Is this the final meme that officially BTFO's Sup Forums?

Is this the final meme that officially BTFO's Sup Forums?

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Trump fucked up this time. MSM got to him on an emotional level and provoked him to this bitchy housewife-tier comment.

Name one politician who has been treated worse than Trump.
Pro tip: you fucking can't

You are right, surely they will impeach him on that basis.


He's 100% right tho. Sage for shills. Also, your meme is Facebook tier.

So gay
You made this, didn't you?


This is the whole "Trump has baby hands so he has a small dick"
>No I don't
"Wooowww, does everyone see how insecure Trump is talking about his penis size like that?"

You people are as desperate as ever.


from a recent Haarvaard study
>Trump has received unsparing coverage for most weeks of his presidency, without a single major topic where Trump’s coverage, on balance, was more positive than negative, setting a new standard for unfavorable press coverage of a president.

Based Israel!

delet this

Arnt memes supposed to be funny?

Or Trump can just ignore it and joke about it like Obama did.

It sickens me that the only positive coverage of Trump was when he bombed Syria
>MSNBC talking about how beautiful the missiles were

Fucking neolibs.

If if if if if if if if if if if if if
Okie doke

>let us endlessly attack your administration without responding or you lose!!

The media almost never attacked obama like this.
Don't even lie.

Trotsky, Julius Caesar

Yes it's over for us. No point coming back here now, were shutting down any minute now. Just stay on Faceberg and Jewddit goy.

This thread requires the lowest level of intelligence to participate. Sage

Trump fucking asked to be treated like this with all the stupid shit he says. And they're not going to stop until Trump learns to take it like a man and not a fucking pussy.

Hahaha yeah former Trump supporter here, not going to lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn, but seriously we can't let this guy be the president any longer

Trotsky was a warmongering genocidal Jewish piece of shit who got exactly what was coming to him. Caesar literally started a civil war because he was to proud to go into exile for a few years.

>Fox News
>not mainstream media

Son, I've got a bridge to sell you.


Hey remember that time I ran for President and got beat by a nigger in my own caucus?
