Baby Boomers

Did these stupid cunts do ANYTHING good?

They didn't abort you so I guess not?

Oh look it's another lazy entitled low IQ millennial blaming all his problems on past generations.

Yes goy it's all the fault of your parents and grandparents! They're the reason why you're in this mess!


Worse than slimes and nogs.

All degeneration and decline can be traced to their stewardship of the west.

Jews don't suck Chink cock you old retard they leave that up to the glue sniffers.

Get fucked OP.

Eat a dick old bastard.


No since you exist, They should have aborted you

57 year old boomer here.

Get a job you lazy faggot.

>Boomers invent Disco
>Boomers normalize drug use
>Boomers abuse personal bankruptcy, then shut it down on the way out.
Gas them all.

I have a job.

Well they were basically complicit in selling their kids and grandkids down the river so they could get social security gibs.

They were complicit in the Nixon shock.

They elected officials that took out loans they never intended to pay off themselves.

Instead, their children must pay it off and we didn't even have a say.

They sold you into slavery.

We shall kill them along with the non whites

integrated circuits

They were the labrats for a lot of bad shit, they invented a ton of good shit and they voted for some good people.
Without them you'd be driving a trabant made of asbestos while listening to the internationale that the government speakers play 24/7 unless chairman Tyrone Sanders is making a speech.

Lazy assed little motherfuckers are too busy with their facebook and instagram to actually plan or work towards their future. They want everything handed to them and when they are denied this, its always someone elses fault.

You worthless little fucks.

first IC was made in 1960. Pretty sure Boomers had nothing to do with it

No but in a decade or two they will give the world the gift of their deaths.

May be too late to clean up their mess though.

When I feel like bantering I blame them for everything. Really they're just the natural progression of a culture and a mindset. A sign of the times. The second world war, pop culture and loss of values created a generation that thought they'd be the ones who would fix racism and all societal ills. I doubt they ever thought they'd be the ones who'd undo western civilization.

Oh fuck off. Just as the WW2 generation will be remembered as the greatest western generation, the boomers will be remembered as the worst.


WW2 generation was largely garbage, too. And all the generations since before the Federal Reserve was created. None of them can escape the sin of allowing this to happen.

The "Enlightenment" was a fucking mistake. Luther should have been defenestrated and his "theses" burned.

Millennial here. Boomers fucked shit up but most of us also do dumb shit to ourselves

>Coworker wants to get a new car cause his is going to cost a ton to repair and he has like $2k negative equity
>Bitching he was only offered super high interest loans from Huntington National Bank of Bad Decisions
>Doesn't know his credit score
>Make him a Credit Karma account
>Missed payments everywhere
>Only debt is student loans and car loan
>Reccomend he get a credit card and pay it off at the end of the month with NO EXCEPTIONS
>Uhh I don't trust myself to be in debt
>Oh ok, nevermind the $60k in car/school loans
>Recommend he lease a car for 3 years to absorb the negative equity
>Tell him that if he really want to own it, look into a higher depreciation car that so his Residual is lower than what it would be after 36 payments
>Has his sights on a 2017 Honda Civic, which while nice hold their value
>Recommend he lease one for 3 years, and if he likes it with finance the residual, finance a 2020 Civic, or buy a used 2017 Civic
>Two days later he announces he financed a new Civic at 72-months

People just can't help themselves. I am 27 and I have a credit score of 785. I have a car loan and a student loan, but I make enough that these payments aren't a big deal. Sure I am not making the wisest decision by having all that debt, but I am reaping the rewards on my credit report