Should governments in places like Canada and Australia restrict real estate purchases to people from within the country...

Should governments in places like Canada and Australia restrict real estate purchases to people from within the country, or restrict the amount foreigners can buy to prevent their markets from becoming overheated, overpriced bubbles? Or is this an unhealthy distortion of the market?

governments should seize all foreign-owned property immediately, take the children of the wealthy chinese and hold them hostage in major cities, and redistribute the gained wealth to White Canadins

Don't allow people with dual citizenship to purchase property.

No, they should have done that 20 years ago. That ship has sailed, rounded the cape, sunk, been reanimated as a ghost ship and made into t-shirts.

It's all academic now. If you suck the money out of the market by restricting foreign speculation you pop the bubble and collapse multiple securities industries (and a large portion of the economy).

It's engineered that way. We're stuck with it now and there's no easy way out. Accept a depression or sell your property to the world's wealthy.

damn statists

Home owners have the right to get the maximum return for their investment, No matter where the prospective buyers are from.

> Wanting to preserve your country and prevent it from being swallowed up by oligarchs who drive up property prices insanely to sell to your fellow countrymen getting scammed is somehow bad
I'd do anything to ensure that the state kept my country safe and working for the good of my people and getting rid of autists like you would be a part of that.

No, they should sell it to foreigners and then seize it in the event of war thereby profiting from the money and depriving their enemy that much of their overall worth.

My gradad fought the Japs because he wanted his boomer kids to be free to sell the place to the mainland Chinese.

>implying you need citizenship to buy property
Welcome to 21st century capitalism.


> Australia and Canada are going to war anytime soon

Australia has a law where foreign buyers can only buy brand new properties to encourage building

Accept your 'return' is something guaranteed by the state in a transaction system they warrant and administer.

You use the torrens system too, nzigger.

Pic actually looks nice. Where in Aussie land is that?

>concrete skyscrapers around samefag sand beach and polluted sea
It really must be shit in USA if you call that nice.

>Implying you need to be a person to buy property

I have 6 dead relatives killed fighting for Australia and 'The Empire'.
They all died and fought for freedom. The freedom to sell the next generations birthright.

It's probably the gold coast, our version of Miami. It exists to sell trinkets to tourists and a major part of the economy there is mugging people with bum bags.

Not with that attitude they arent!

I should also point out there is a very large difference legally between owning real estate and owning land.

That's true if you mean it like that or not, since you can be sitting abroad and somebody purchasing for you in their name. Or even abroad being nothing but a bank account behind which elites hide or even same country to increase prices. In Sweden they don't care if a plant with dollars pays, as long as they get money.

I think that's our great weakness. An observation of the English was that they were a nation of shop keepers. We figured out we could sell our wares globally. This was the inevitable result.

We're clever in the way that Jews are clever. We're burying ourselves and thinking that we're winning.