Parisian women routinely harassed by migrants

> Women of the La Chapelle neighborhood can't walk outside without being harassed, insulted, in some cases threatened with knives or even sexually assaulted by groups of intoxicated migrants that moved in a year ago, find it increasingly difficult to walk outside unescorted. They've petitioned local authorities that acknowledged the issue but have failed to address it.

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The new Europe. Same with niggers and Mexicans here though. When they are in mass, they know it and abuse white wimins. They know their numbers secure them.

Harassment by Muslims isn't uncommon but used to be confined to shitty no-go suburbs outside of Paris, what's new is that the enrichment is now creeping up even in gentrified areas of town.

France need to live with harassement.

>tfw Ahmed will never grab me with his strong arms
God damn it.

i was in paris last year and i loved it mostly for the food, atmosphere, architecture, natives. i did not think parisians were rude at all. much more friendly than americans, desu.

the blacks in your country are way less feral. they worried me least.
i was around gare du nord and there were a lot of undesirables there tho. I saw 2 arabs get into a fight, gypsies asked me for "signatures" on a clearly very old tattered piece of paper they use every day, and some crazy homeless nigs. one failed to get a beer bottle into a trash can, so he just picked it up and shattered it against the rim.

what made me feel a little better is that they know their place. french people will never be pulled down to their level.
love your country.

So there are just mass groups of these fucks all over public spaces?

ficki ficki

I bet those cunts all voted for Macron, too.

But we keep making movies like La Haine anyway.

You get what you voted for

its a part of living in france, just like getting rammed by a truck, raped or having your genitals cut after they ak-47 you.
you need to learn to live with it.
you voted for it.


Problem is they still won't denounce immigration.

dumb cunts this is what they wanted

Now is your chance Paris fags. Gather around that woman's house and fucking protect her. It will cause a huge movement. Stop being bitches!

Good, let the cucks who keep voting for that shit to happen enjoying the diversity they so want.

Thanks but the blacks and kebabs you've seen are African migrants, the ones causing the most problems are those born here that live in the shitty parts of town you haven't seen. Unfortunately it is getting harder each year to get away from them, they're everywhere, even in small towns.

>refugees welcome!
>white men are nazis

>get raped

>help me white men

Voted for more of the same they deserve everything and worse. France will be worse than america in 20 years.

French didn't vote for Le Pen, they deserve everything that's coming to them. When they're being culturally enriched by sandniggers, they're going to say "At least no one thinks I'm a racist".

The funny thing is, this will happen to Jews as well eventually.

See if you tuba players had guns your women would never have to worry about this shit. When we open carry it keeps streetholes away because they know we can just kill them if they get uppity.

>import 3rd world
>get 3rd world

Why are they complaining? This is exactly what they voted for.


95% of Parisians voted for this, I have absolutely no sympathy for them

3rd worlders need to just mass suicide

I'm sick of this shit

Me neither, it's just interesting the Media is only making a fuss about it now the elections are over.

The breakdown of feminism begins with requiring an escort to exist outside of a box.

History doesnt lie

>ctrl+f "magrhébins" "arabes" "noirs" "black" "musulmans" "africains"
>0 result
you can't make this shit up.

>shitskin migration ruins life for women
>women overwhelmingly support the shitskin invasion

You don't leave the house without a male guardian. Have they made no effort to integrate with the new French?

france is an islamic nation. nobody gives a shit about what happens there anymore

>Id rather die than be oppressed by a white man!

One way ticket to morocco, coming right up

all they need to do is a slut march with tits out
the authorities always acknowledge those

This is an interesting post. Women have literally made themselves prisoners.

God damnit france

Polish bro, promise me your country will never go the same way as the cucked west.

The people who voted for the continuation of the same shit are the same people who didn't make enough children, ruined the planet, polluted it, and left our borders down.

Why do you need to be so mean?

well never take rapefugees in

>France will be worse than america in 20 years.
uhhh sorry nigel but france is 20x worse than america right now

the 56% percenter has spoken

some romanians opened a bakery in my neighborhood. they are very friendly and much happier to be here than in romania. also the U.S. doesnt have tent-cities filled with gibmedats

Good. They literally voted for this.

>some romanians opened a bakery in my neighborhood
this is a lie.
lies have consequences.

They want that though.

They have stated they want Israel to be the Jewish homeland, they want them to go there with all their lovely money.

If all the jews in the EU and US went to Israel it would be the most powerful country in the world. Especially with the race to the bottom mentality of tackling climate change and diversity employment.

No, you have regular cities and sanctuary cities full of gibmedat.
56% needs to know his place.

I'd rather be 15% white and a Christian nation than whatever the fuck you're turning into

>he wants to be a christian

How is it interesting, they are telling people now because there is nothing they can do about it

Who cares, fuck France

central american laborers actually work and send money back to their families unlike the "refugees" you have to deal with who come to rape and pillage


That source is literally fake news and you retards are gobbling it up like crazy lol

Je suis expat francais, j'ai vote Fillon puis Le Pen. Et desormait je vois ma belle patrie ce faire viole par cest sale migrants

En barche :DDDDDD

>USA white population: 202,762,500
>Entire population of France: 66,800,000


>Be frenchfag
>Vote for Rapefugees
>Hope they won't deliver
>LePen Le Rasist!
>Vote Macron
>Further delivery in progress
>Still hope for profit

What about white refugees who can't live in Europe anymore? I've met plenty of Polish people in Ireland and I like them. Will you take me in?

In 2 millennia of European history I was never as happy to have Poland as a neighbor as now. They would never allow the flood of immigrants into our country :^)

We can laugh, but in 20-30 years, masses from Germany, UK and France will migrate to the Eastern Europe

American Christians are heretics.
>Muh rapture.

what am i watchin here? nigs fighting other nigs because they got the better camping spot?

If you are white you can come as long as you dont cause trouble

>intoxicated migrants

Isn't alcohol haram?

Not for frenchies

We need more euro immigrants in Aus to breed out the lebs and asians.

I know. I wasn't joking.
Thanks m8. Only a matter of time before Ireland becomes unlivable for whites.

that's a catholic thing moran

Most Muslims are only "good" Muslims or claim to be when it suits them.

>They would never allow the flood of immigrants into our country :^)
Why they need to go in Lithuania where they will not receive any money?

So it's not islam that's the problem?

Lol you retards self refute your own arguments

"look at what this book says. that means all 1 billion muslims foollow every word of it literally"

the whole migrant crisis is shocking to europe because they are getting their first taste of niggers (and muslims)
America has so much more violence caused by niggers it doesn't even phase them,

Is it that bad in Eire already?

No problem

Paris gave 5% to Marine Le Pen. Let them eat brown dicks.

They are tasting the fruit they so craved for.

Why do europeans love nigger culture like hip hop then?

And that is true as well! U-ra!!

We have three factors :
>a religion that's an intellectual and cultural cancer
>low IQ people
>a society that encourages degenerate behavior
What happens when you mix them?

>the whole migrant crisis is shocking to europe because they are getting their first taste of niggers (and muslims)
And it's so fucking depressing. And the same retards welcoming the invasion are the ones who shit on America for being dangerous, not realizing it's the niggers who ruined everything.


Aren't they the ones who wanted diversity more than everybody else?

>>a society that encourages degenerate behavior

Ironically strict Islamists have a lot in common with Sup Forums

>hate gays
>hate women
>hate premarital sex
>hate promiscuity
>hate drugs

This is all behaviour considered "degenerate" by Sup Forums.

>What happens when you mix them?
you become stronger

That's why they are so strong

You do realize there are different sects of Islam, right?

>Ironically strict Islamists have a lot in common with Sup Forums
fuck off newfag

>>hate gays
>>hate women
>>hate premarital sex
>>hate promiscuity
>>hate drugs
It's also the only thing they have for, so as long as they hate gays and women at the same time, they feel their life complete.

Good. They voted for it - they got it. Hope they get at least three dicks a day up their liberal shit pipes. Maybe after a few years of that - they'll start to have two brain cells rub together a thought about how Hitler was right.

>Sup Forums
>not degenerate

I really hate seeing this 40 year old raggedy dindus hollaring at a young poor white girl just trying to get to work, fucking disgusting

stuff like this will continue to show how unlimited, unrestricted immigration is an awful idea. From a simply practical perspective, the whole thing has been a massive disaster. It's just a matter of time.

i meant first taste of having to live with them. yea obviously american jews made a cultural victory on the world and so everyone gets exposed to nig music.

I know. I saw how unhygenic the Sup Forumsacks looked on the HWNDU stream

Marș la munca țigan hacker LOL

Congrats on the election, dumbfucks.


e sambata fmm de prost

you mispelled insects

haha oh god