The Soul of Sup Forums????

Can any one group, or ideology, ever claim to possess ownership of the very soul of Sup Forums?
What IS the soul of Sup Forums to YOU?
Should we be working towards reconciliation, between the alt-right, and the alt-light?
All opinions are welcomed.

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Neither thing exists. Go away, Jew.

Sup Forums belongs to leafs ever since we stole their nazi ai gf

/pol is chaos in its purest form

Sup Forums is a vast coalition of differing political ideologies all with the goal of just shitposting.




Sup Forums is the property of the Alt Right, Richard Spencer is our commander-in-chief of meme-warfare. Anyone who disputes this is a shill.

They feel real to me.
A shorthand way of describing the majority of the right currently.

Sup Forums is gay.
Prove me wrong

Yes, Stormfront! We are the forefathers of the very freedoms you now enjoy on this board.
Moot couldn't kills, nobody can kill us, fuck you fucking nuhomo cock addict faggots

I'm not part of the right in the first place. What does "right" even mean? And now we've rapidly moved from "alt-right" to "alt-light?"

None of it means anything. You might as well try to tell me that "capitalism" is the source of all problems without being able to make any sense or propose a coherent alternative. It's nothing more than Soros-Brzezinski style color revolution.

It's a catchall term used by the media to lump together people who disagree with them. What it is you "feel" is relatively irrelevant, as you most likely wouldn't even be able to give a definitive definition to either of those terms other than "that's what Sup Forums is, lol."

freedom of association. that is the Sup Forums zeitgeist.


Do you need a safe space?
Antifa can help with that.
You're DEFINITELY in the wrong place.
I know that for SURE.

Alt right is a libtard term.
Alt light is a mockery of the term

Kek obviously

Aww yiss


we love hitler ironically or not
we love nazis ironically or not
we hate blacks ironically or not
we hate jews regardless
we love to make people or ourselves mad
that's the very core of pol

Posting a link to a video is not a substitute for an argument, you lazy fucking namefag.

>alt right

Left, and right, are VERY real.
I was being nice, pretending National Socialists are any kind of right-wing.
You are not.
The very fact that you are too dumb to understand the true right/left paradigm, is WHY you were dumb enough to get tricked into being a Nazi to begin with.
You are a joke.


The main thing that most of us have in common is White Nationalism, but we have a lot of different ideologies here.

That said, Sup Forums is a NatSoc board. I tolerate any other white nationalists, but the alt-lite (((civic))) nationalists need to get the fuck out. They will hang.

That's what liberals say, when confronted with video evidence, that might refute their authoritarianism. You ARE a left-winger.

When was I a national socialist? That was just a power consolidation. It doesn't matter.

So you are on a board about being Politically Incorrect, but you want to create a system, which annihilates all opposing opinions?
You fascinate me.

Debt-fueled capitalism is a manifestation of human corruption, but it's quite effective at magnifying negative qualities. I'd prefer to see a stable, land-based economy, with controls to prevent power consolidation, but also making sure that the dregs aren't rewarded for nothing.

But my main gripe is that infinite growth is a fucking meme that can, in fact, be connected to most, if not all, of our problems today. Chief among them being feminism and mass immigration.
Socially conservative, economically centrist. Fuck commies and fuck free markets. desu we need to kick out the nonwhites before we implode on this sort of thing, though.

Natsoc is dead

Democracy was a mistake. It diffuses your enemy--in an authoritarian state, if something goes wrong, you know who to blame. Here, everyone and everything is suspect, from your own spouse to the president, and everything in between.


I'll be happy when the infinite growth people put the fake Jewish debt currency foremost in the crosshairs.

Whether or not life itself is to do with infinite growth and whether the universe is expanding or not and what it all means we can debate when we get out from under slavery.

You are not against Political Correctness, you are in favor of a NEW kind of FORCED PC?
Are there many of you who are this insane (sarcasm, I already now the answer....I been here long time).

It died with world war 2
It lost the only war it fought while being the "strong" goverment
There is no way u can bring it back user

Not going to argue with you here.
Yes, precisely. Why should I not oppose people who want to destroy the white race?
I have my own ideas for an international order, which I can explain if you like. I'd hardly call myself extreme in this respect.

We do not live in a democracy bruh.
If you were capable of watching//reading anything that might refute your fantasy, like other liberals, you would already know that, from the video I tried to share with you.

>losing a war against the entirety of the developed war
>still takes 6 years
In any case, the idea remains and always will.

You are correct in saying that I support national socialism, but you are incorrect in calling the soul of Sup Forums altright. In fact, if you were to ask any modern liberal about Nazism, they'd say that it was RIGHTWING. Again, this is the conversation where we go back to the fluidity of labels for the purpose of propaganda. Rightwing/left-wing labels are irrelevant.

I want nazism and removal of jews, niggers, etc. A return to traditionalism, the nationalization of our banks, the purification of our populace, and the removal of foreign influence on this country would do wonders. Taking over Canada and making a wasteland out of Mexico by bombing the Fuck out of it is the ideal succession to this scenario.

Honestly this i fucking hate this meme
>What you can't fight against the entire developed world all at once?
>Your ideology doesn't work

But they were subhuman / weak democrats
How can the strong german state get deafeted by them?

I do not need an explanation of authoritarianism, to know it is my enemy, and the opposite of Political Incorrectness.
People like you, would post Pepe, for yoour racist bullshit, but were you in power, you would ban uses of Pepe, you disagree with.
You know nothing of being anti-PC

What we actually are is irrelevant. It's what people believe, and the overwhelming majority of Westerners really think they have a choice in the matter.

Basically, I gave up on the idea of freedom, because it'll inevitably be subverted and destroyed or just thrown away by the irresponsible. To me, power will always be sought, and if that is the case, I'd prefer that power be used to safeguard the white race, rather than destroy it.

it's pure chaos, anyone that tries to make sense of it only looks like a fool

as we've all seen with mainstream media

You are too stupid, to argue with bruh.

Dozens of countries against one or two strong opponents usually doesn't work out in the former two countries favor. Italy was a paper tiger.

>the entire developed world
"Subhuman" slavs and weak americans, nothing compared to natsoc strength


My job is redpilling normies...

My friend Mike taught me. He's a fake Jew.

Fuck you dickhead!

Sup Forums's essence is whatever ideologies in the world are actively censored and socially repressed.

Japan and germany vs US and Slavs, both of which are inferior
The other countries were a meme

You are stupid enough to think natsoc PROTECTED Aryan people, are you?
Is that for real?
You don't really think that.
I believe almost ALL of you, are full of shit liberals, who HATE white people...just like the Jews who funded natsoc.
You and George Soros....together till the very end.

"You might as well try to tell me that "capitalism" is the source of all problems without being able to make any sense or propose a coherent alternative."

Don't tell me I've got cancer doc unless you have a cure.

Because that works.

That's correct. The doctors can't cure cancer. They can only sell you stuff that prolongs the cancer.

And you're apparently too lazy/stupid to articulate exactly what it is you believe, so you use leading questions and videos in place of coherent statements. Go back to whatever upvoted shithole you came back from, faggot namefag.

>Japan helped Germany on the Eastern and Western European fronts.
Nigga wut

What do external factors have to do with an ideology?
I would only ban anti-white activities. Politics comes and goes with the flow of time, but the loss of a genetic lineage is irreversible. Hence my safeguarding of it. Feel free to post peepees.

I'm a Slav, you dumbfuck. Let me break this down for you.
Combined population of USSR and Western Allies: 450 million (not including British Imperial territories)
Combined population of Greater Germany and satellites: 130 million
And mind you, Germany's allies were just meat shields. They had either no military ability (Italy) or no industrial base (Finland), or lacked both (Romania).

In peacetime, yes, it would. Simply by virtue of preventing genetic contamination. Don't blame an ideology for its opponents.
Next thing you'll tell me is that evangelical christianity is liberal because liberals don't like it.

This thread was never about what I think, but what others think.
You're the idiot, on a anti-PC board, saying you possess the soul of Sup Forums, while wanting to create a system of PC of your own.
In short, it's not my fault you are a wackadoo.
It was likely your WHITE parents.
You see, white people, can be stupid too.

>what do external fctors have to do with ideology
If your ideology is based on strength..
>im a slav
Hitler would have killed you but whatever
So? hitler could have won despite the numbers.. but he fucked up and destroyed natsoc and nationalism



Don't blame an ideology, for its opponents? kek.The arrogance of you pricks.
Sometimes people hate you FOR A REASON.
By your logic, we should not judge pedophiles poorly, because most people fucking hate them.
Psychosis. Neurotic narcissism.

Loneliness and hatred define us.

Sup Forums is kek in a savory marinara, served with garlic-butter breadsticks for the pleasure of the bungling galactic clusterfuck which We [there is no We] lovingly call the CABAL.
I'd say that's close enough for the kid, wouldn't the rest of you fat, semen-knuckled, utterly life-cucked game faggots (and I say that lovingly)?

That was a totally unacceptable and unkosher way to pay off the Versailles denbts.

The ideology is based off of self-preservation and self-improvement. The world's strongest man can still be beaten if you throw enough Korean midgets at him, that doesn't make him any less strong.

>Hitler would have killed me
lurk moar

Were there things Hitler could have done better, with the benefit of hindsight? Absolutely. That doesn't mean the ideology is all of a sudden impractical.

>By your logic, we should not judge pedophiles poorly, because most people fucking hate them
lolwut? Pedos deserve the chambers. I'm simply saying that you should judge the ideology on its own merit. If you want to tell me that it's morally equivalent to pedophilia, go ahead, but back it up instead of appealing to popular opinion.

Hitler was a zionist jew, faggot
He never killed jews and destroyed europe , nationalism and lost the war intentionally to give israel a state, dont give me the "hitler could have done things better" bullshit

Nice job switching Hitler with National Socialism. Please get back on-topic.

He also created Zionism, worked with Jews, like Soros, to round up his own people, and kill them, he was also a Jew HIMSELF, who was funded by leftists, on Wall Street.
It is pretty easy, to be successful, with that kind of backing.
you are STILL falling for the same tricks our ancestors died over, in WW2.
Makes me nauseated, that we are the same breed.
Real white men, believe in freedom, and are not scared of minorities like you.
I KNOW I AM AT LEAST THEIR EQUAL....that is why you are more terrified than I am.
True white supremacists, EMBRACE the opportunity to compete side by side with ANY race.
People like you, are OBVIOUS weaklings. Scared little girls.

English, nigger. You should try it.

Hitler literally started issuing his own currency during 1935 through the issuance of credit certificates. He completely bypassed international banking by circumventing the traditional gold backed currency process. You know absolutely nothing about history. GTFO

And if you look at my post id, I only ever spoke about what it is I thought and I only ever made statements on my own behalf. You're tye trying to make a system of consistency here where Sup Forums is one person, not me. I can only speak about what it is I believe, while you can only seem to make uniformed and baseless statements. Namefags are cancer. KYS yourself to death.

Jokes, nigger. You should gtfo.

Nat soc

Hitler was a part of natsoc faggot
If one man can cause so much problems in a nation then why give any man so much authority in the first place?

Adolf Hitler was not a kike. Source your claims to prove your statement. I'll wait.

If it was dead we wouldn't be talking about it

>Alt right is a libtard term
I'm gonna have to stand in for my eastern neightbour, and be the proofster.
So, any proofs?

We're just a humble Micronesian sponge knitting forum, where anyone can spout whatever shite he wants - as long as he can defend his position.

We should work towards conciliation with the Jews. Peace without submission.

We do talk about many dead stuff user
Roman empire, persia etc.

>Merry Christmas, user!
>Open it!
>I knited you a sponge!
>Do you like it?

The soul of Sup Forums is that of a mal-developed male who enjoys larping as a nazi because rustling peoples jimmies is funny.

Reread your own link, you detestable faggot. Literally the last libe of the article.

"Despite the claims, Adolf Hitler was not Jewish."

Murder yourself.

>"a study had been conducted in which saliva samples were collected from 39 of Hitler's known relatives to test their DNA origins and found"


Attributing a soul to Sup Forums? This format hasn't changed since the late 1990s. It is a clusterfuck.

That is not conclusive.
If he was not a Jew, why found Israel, answer THAT shit.
He is at LEAST an honorary Jew.
So are you, for being a follower of his.

He also planned to give them madagascar


Sup Forums has no soul Sup Forums is hell incarnate.

You glorify a dead country, and a dead man, that helped birth political Zionism, and killed MILLIONS of the whites, you claim to want to protect.

how many millions?


Fucked if I know bruh...I am retarded when it comes to remembering numbers.
And nobody cares, when they are white.

Sup Forums's soul is discourse in its truest form. Either you make a good argument and get shat on or you make a shit one and get shat on. It's perfect.
There's no ego only content.

It was probably more like 7

Because he wanted the jews out of Germany and wanted an ethnostate. International jewry, which controls the banks, wanted to destroy Germany for sidestepping the treaty of Versailles and robbing them of their profits that were imposed on the Germans through war reparations. Now post proof of Hitler being controlled by jews or gtfo.

>>By your logic, we should not judge pedophiles poorly, because most people fucking hate them.

Not everyone. Fuck off, clueless T_D sycophant.