(((Star Wars)))

(((Star Wars)))

Harry Potter



Wow .... I'm now a feminist.

Order 66, the jedi's holocaust.

Jedi's? More like jew-dies ami-?

oh. huh. they might be on to something.

Both are fiction

>evil, well-disciplined soldiers in all white outfits who are portrayed as nazis

>white and proud


The holocaust was Padme's fault


>they killed off kyle katarn for this.

They're both fiction.




Well, the Jew-die may have the force, but Stormtroopers have white power! He sure dun whooped dat lightsabre-nigger's ass back there.

Yep, fiction.






>based leaf
What timeline am I in?


Yeah. Fucking atrocious.
I don't see why though. Just so they could make Rogue one? At least they cannot retroactively remove the dark forces/jedi knight games.

Basically. That and they want to control context and all that and Heir to the Empire isn't about women's bullshit or transqueer rodians.

Rodian lives matter. Admiral Ackbar is a racist misogynist bigot for trapshaming.

Oh fuck's sake this guy looks like he couldn't even direct traffic.

now I like Darth Vader

Hopefully the Basic translation for transgender is "Bothan".

I`ve always been a Trekker myself and never a Star Wars fan. Wars is the one for mindless mental midgets IMO.




Savage desu

if anybody was wondering why I decided to become a nazi, this is it

holy fuck

o i laffed, cheers m8

The new Trek series is Africa in space with a strong black woman as the main character and an asian female captain.


For fuck's sake, do you autistic shit lords have to go and ruin everything?!


This is fake news and everyone one in this thread is a dumb cunt

this user had a red pill concentrate

>I`ve always been a Trekker myself and never a Star Wars fan. Wars is the one for mindless mental midgets IMO.
It's not for them but it appeals to them in ways they don't understand.

At it's core it's the basic hero myth. What's to hate about that? The presentation of it is decent since Lucas was mostly aping Kurosawa's style and concepts. The original triology is a coming of age story mostly. Hamhandedly handled at the end, but it does it's job.

Lookie here. We've got from left to right: Luke/Leia's character, Han/Obiwan's character, and Anakin/Darth Vader's character. They even go through nearly identical arcs, though Anakin skywalker's story is far inferior as are his motivations for turning "evil" compared to Kurosawa's character.

That's it, I'm not paying any money to these jews anymore.

Oh, they surely will. At least from official distribution platforms. Thank God for torrenting!

I can't imagine being in Lucas's position right now.

Imagine having something you worked so hard on and put so much passion into. Then it gets bought out by a corporation, only to be shat upon by unnecessary sociopolitical agendas.

Then how come Anakin is the chosen one. And everybody likes how basses dark vador is.

Rey is the chosen one in Last Jedi. Luke and Vader were just white males.


You deserved the (You)s, even if you're a Leaf.


No it's the fucking Civil War you autist, stop jewhorning movies.


The jews told him that they'd pay him $4 billion and that he could retire and they'd make his ideas for sequels and spin offs into moves. He turned over all the materials he had written, then after he sold his company they told him they weren't making any of it and were doing their own thing.

aussie expat confirmed

>Without women the religious fanatics would never have destroyed the biggest key to peace in the galaxy
>Billions died in the explosion
>Billions died in the war
>They never got used to the new guys

I hope they don't fuck up kotor since it's in a different era

fuck I'm late





deathstar > women

No, it was a combination of "Hidden Fortress" and trashy pulp sci-fi novels.

The occultist criminals in charge today destroyed the last advanced civilization out of spite, in the distant past. That is the real Holocaust. The historic record is full of fakes and lies because of this. (((Hollywood))) is their propaganda mouthpiece.

The Judea Knights are shoah'd in their holy temple by a blue eyed blonde haired goy.

They will eventually. Not like they will ever stop.

Coupled with the Vietnam War. Especially episode 6.

Without women Anakin would have killed the Palpatine and none of this shit would have never happened.

>as smooth and tan as a statue carved of Nimarian korabaster
Jesus Christ the extended universe is so fucking autistic and cringey.

That's canon according to Disney

Who gives two fucks what Disney considers canon?


Words don't mean things anymore...

White supremacy = human now?
What is black power then? Animal rights?


I love you

How to ruin your own fucking movie
1:tell people what it's "about"
2:make sure it's about something insanely partisan

is he saying that the nazis have always been the good guys?


i would caust into her hol(o) if you catch my drift ; )

But the Jedi believe in a chosen one so wouldn't they be comparable to Christians not Jews? hmm

Honestly, that whole Division of Disney sucks and has sucked for a while. These aren't movies your children will be watching. They are the equivalent of bubble gum pop.


the sith are the jews, controlling everything from behind the curtains




Absolutely shoahed my sides.

They said this about Rogue One too and it was literally nothing. I'm starting to think the Star Wars directors enjoy baiting people.

hey guys, just FYI, Alien Covenant fucking blows, and you can leave after the one good scene, you'll know which one.




on the day of the rake, you can go last

Lost hard.