Thoughts on this, Sup Forums?

Thoughts on this, Sup Forums?

Sharpie marker, "Nigger faggot." on there.

it's never ok to hit anyone :3

communism is ok tho because it only kill people of same ethnic

Replace Nazi with Communist, let the butthurt flow

Using that logic communists are also "punchable" considering they were responsible for more loss of life than the Nazis

I agree. I also punch faggots and commies.

put a sign above it that says "LEFT WING FASCIST PROPAGANDA"

Slavs killed Balts. Communism is "okay" because it's origins are Jewish.

>it is possible to lose a right
are leftists this stupid?

>abbreviate socialist to Zi
>throw Na in front to get them off your trail
>mock the failure of socialiam
>haha, now ive got them right where i want them
>press socialist agendas
>destory nation

Damn jewish keyboard

I think that's poorly thought out.

Replace nazis with commies and you're getting close

Very well said!
Fuck fascism, nazism and other right wing ideology, pushing for xenophobic policies!

get an ice scraper and remove its that simple

Write what you want and place it on their signs.

Technically right if I didnt know he wasnt a lefty parasite deserving of the same

If they were talking about actual Nazis I'd agree, but the left considers anybody right of center to be a Nazi. So no, it's not okay to punch """nazis"""

Destroy it, you pussy or at least tell us where it is

It's in soCal, found it and contracted AIDS. I think someone already tore it down.

Punch back.
If you're scared of violence and not prepared to fight then become a lolbertarian and draw cartoons of frogs and walk around looking at your feet.
Race war isn't a game cunt.

Because its only ok to kill millions of people if Jews do it

>start calling Antifas Nazis
>now it's okay to punch them according to their own logic

Nazis punched people in the face you know

balts are pseudoslavs

>it is always correct to punch Communists.

Humans have genocided each other for eons, it's a defining characteristic of the species. I'd say that, in today's political climate, violence is the only solution for all parties.

>killed millions upon millions of people

uuuuuh...that would be 1 000 000 000 000
thats a fucking trillion, not even the world population number wtf

Does that mean it's okay to punch a Turk since they may have voted for Erdogan?

Sure are a lot of Nazis when your definition of Nazi is "everyone that disagrees with you"

Communism killed roughly 94 million people in the 20th century. If they get to punch us for 6 million (even gonna go with the made up kike number) then basic math tells us the escalation of force we should use should be 15.67 times more than they are in order for our death to violence ratio to remain constant.

Kill a commie today.

Nazi genocide: 6,000,000
Communist genocide: 120,000,000 million

What did they mean by this?

That's not what that construction means. Millions upon millions is the same as millions and millions, or many millions, not millions of millions.

Hi plebbit

Typical leftist nonsense
>create a narrow definition of 'nazi' that would justify violence against nazis in the eyes of many
>call everyone you disagree with a nazi

Whether it is true or not, it is irrelevant because nazis don't exist any more.

t. left-wing ideology that slaughtered 100 million, conservatively estimated

I'd be fine with it if they justified violence against communists under the same token, but they don't so fuck them

t. ancap

Is this considered hate speech?

Print a paper with the word commie, and place it over every instance of Nazi.

Neo-nazis, white nationalists, trumpfags, and alt-right are not nazis

Makes me want to shout at random white people, calling them nazis, bigots, and oppressors to their face, just so they can experience how horrible it is to live in a world that wants to kill them before it's too late.