Christianity Thread

Is Christianity the true redpill to saving Western civilization, Sup Forums?

Was the solution right in front of us the whole time?

I see Christians with far less than me and yet are more fulfilled, they never get jealous or petty or vindictive. Meanwhile I'm wracked with neuroses and miserable. As an atheist there is no reward for restraining yourself from binge drinking, drugs, premarital sex. Even if you live a virtuous life, the world never changes for the better, and you die with nothing to show for it.

Was God the true redpill all along?

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Literally this. Yes

The way you save Western civilization is by improving or reinforcing values that made it strong to begin with. Focus not on what divides people. Focus on what unites us to combat an enemy. It's not just slapping a christian sticker on it and calling it a day.

Yes. God, in his infinite wisdom, saw fit to combine the culture of the Roman empire with the true faith as revealed by the prophets and fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Because of this marriage, the two are inseparable. The only way to separate the Roman (Christian now) culture from the Christian religion is to reject fundamental truths of the religion, yielding Protestantism. This is why Catholic and Orthodox missionaries have, historically (before Vatican II which is Protestant garbage), demanded of pagan converts a change in lifestyle and not just a simple nodding of the head and a dip in the water like Protestant missionaries demand.

Take the breadpill, Sup Forums. The Christian religion, as practiced how it was meant to be practiced by the Apostles and the Church Fathers will invariably lead one to the culture religion combination that is Western Civilization.

How are people just realizing this?

Eastern Christianity is what will save Western Civilization.

Traditional family values and values in general is how how you save western civilisation.

The whole sex sells is one way western society has gone into the gutter and for me personally I believe "diversity" and multiculturalism is far worse than that, forcing western values to some how change and fit the mold of another's values who are the complete opposite to ours have basically been a huge downfall.
Why must it be white majority countries that have diversity?
And why must Christianity be destroyed because people always pay it out because "sky fairy".

I don't even know if we can save western civilisation at this point but we can't stop trying.

Don't you have children to molest, Padre.

Saw a bunch of christcucks posting this in other threads, just wanted to disprove it for you all.

Thomas Aquinas is making the argument here that God is real because of the chain of causality making him necessary.
The argument is fine until you get to the part about omnipotence, omniscient, immutable etc.

>Something that is purely actual, with no unrealized potentials, must be omnipotnent
Sure, but there was never a reasoning given for what a pure actual must have no unrealized potentials. His statement is tautological. He also suposes that a "pure actual" must not have any potentiality, which is also never given a reason for. The only argument that he gets right is the idea of God being eternal.

The unmoved mover could just be a multiverse with a set of properties that produces universes with other sets of properties. It could be limited to only being able to produce universes a certain way. Holofractal could also be correct, which is the idea that the universe is infinite, and if you could shrink down to a millionth the size of a quark you would be in another universe.

Some physicists also theorize that quantum instability could be the unmoved mover, and that the inherent instability inherent in our universe caused our universe to appear from nothing.

Thomas Aquinas also seems to have some very strange views on potential and actual. He is clearly not simply using them as rhetorical devices to convey his ideas, but rather has some sort of structure and realness that he ascribes to them. Probably taking inspiration from Plato's realm of forms. I think the idea of metaphysics being more than a logical tool was more popular back when Thomas Aquinas was alive.

>Orthodoxy cant into crusade
>Calls Pope for help
>"""""""""Eastern Christianity is what will save Western Civilization""""""".

One reason why I'm not an athiest... in the end you have nothing so life is not worth living for, but with faith in God you have the thought of living in eternal bliss

Make sure to watch out for heresy

I'm a (very bad) Christian, but I'll throw a little food for thought in here.

Do you think Christian faith makes those people content more than being naturally contented people, they have found their way to Christianity?

Because Islam doesn't *make* people savages. It appeals to people who are already savages. Then it works to enhance their natural proclivities for barbarism.

I went from being a practicing theological Satanist and Occultist in my teens.

To being an atheist while serving in a tier 2 unit when Operation Enduring Freedom was going on.

To finally accepting that indeed, a hardlined and traditional denomination of Christianity like Eastern Orthodox is our best chance at surviving what is coming.

I experimented with some old Viking and Native American warrior traditions and beliefs as part of my therapy for trying to get my PTSD under control, but when I finally stopped rebelling and started considering Christ that is when I started making tangible and real progress in getting it under control.

>Just want to disapprove the existence of god

Wew lad.

People can't distinguish actual truths from churchy bullshit.
Need fully thought-out worldview like USA founders. But we're like 40-50 IQ points dumber than them

Only half. You need classical white values and interpretations for Christianity.

Modern (((Christianity))) has been infected like everything else.


Exactly this you need the post enlightenment worldview and values for Christianity and (((they))) mostly hard and soft censored that history and philopshy.

I'm torn between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. On one hand you have the Latin church which has basically built up western civilization, evangelized to the world, produced many saints, built hospitals, universities, ect but the current state of it is so degenerate it's ridiculous, and there has always been weird things like self flagellation and mandatory celibacy for priests which is probably why there are so many gay priests. The Eastern Church on the otherhand mostly keeps to themselves, and can even be overly nationalistic, but they seem to have preserved the sacred liturgy and teachings where the Roman Church hasn't. Both the Eastern and Western Liturgy is beautiful and I like both aesthetics, the only problem I have with Orthodoxy is that they're too closed off to themselves instead of evangelizing the world like the Catholic church has

>there is no reward for restraining yourself from binge drinking, drugs
Yes there is: your health.

Question: "But what if x y and z?" Answer: "Darwin will be happy to see you."

A normal person's life goes something like this:

5-year-old: "I love Jesus!"
17-year-old: "FUCK church I'm not going ever again I swear mom didn't you even know the bible is fairy tale lol"
30-year-old: "Wow mom and dad were right about Christ, not to mention that Christian values are the only way to uphold our civilization. My child deserves to know the love of God and be raised in a Christian home."

>Orthodoxy cant into crusade
illiteracy in the form of a sentence

>Calls Pope for help
The Crusaders killed Orthodox Christians and led to the fall of Constantinople by sacking it of its wealth and turning it weak.

There would be no "retake Constantinople" without the Crusaders because the Crusaders are the cause of its fall. If the Fourth Crusade didn't happen, then Constantinople would still be Christian.

I've learned that reading the gospels is really, really soothing. You read something Jesus had to say, and not only does he spit truth in ways that made it into common English expressions to this day; he also was cool as hell. He could have said, "give me your money" to be saved, as modern televangelists do. But he only said, "give your money to the poor and follow me." Who does this? It really sends a shiver up your spine if you think about it.

My arguement is right over my car....*starts ignition* *car sounds*.

No, the kikes created it

Take your bullshit to >Is Christianity the true redpill to saving Western civilization
Yeah, being a universalist retard and bringing in a load of foreigners, that's the solution. You figured it out.

>the post enlightenment worldview
At this point you are no longer, nor should you be, a Christian.

Christianity is Judaism for the masses. The USA's Founders knew well the value of separation of church and state, though they put on a show for the people.

Christian ethics are literally the guide to a healthy society and a happy life.

7 Heavenly Virtues:
1. Chastity - "Castitas" - Avoiding the tempations of the flesh makes your character stronger, as well as leading to stronger marriages and larger, stronger families. Sex should only be for the purpose of reproduction as God intended.

2. Diligence - "Industria" - Hard-working, dutiful people get ahead further in life. Honor your ancestors and your loved ones by applying yourself every day. Rise with the dawn and give the day your all. God loves you for it.

3. Temperance - "Temperantia" - Moderation is key in all things. Do not indulge in the excesses of food and drink and learn self-control. People that know themselves and can control their base animal impulses get ahead further in life. Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone and you will ascend to a superior plane of existence.

Charity - "Caritas" - Do not grow overly attached with your material posessions. This world is but a veil of the real. Learn to share what you own with those that are worthy.

Patience - "Patientia" - Good things come for those who wait. Learn to plan, and wait, and think ahead. Patient people are strategic people, and do better than those guided by their whims and nerves. Learn to distance yourself from the here and now and see the big picture.

Kindness - "Humanitas" - Treat others with the respect you wish to be awarded. This does not mean to be submissive. After all, the Bible says: "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion". You can be strong and protect your interests without becoming an asshole.

Humility - "Humilitas" - Understand your place in the universe, you are but His creation. Being humble pushes you to better yourself, once you recognize you will always have room for improvement. Your achievements look greater when they stand on their own, without bragging.

Eastern Orthodoxy became "closed off" because their Middle Eastern, African, and Mediterranean territories were conquered by Muslims. The Slavic countries were occupied defending against the same thing for centuries. In the modern era Russia was engaging in evangelism, e.g. in Alaska; but it and the surrounding Orthodox nations fell to communism. It hasn't been very long that Orthodox Churches have been able to actually act freely in the world, and in some places (e.g., Turkey, where the Ecumenical Patriarchate is located) they are still under some level of oppression. The modern situation is a result of all of this.

When will the "WE WUZ KANGZ"-level retarded argument that Jews plotted Christianity to cuck the masses just fucking die? If that was the case, then they were possibly the most forward-looking people in history, given that it took about 1900 years to start. And the rise of atheism in western europe certainly has NOTHING to do with the mass influx of muslim refugees.

>evangelized to the world
Through bloodshed and forced conversions (Crusades and Spanish Inquisition). The Orthodox have encouraged converting willingly.

>they're too closed off to themselves instead of evangelizing the world
They are pretty open to evangelizing. The Patriarchates build mission parishes.

Keep in mind the Roman Church heretically added to the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.
They also added heretical doctrines and dogmas that were non-existent in the Early Church.

Christianity is the answer to Islam. It has defeated it since the 7th century and will continue to.

>the rise of atheism
Is the only thing that enabled science to flourish.

It happened moreso around 1900, and you can see exactly the results.

You had your Christianity for over a thousand years, and it did NOTHING. Nothing, save for create Islam itself, that is.

Yes. It has true morals. The only thing in life that is worth living.

You're fucking spot on mate!

>the people who started the dark ages will save the West
>the people who started the Inquisition will save the West
>the people who attacked the Enlightenment and modern will save the West
lol no

The halt of all human advancement also coincided with Christianity in the western world, user. Buddhism looks closer to a functional set of tenets.

Why are all Christians SJWs?

Take away god.
Look at how fucking good the morals are.

Just go traditionalist catholic.

Orthodox may have tradition as well but look at how many of them divorce, use contraception and get abortions... Orthodox isn't catholic because they are divided among ethnic lines.

We should try to get the Mongols woke. Sleepy little nation sandwiched between China and Russia, in the 1200s it owned both their asses. And it fucking demolished Islam at will. That Conan-looking nigger from Game of Thrones surely based on the Mongols.

It is shilling to destroy Christianity.

We are entering the Great Age of Apostasy, as predicted in the Bible. I used to be an atheist, until I realized the elites that rule the world and promote atheism are not atheists themselves. They practice occultism, chaos magic, devil worship.

It doesn't matter if you believe the Devil is real or not. THEY DO. And their agenda intends to bring a Luciferian World Government as predicted in the Holy Book.

This has drawn me closer to Christianity again.
The realization that there are very powerful people plotting day and night for its destruction.

That's when I realized how important Christianity is in keeping the social cohesion of the Western world. They need to destroy it to destroy the family, tradition, culture, nationhood - the pillars of society - so that they can take over.

All of this has been foretold in the Bible.
The more these predictions become true, the most steadfast I grow in my faith.

We need to pray and stay strong.
Do NOT accept the Mark of the Beast even under penalty of death.

We shall prevail in the end.
It has been written.

Jesus was the first sjw, user.


The Inquisition was Christianity's pendulum swinging back too hard after the Moors were expelled from Spain. Nothing in history was without a justification of some sort (often an invalid one, but there is always a justification). The Christians were sick to fucking death of Ahab and Mahkmood thinking they owned the place, and the purge was brutal. Then and only then did it spread to Protestants, pagans, and so on.

In short, the Inquisition never would have happened but for the sand niggers coming to Europe. I'm sure they called themselves refugees then, too.

>Just go traditionalist catholic
Traditionalist Catholics still accept doctrine that wasn't present in the Early Church.

>get abortions
If they do, then they are excommunicated. Abortions are against the church.

>Orthodox isn't catholic because they are divided among ethnic lines.
The Orthodox Church is not divided among ethnic lines. The "ethnic" names (Greek, Antiochian, Ethiopian, Coptic, Albanian, Serbian, Russia) are really just indicators of different rites. The Antiochian Orthodox conduct their liturgy a little differently than the Greek Orthodox. Non-Greeks can go to a Greek Orthodox Church. No one is divided ethnically, the names are just a way of identifying the rite of liturgy.

How can you even believe in God when science has already answered your stupid questions? We even know how the universe came into existence in the Big Bang, yet you spear chuckers are saying all kinds of moronic shit like always. I doubt you were ever an atheist you lying spic

Bullshit he was. The SJW image of Jesus is SJW. That dude chasing fuckers out of the temple with a scourge was not an SJW at all.

Neither was the same man who, when faced with execution for saying there was a higher authority than Rome, basically said, "Well there is. Deal with it." No SJW had the courage of his convictions like this.

But things were given to Catholics by apparitions. Like Our Lady of Fatima, who said to pray the rosary daily, and predicted communism and the deaths of the seers. And the modern day eucharistic miracles. Does orthodox have anything supernatural like that to offer?

Don't SJW activists do all of those things all the time?

"Morals are higher than your democracy."
"Get out of this establishment you racist pigs."

Although factually, I'm fairly sure Jesus was killed for criticizing Judaism, wherein the mob demanded his death. That's the whole crown of thorns thing, you know.

Funny how nowadays he's supposed to be the child of Yahweh and you all worship the Old Testament. Well then.

Why would you point out that current day SJW's are cowards, user? We already know that. What I said about jesus still stands.

A catholic priest came up with the big bang theory.

Big Bang supports God.

So much anger, yet so little substance.

Every year, on the Saturday before Pascha (Easter), the miracles called the "Holy Fire" occurs at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The Holy Fire also doesn't burn those that touch it. When the Roman Catholics took Jerusalem in the Crusades, the miracle would not happen for the Catholic bishops.

Also, the holy Theotokos (Mary) appeared above a Coptic Church in the Marian Apparition of "Our Lady of Zeitoun."

There are also plenty of other miracles, mostly having to do with Saints (levitation, incorruptability, visions, etc.).

Belief in God does not exclude the possibility of the Big Bang. Your arrogance blinds you, for many great minds have already pondered the question of Agnostic Christianity.

There is no scientific evidence to believe in God, but you can believe anyway. In fact, that's the meaning of faith, that's what makes your choice have value.

I suggest reading Kierkergaard, Kant, CS Lewis.

Science is not an enemy of religion, and science need not be atheist. In fact most of the great scientists in history, and most of the STEM Nobel laureates have been Christians.

How typical of a fedora atheist to try to steal the accomplishments of Christian scientists for their side.
>Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards

I know the 2-part reason for Jesus's death, yes. The Pharisees (and Sadducees) hated him for calling himself Messiah and ending traditional Judaism. But when they turned him over to Rome, they did not complain about this. The Romans would have told them to fuck themselves. Instead, they accused Jesus to the Romans of insurrection.

I don't care about OT. Why are you pretending you know fuckall about me?

As for the SJW thing . . . just because you can take something Jesus did and generalize it enough to fit something SJWs do, this does not make Jesus an SJW. Jesus was pissed about hypocrisy, not "muh racism."

Watch, to make my point, I'll do it with Unabomber, an absolute redpill machine:

"Society's pursuit of technology is empowering leftists who seek to degrade and destroy that very same society. My violence in defense of a moral society trumps the laws of that society."

"Get out of the higher establishments of learning, you Marxists, or I'll mail you a bomb."

Now we've discovered Unabomber was an SJW too, right? Wrong. Neither was Jesus.

Unironically yes. The masses need concrete morals and a belief system.

>Overall, Christians have won
By killing everyone else and grinding science to a halt for a thousand years.
Go back far enough and it's pagans get everything and Christians get nothing.
Whoever's in charge hands out the awards, obviously.

The fact remains that Christianity is incompatible with science due to the little thing called "evidence".

>I don't care about OT.
Then you're not a Christian. What's the meaning of the word "christ", eh?

If you remove all the Judaism, you get secular humanism, and Jesus' opposition to temple charlatans. An opposition which applies to Christian 'temples' as well.

Does not conclude the existence of God but does not preclude it either. Unless you can know the entirety of the observable universe and the nature of conciousness itself, you are not qualified to deny God exists, just as I do not *know* he exists. But I choose to believe.


I heard the holy fire comes from a lamp that has been burning for 1500 years.

What's the best and most uncucked denomination of Christianity?

>but does not preclude it either
Deities are proven not to exist ontologically by indistinguishability. You have no criteria of evidence which can prove conclusively the act of a deity, thus it cannot logically exist.

You can only suppose the existence of a powerful creature, which could be a stealth bomber pilot running a trick on your tribal self.

I believe it is less an act of hubris to admit that we do not know where the universe came from. It certainly deals with the temple charlatans nicely in that regard.

Wow, it's amazing how little you understand of the Bible for one who wants to argue it.

The bible was written before the destruction of the temple though

My pastor sent me an email of the church fathers supposedly believing in sola scriptura. Now since I was a Reformed Baptist, I simply asked this.

A)where in the church fathers do they say that the Bible alone is SUFFICIENT as a rule of faith and is the ONLY rule of faith?

B)If the Bible Alone is sufficient, why the need of the Church Fathers to believe in some lineage of succession where Scripture and doctrine is handed down?

C)If the Church Fathers say Sola Scriptura, why don't they in practice follow what James White says that is, "not in need of any supplement."

King James only Baptist

>the Bible
I'm not talking about the 'bible', I'm talking about Jesus. The historical figure.

Your 'bible' was written by the corrupt and Yahweh-suckling aristocracy.

I just Googled, I didn't find anything with a quick look mentioning a lamp.

Guards search the Patriarch before he enters to make sure the Miracle isn't a fraud.

Now you're just making it up as you go along. "I'm not talking about the one book that discusses Jesus. I'm talking about my made-up version of him."

OK, dude. Whatever, LOL!

no. DKOS is the bluest and jewest of pills. Read John Lamb Lash, meditate, do yoga...etc you doublenigger

Satan is the real Jesus. Fuck rabbi yeshua and the Jew egregore they call YHWH

>Believe in Jesus, goy. He was not a jew, no no no.

Eastern Orthodoxy (read previous posts of mine and research the faith).

>we do not know where the universe came from.
That's what Agnostic Christianity preaches.
We do NOT know.
We CHOOSE to believe.

Cнoвa ты здecь? A нy пoшeл вoн oтcюдa!

>the one book
Believe that is the only book all you like. It is certainly what they want you to.

The ancient papyri tell a very different story, though.

But I know you will continue to worship the deceiver and be consumed in death by it. What is one more after these thousand years, eh?

>We CHOOSE to believe.
Which is self-indulgent ignorance. You can choose to believe you're made of rubber, but jump from your house and you will not bounce.

It is again, less arrogant to choose to believe in the truth: that you do not yet know.

Remember lads, your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is our counselor and helper, and guides us to all goodness and truth.

Let yourself be filled with the Holy Spirit and shut out the world of the flesh.

Is it possible to be a good Christian without going to church?

>Christianity guides the white race for thousands of years
>people stop believing in Christ
>then they're surprised at how shitty their countries are now

really makes you think

No. The Church is humanity's sole vessel of salvation through bringing us into contact with sanctifying grace.

"extra ecclesiam nulla salus"

>“What is a poet? An unhappy man who hides deep anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so formed that when the sigh and cry pass through them, it sounds like lovely music.... And people flock around the poet and say: 'Sing again soon' - that is, 'May new sufferings torment your soul but your lips be fashioned as before, for the cry would only frighten us, but the music, that is blissful.”

Soren was based as fuck

Yes it is

you don't need to be a goodgoy Krishchin to feel the holy spirit. The holy spirit has nothing to do with sandnigger fairytales

>There is far more in the heavens and earth Horatio, than is dreamt of in your dead kike cult

You should burn.

Christianity is a cuck religion. Not only do they believe jews are God's chosen people, but they love welcoming refugees into their communities. Fuck christfags.

Liberal "Christians" are not Christians. Truth is eternal.


Nigger kill yourself. Fucking faggot

Man, I was pretty sure that Catholic was right. But now I am getting confused and thinking Orthodox could also be an option. I'm praying for guidance but I'm getting more confused. I'm still not baptized.

The Catholic Church and Orthodox Churches are both apostolic. Just don't be a heretic Protestant. One day God will see fit to reunite the East and West, but heretics have no place.

Ill spell it out for you Leaf, it literally doesn't matter what denomination you follow. As long as you read the Bible and apply its teachings to your life, then you're all set.

Most of the different sects are just LARP faggots.

No matter how thin you slice it, it's still baloney.


>lol see... this is exactly how resentful and petty Chris Chans are. Cucks. An embarrassment to their Aryan ancestors. Just goes to show...

Hahah you'll get yours pal. Fuckin sadsack kikelover

>leaf thinking he's aryan in any capacity

you're fucking delusional

Not too late to repent.


Also, know your enemy:


I'm nowhere close to being an atheist you fuckin mook
