Which one do you prefer? which one sucks the most? and why?

which one do you prefer? which one sucks the most? and why?

love me some communism and socialism
capitalism is cancer


Great representation of Communism, realistic af

this doesn't make sense

dont dumb-respond to bump you thread.

you gotta wait at least 10 min for it to selfbump anyways

Since all communist countries either collapsed or allowed private businesses to take over its failed economy I am going to have to go with capitalism.

fascism looks pretty good
kill all the blue niggers, then all you have left is rich white guys.

wtf I love fascism now

If only communism was like this

The one where I get to have a gun and money.

I'm not much in to hats. I'd give the hat away to the needy.


Reminder that Communism needs a steady progression from:

Feudalism > Capitalism > Socialism > Communism

I think Communism just needs a lot of Jews to effect mass murder and take over.

Fascism >> Feudalism >>> Imperialism >>>> Crapitalism > Theocracy > Anarchocapitalism >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>> Gommunizm >>>>> Socialism

People start off as savages. So you have to enslave and force them to build an industrial society. FEUDALISM.

Now we make that industrial society as efficient as possible. Extracting all the wealth and richness that they can by any means. Slaves make way for machines. CAPITALISM.

Now that we have all these machines and wealth all established, we can now distribute it equally. SOCIALISM.

Now that everyone has wealth, they are free to do as they please. You can pick and choose your jobs, lifestyle. We don't even need a government or police force, not really. Everyone is satisfied. The only problem now is that people from the "outside", those in the Feudal to Capitalist stages, will try to destroy us because we're an inspirational threat to their power. COMMUNISM.

If the outside stresses are too much, they regress back to the earlier stages and have to start all over.


When will the goyim learn?

technocratic social democracy is best, in the future i hope AI can plan/regulate economic activity to maximise life quality for all

>love me some communism and socialism
>capitalism is cancer

t. illiterate idiot

>AI can plan/regulate economic activity to maximise life quality for all

>not realizing algorithms dance as you play
>not realizing algorithmism is new statism


Imperialism looks by far the best.

Capitalism is misrepresented by that comic. No one's putting a gun to your head and telling you to work; you aren't a slave. You can quit your job, you can get educated to make yourself more valuable, you can start your own business and compete. There's not one guy with money bags; there's a guy who started WHERE YOU ARE and took RISKS to get to where he is, so that he can hire people to work for him.

If you let the government turn up the regulations, what happens is it becomes hard to start up a business and compete with the bighats (who can actually survive the regulations).

Feudalism. You did represent it wrong. The nobleman did not take ALL of the peasant's work. He only took a very small part.
There were cases in the middle ages when the peasant was richer than their lord( which basically meant he worked very hard but in the end it all pays off because at least in my country you could buy your independence off the lord).

Also communism + socialism are the worse. In communism you work hard only to get the same amount as a retarded lazy guy who only works when someone oversees him.
Capitalism+corporatism is having too much, which leads to decadence.

i didn't do it intentionally