from culture and they will lead to the same conclusions.

well this kind of delves into the concept of determinism. But yeah, if we look at the world from a purely physical perspective of chemical processes then we can't blame people for the "choices" they make. They are nothing more than complex machines that are under the assumption that their decisions are a result of free will.

iq =/= species

Just google it? Look for twins studies, and gay brothers studies, and avoid news articles. Only read actual research papers on journals.

The reason is suicide prevention, and its somewhat successful.
If untreated, gender dysphoria almost always leads to suicide.
You get a chain of treatments, first psychiatrist, then drugs, then different therapies about changing lifestyle and coaching and so on, and only the worst, most hopeless people are offered hormones and surgery.
And of course failure rate for these worst cases are bad, and suicide is high, but its not 100%. Some people that would've otherwise killed themselves end up not doing so, there is a success rate above zero, so you can argue its worth doing.
You can also argue if society were more accepting, the success rate would be higher.

This is a humanist approach, and assumes that every person is worth keeping alive under any cost and circumstance, which I don't support, but its a strong argument that will hold in the public eye.

Not true but some believe they could choose to stop.

there is. A natural process does not imply that it is enjoyable. The same reason we don't tell people that are born with no arms that they shouldn't get prosthetics just because their genetic code naturally caused them to have no arms.

If we can alleviate suffering resulting of a natural process then there is no reason not to do it from an ethical perspective. Obviously there is a financial aspect to it as well which is an entirely different issue. We could help people but what if our efforts are just not financially feasible? That's kind of the crossroad where economics and ethics meet.

It is an observable fact that they can choose to stop, because we have people who are genetically predisposed to homosexuality, and identify and live as heterosexuals.
Cultural and societal pressure can make you act differently from your instincts, given enough discipline on your part.

That's horseshit. We've known for at least a decade now that transgender surgery isn't effective. Suicide rates remain the same.

We've known this even longer if you accept the rather obvious conclusion that transgender bullshit is just a manifestation of body dysphoria. Researchers have long held that indulging various forms of body dysphoria isn't an effective way to treat it.

18% suicide rates after surgery, as opposed to near 100% suicide rate of untreated gender dysphoria.
And again, only the worst cases get surgery, most people are fine with therapy and support from friends and family, and lifestyle changes, and anti-depressants.

My buddy is a hiring manager that uses a competency exam on applicants. He said niggers always score about 10-20% lower than whites. Several of the people in his office have to review these tests and no one wants to mention the elephant in the room, niggers are stupid. I'm sure there are exceptions but on average it's the rule. He says they're supposed to be "diverse" with their hiring but also pick from the highest scores.

>near 100% suicide rate of untreated gender dysphoria

Source? The research I've seen shows no significant improvement. What have you seen to suggest the surgery helps?

Homosexuality is probably both environmental and gentetic or just genetic but so far no one has any proof.

Transgenderism is definitely a mental illness but I suppose it could be genetic. You can inherit mental illnesses.

who says they choose? we don't care. they are a scourge on the family and on traditions and on a healthy and happy people. back into the closet faggot.
63% of people requesting surgery, according to this small scale survey, had serious mental illness. Each individual illness is considered a suicide risk, most of them had more than one.
American suicide prevention organization puts a 45% suicide attempt rate on treated and untreated gender dysphoria cases.
The paper I was looking at calculates 94% suicide rate for untreated gender dysphoria exactly because of all these companion mental illnesses that develop as you hate and doubt yourself so much for years, but its behind a paywall and I don't want to lose my subscription posting watermarked stuff.

Google a bit, avoid news articles, only read actual journals with people's names on them, something they thought was good enough to sign under. Look at the scale, how many people were involved, and don't just read the title.
Super simple stuff.

that seems to be a kind of dishonest way to think about it. The reason we can "stop" is because the increased human intelligence which allows us to exert self-control over compulsions and instincts. But we know from studies conducted on people that suppress these urges that other issues arise. They might get deeply depressed, develop bipolar disorder or become generally unhinged.

If we create a society in which we expect such a level of self-control we basically create a ticking time-bomb with repressed people. Look at Japan and China and their suicide rates, the societal pressure people have to perform. I'm not just talking about sexuality here, this is as basic as it gets. Sup Forums romanticizes self-control in the ancient Greek imagery of male self-improvement to strife towards wisdom and strength. But at this point we're basically talking about the Ubermensch. The 0.1% of the 0.1% that actually made it. The same way in thousands of years people might talk about Batman as the ideal rolemodel. The average human is weak and much more insecure than that and we really can't expect society to operate on the assumption that everyone has the willpower to succeed. At this point we just revert back from civilized society to stone-age tribalism survival of the fittest. That's a deeply nihilistic view of the world because even if you are good at what you do there will always be someone else that is better. In fact even people that are worse than you can easily backstab and destroy you, whether it's your modern professional 21st century life when we're talking about your career or just the most basic desire to live and survive. Technically any idiot could walk up to you, stab you with a knife and kill you. That's the reason why I don't buy into Sup Forums's obsession with darwinism as a manual to morality and ethics. It will only be beneficial to a society that is based on serfs and masters. And it's very likely that everyone in this thread will be a serf.

transgender surgery is effective. in the same way that praying to god and popping sugar pills is effective.
it works as as long as they believe it works,
thats why theres such a push for acceptance, redefining words to make it not seem like obvious nonsense and making not going along with their delusion a hate crime.

Find the fag gene and then we'll talk, racial genetics on the other hand is quite obvious.

Most effective treatment for gender dysphoria is hormone pills for the person's natural sex, not the opposite sex.

Wether they choose to be trans or not they are still mentally ill.

If it's genetics that means we need to cull the flock before they spread their abnormalities. Hitler, where art thou?

Here's one "gay gene".

It was discovered in the 1990s, there was controversy, some people lost jobs, and a newer, more detailed study confirmed it in the early 21st century.

Harmone pills fuck up your liver - I'm a steroid abuser - so they generally take shots

for you

But the surgery doesn't work at all. It temporarily relieves the mental angst, but the problem soon resurfaces.

Body dysmorphia is a disease.
Refusing treatment of a disease is a choice.
Advocating the spread of a disease is evil.


After gamergate I don't trust a single fucking thing there, give me a different link.

This is for some cases. Again, you should read my complete posts.
The milder cases can be "cured", as in contained and the person saved, by just talking openly, and your friends and family supporting you.
Therapy and life coaching is the most effective way to fight gender dysphoria. Hormones and surgery are for people who are so bad, that therapy doesn't help.

You know, like how you take anti-inflammation drugs and do physiotherapy before having spine surgery.
This doesn't mean spine surgery is bad, it just means it only handles the very worst cases, so any success rate is impressive and good.

Your second link destroys your argument. Those that have had the reassignment surgery have the highest rate of suicide attempts.

Its behind a paywall.
You people should learn, I can't link science here, it costs money.

Race is a social construct?
Then go back to Gender theory Fraulein.

bump lol

Please read I've stated it multiple times already. Stop comparing to general population, or to milder cases.

Your argument is circular. There's no evidence that the surgery reduces suicides. In fact, the surgery is the most unpopular treatment among those in the study.

>muh Turner syndrome
>muh science

99% of people who are trans are not intersex.

They are mentally ill. We're normalizing mental illness because we don't wanna hurt their fee-fees.

Also, source on the "gay gene?" Let me know how conclusive that science is.

KYS OP, you'll never think critically.

Consider a person predisposed to diabetes genetically. He inherited it, and it is a genetic fact, that he is tremendously more likely to have diabetes.
So he chooses, through life decisions, discipline, support from friends and family, to dedicate his life to eating the most anti-diabetes diet possible, excessive daily, and take supplements.
He is thus able to live a complete life without diabetes, and die of colon cancer and brain degradation like normal people do.

Do you think this is a dishonest way to do things? Do you think the man was tortured and forced, and should've been left to act naturally, lose his feet in his early 30s and die in his early 40s?

meaning that there's a correlation with that gene and homosexuality not that it makes people gay. But correlation not meaning causation goes right out the fucking window when leftist ideology gets involved because they all want to be able to say, "See, they were born this way, its perfectly natural"

I've seen study after study like this where people with the "gay gene" will have homosexuality likelihood of 44% or so, which while far higher than the base population, definitely can't realistically be considered to be a gay gene when the majority of people who have it aren't even gay.

>In fact what Sup Forums would call a race is, genetically speaking, very long term slight inbreeding, caused by where deserts, mountain ranges, seas and oceans divide people. They basically each adapt to their environment, and don't exchange sex fluids since its very hard to move to the other population.
Hungarian education. That, my firend, is kindergarten "i read it in a women's magazine"-tier.

>But the surgery doesn't work at all.

it sometimes does and sometimes doesn't. You have to remember that the surgery itself doesn't actually provide the person with a male or female body. They actually have to feel that their body matches their mind.

Obviously with our current science and technology it's impossible to know. But let's assume in the future that we could create perfect human host bodies that we can grow in a lab to which we can transfer the brain of the person who's transgender. Now we are not talking about a modified male or female body that is made to look as if they were the other gender, we are now talking about a perfectly healthy and normal human body that exactly matches the gender the person believes they are.

My assumption would be that the suicide rate wouldn't be nearly as high as it is right now. Those people wouldn't just pretend to be men or women, they would biologically have turned themselves into what they believe they are.

Read It makes you predisposed to homosexuality.
It can confirm with about 70% success rate if you are homosexual, which is why it was researched - to detect homosexuality.

You can still work against your genes, people who are genetically predisposed to being fat can live a life where they are lean, because of societal pressure and environment. Same for the "gay gene". You can work against it, and there is peer pressure to do so.

The surgery has no observable effect on suicide rates. Fuck off with your degenerate science fiction.

The surgery helps alleviate a lot of the depression and reduce other mental illness and pressure that leads to suicide.
Consider this survey then. Or just google shut, holy fuck, you have the internet right?

You want to compare people before the surgery, and the same people some time after the surgery.
See how many mental illnesses that would cause suicide they have before and after, do some math.
The success rate is above zero, which considering it only deals with the worst most hopeless cases, is not too low.

Being predisposed to being something does not mean you were born that way, you still failed in allowing yourself to succumb to it.

>lol, just Google it

Fuck off, tranny.

You are now arguing semantics. Does breaking your legs, inserting steel bolts, and letting the bone heal, mean that you weren't born short?
Its a surgery that koreans and chinese have to combat their genetic predisposition to BEING SHORT. But they didn't succumb to it!

In all your posts you have given zero sources, I have given several. Even in the post you quote I have posted a very large study that you clearly ignored.
Either make an argument, or close the tab.

Oh, genetics absolutely has something to do with a predisposition to degenerate acts and many trannies and fags are mentally ill (and not just because they're trannies and fags), mental illness of course being heritable.

I'm genetically predisposed to being an alcoholic but I'm not an alcoholic because I stay the fuck away from alcohol. Faggotry has far more in common with alcoholism than being short.

You're the one claiming the surgery helps. I've posted two studies that aggregate other studies showing its ineffective, and you've posted one study that shows half of those who have the surgery try to kill themselves.

Your last study is behind a pay wall.

Keep your degenerate bullshit to yourself. The best thing we can do for these people is to teach them to be more effective in their suicide attempts.

Alcoholism does in fact have a genetic component. How is this an argument against what I have been saying?

>Do you think this is a dishonest way to do things? Do you think the man was tortured and forced, and should've been left to act naturally, lose his feet in his early 30s and die in his early 40s?

Working against your diabetes will improve your life because of the health benefits acquired by it. It's not like you want to have diabetes. With homosexuality working against it won't improve your life because homosexuality isn't a negative bodily reaction that decreases your physical health, it's a condition that affects your state of mind. That's like telling a heterosexual person to stop caring about the other gender and suppress their sexuality. Working against your sexuality is a cause of your discomfort. So the only two ways is to either medicate you to make you asexual or to relief your sexual tension by allowing yourself to give in to your sexual urges.

With diabetes your condition is the issue. There is no urge to give in to. You don't get any pleasure from having diabetes. There is no other option to battle diabetes other than self-restraint when it comes to food and taking your medication. Someone who's homosexual can just alleviate their condition by giving into their urges.

So unless you offer homosexuals a pill that instantly turns them straight or asexual without negative side-effects you can't really tell a homosexual that they are just supposed to stop being who they are. They are just going to turn their affliction of homosexuality into depression and in some cases into aggression. You don't want a culture of sexually repressed people, that will bleed into other aspects of life.

Is the survey self-reported? I don't want to sign up for an account just to look at a single study. Because if it is then there definitely is a good chance of some hidden bias of wanting to believe the surgery cured the issue because it was a permanent change to them and to not believe it worked would cause some cognitive dissonance.
For example here are some experts discussing their findings both in
and in pic related.