Atomic mind blow!

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Greetings fellows,

I am currently in understanding or attempt to grasp the meaning of Jewish Question and where it comes from. Why it happened.

As much as I got, Jewish question claims that Jews are in cahoots and their plan is to dominate the world to bring in the apocalypse and the return of their God? Is it so?

***If it is, then:

So, it is claimed that Orthodox Jews(OJs) and ZWO are in for it. It is also claimed that their moral codex is Talmud which contains Torahs which are known as "Old Testament".

Now OJs reject New Testament and Jesus, correct me if I am wrong.

This much the conflict is between Old and New testament.

Now the Old varies from New by the content of its moral teaching. Shortly speaking it is "US vs THEM" in Old and "Each one of us versus anybody else" in New.

If we look straight into the core the Old is about >Tribalism and the New is about >Individualism portrayed by Christ and his followers. >Correct me if I am wrong.

Now what we have is "Team Deathmatch" teachings and "Free for all" teachings.

The people from Old like their God and want him to return.

>Thus the conspiracy for world's end put as conspiracy to simplify things.
Won't God, if exists, punish the OJs for doing apocalypse instead of bringing them closer to himself as they wish?
>If I get it right, the plan is to get closer to got by making him return.

Unless God is not God but a Lucifer who will only welcome apocalypse and will come for sure, if exists in any other form.

Won't it make Jesus a son of Lucifer?

>If OJs say Jesus is a liar and/or a lie, correct me if I am wrong, wouldn't it mean that Jesus is not son of God, or Lucifer, in case God doesn't punish OJs for bringing the apocalypse but will reward them?

So who is Jesus then?

Who is God?

Is God a fallen angel who fakes to be a God?


>Now we can try and dismiss all of this as evolution of human psyche from tribalism to individualism written on paper to be spread as religious teaching for greater effect of acceptance and following at the times it was made.

>***So question is.

>Can it be that aliens, or interdimensional beings(IDBs) messed with humans? This is getting ever more real. Just as in case with Ancient Aliens from History channel and Unacknowledged documentary.

>There were aliens that taught tribalism, then other aliens/IDBs came with teachings of individualism. There was war of ideologies.

Tribalism instils hierarchy and it is more of biological order of who is stronger/smarter which is opposing to individualism which is a path to ascendance because you can't ascend as a group. Since it must be individual choice. Unless group is comprised of those who made same choice to ascend individually.

So bringing to real terms.

Can we say that groups like OJs want tribal aliens to return while Individualists don't really care about superior party to return as it is irrelevant to their nature due to lack of hierarchical need in the ideology?

Thus the atheism, because it rejects religion as it posseses hierarchy on its own thus must be rejected by individualists. Even if the only way to effectively disseminate individualist values is by means of hierarchical structure of religion for it to have lasting effect, in absence of better option at the times of religion. Otherwise we can return to tribalism forgetting it and being vulnerable.
Nowadays, it is easier by other methods to stay safe. >Thank the enlightenment.
Hold up, hold up. Does it mean that atheism is the just a checkpoint on the path to ultimate individualism and ascendance?


However if left outside of religion, person can be vulnerable against tribes making it an easy target for dominion through lets say: identity politics which "tribalises" individuals back into tribes/groups, you name it.

>Thus the only way to keep individualising yourself after leaving the religion segment of the path is to be aware of tribalism still being after your ass and keeping it together with other individualists who are aware of same yet they are capable of navigating without the guarding support of religion that by means of hierarchy protects the individualism giving it >"tribalistic shell"


>So, is individual responsibility in a group of individually responsible - a strategy against the tactics of the tribalism? No joke, but it sounds similar to ancap or mutually insured society.
>Is it a better shell as it allows greater individualism yet protects from tribalism.
>We don't need tribalist shell in the event of lack of tribes to attack individuals and individualism.
>Does tribalism come from the inability of individual to be conscientious enough, laziness, reduced Cognitive Capability? Other traits?
>If so, then ammendments are an intro for tribalists to learn what individualism is. Because ammendments contain rules that define traits of people with higher intellectual capability, more civity, less of animal nature and cruelty of natural order. See what I mean?
>Does it mean that smarter people are more likely to be individualistic because as their intellect growth, they reject traits that would prevent self-responsible individualistic soceities to exist.

>I mean more civity in individual and less animal nature. Correct me if I am wrong.

>The only self critic is. If tribal aliens/IDBs managed to evolve why their superior intellect didn’t make them individualistic.

>What if while growing intellectually they chose to keep their animal nature. Be closer to their origins, thus allowing path for hierarchical structures as mode of organisation. Being smarter and smarter they managed to optimise and find better ways of hierachical structures.
>If so, then it seems that individualistic aliens detach from animal origin as they evolved.
>The tribalistic aliens did not, which slowed their progress because animal structures affected their progress due to offsetting speed of intellectual growth.

>It is impossible to ascend if not to leave behind all the animal origins including body. Leaving it i spart of evolution and is a path to acension.
>Now clearly we can state that Spok is a greater step from animal nature towards evolution and ascenscion.

> Funnily enough Spok is represented as a part human giving him human connection yet being more superior human, as far from animalicity as possible. He is portrayed however as lesser or inferior to Kirk who is human and is quite emotional and is viewed as generally Captain and Spok his first commander, the subordinate. Can it be just one of those psyops by the tribalists trying to surpress individualism and evolution in the masses through media as with Star Trek example?

>So far my clearest view on this all

4 and 5 are my side notes on this all.


Woah guys. This is not about Jews vs Goyim. Forget anti-semitism and semitism. I think that the inflection point is at the Jews because they represent Tribalism per se, correct me if I am wrong, there are clearly more tribal groups.

This is tribalism vs individualism. People can be tribal or individualistic. For the same reason Jews who are individualistic will oppose jews who are tribalistic. Of course both sides can have spies, read "Art of War" and so forth to navigate conflict and diplomacy as a manual for a rookie. That is why bias/fallacy control is important. The less fallacies/bias - the closer to the truth. The easier to spot the liar/deceiver. You name it.

This can bring questions like.
Are there OJs who are members of individualistic groups?
Because OJs are an example of tribalism nowadays, correct me if I am wrong.

>wall of text

Basic Gestalt pls


Is Jesus an infiltrator, a setup of Individualistic aliens, who by pretending to be son of Tribalist alien in order to capture attention of followers of Tribalism at the time and convert them to individualism. At the times of lack of mental understanding, the only way is through religion.

What if alien ship guided Kings, as a light in the sky. So these "leaders of tribes" came to newborn Jesus. What if they were thinking that tribalistic alien did it. While it was individualistic alien. At the times our consciousness considered it to be gods and angels messing with us.

So they were first to give importance to Jesus, thinking he is a messenger of tribal alien, while he wasnt.

>My regards to individualistic aliens/IDBs for subverting tribalist aliens/IDBs. Nice move.

>What if conspiracy theories are trying the same thing. They are new form of lets say belief. Belief that there are two main types of aliens. Reptiloids who need slaves and are hierarchical and Aeons who are individualistic ascended beings. The real energy, a pure form above 3 dimensions we are imprisoned in.

Maybe some aliens try to promote battle of individualism through "conspiracy theories" which are actually truths. Thanks to leaks we know the satanism link of high-order leaders. Also hierarchical structure.

So since they hold power they can promote idea that those truths are conspiracy theories of mad people.
While some are, some are clearly not. Those are not discussed because they have truths in it.
That is why military industrial complex keeps alien visitation and alien technology away from public domain in US because it will bring individual liberty to all Earthlings. While in some other places it cannot be contained.

Surely the control of it is not 100% therefore some forms of individualistic and free spread of information allows it.

>I repeat, so far my clearest view on this all
>I am having nuclear mind blow


Can't make it simple because this is a complex content.


AMA, Q/A after reading. I guess I need some answers as well.


where are the pics? I don't do words good

Sum it up Ahmed

Here you go, now read it you lazy!

Yes sir, thank you sir

It is already summed up! Can't do it smaller.

please explain

just messing, explain what you understood, i want to make it clearer for next readers

It seems this gets slid hard!

So where are you folks?

Semen demons are waiting in the dungeons.

But first clean your room!

KEK, I need help!

Close enough!!!

KEK, it is important!

Fellows! I need your support to KEK harder!

I am sorry for bumping so selfishly!

i'm here for the lewd, dont mind me

Frogman! Help me concentrate the power of KEK!

Any society in which single combat to the death is not the appeal of last resort in dispute processing is in a state of war. In a state of war, individualism means defeat. People who evolved with single combat to the death as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing are congenitally individualistic. The trick is to understand that a culture of true individualism is a culture of individual integrity. This means that congentically individualistic people are more capable of waging war than are cultures of group integrity because, having integrity as individuals, their agreements and words are actually meaningful and binding -- hence Declarations of War can cement their group organisms, temporary though they may be, for the achievement of the object of the Declaration in a way that brings the full force of human cognition to their coherent acts.

Jews have a confused history but one thing is certain: They've pursued a group evolutionary strategy that does not permit individual integrity to evolve to a high state.

They differ from other groups with integrity in that their primary evolutionary environment has been through multiple cycles of various civilizations -- so they have group-embedded adaptations to exploit civilizations.

this looks like what i said

>However if left outside of religion, person can be vulnerable against tribes making it an easy target for dominion through lets say: identity politics which "tribalises" individuals back into tribes/groups, you name it.
for proof of this, just look at voting patterns.

whoah, this looks woah.

>Am I getting delusional or I am onto something?

Schizo shit. Jesus and ayys.

Not an argument!

Basic gestalt is for lazy.

This is complex, not complicated. Read it.

Well, it is. Your entire supposition is based off of IDBs that somehow care about not only this dimension but this specific place in this dimension. In your theory, you're giving far too much importance to the focal point that we would be in this situation. You're also trying to simplify complexity to the point that it can't be.

This is not a theory around IDBs. IDBs are a contemporary parallel for easier understanding of the thought process.

Marthin Luther
and next question

look at this beyond religion, look at it from the side just as other variables

Waiting for KEK blessing, sicne he is chaos I doubt he wants less chaos!