So I'm Transgender have gender dysphoria (diagnosed by doctor and not on faggot tumblr...

So I'm Transgender have gender dysphoria (diagnosed by doctor and not on faggot tumblr.) But I fucking hate the trans LGBT whatever the fuck it is leftist community full of degenerate fucks who do just want to cry and whine about "muh fucking rights".

Along with all these trans motherfuckers with multicolored hair and weird fucking pronouns nobody gives a shit about, I don't want any part of that bullshit.
Honestly all I want to do is transition into a female and live my fucking life instead of panting myself as some "brave" social justice warrior that it seems everybody in the trans community is doing now.
Hell my therapist who saw me for 8 fucking years told me that I'm the only one she has actually diagnosed as "transgender" compared to the other hundreds she deals with who she says are faking it to sound cool to their friends.
I found that the Alt right community has given me more hope and more respect than the radical left Marxist regime of the LGBT community has ever given me. So my question is how do I redpill the trans community that I'm supposedly apart of just because I'm trans? How do I get them away from the Radical left Marxist regime?


>>>fucking queers

the fascists will still kill you when they come into power, doesn't matter how much ass kissing you do.

Considering the strange love for traps I see around here, I can't say I agree with you. There would probably be some kind of sponsorship program, like the hot ones can stay out of the ovens.

This place is all edgy internet fascists.
Traps aren't mainstream and they never will be.
When fascists come into power, the trap loving kind will not have a say over who gets shot.

>antifa scumbag

that's a pleonasm

>So I'm Transgender
kys pls

Plz no use sat words. They are too hard for a fascist like me to understand.

Let's be honest, the Sup Forums has contempt for (((psychology))) and doesn't believe in the gender identity politics.

Wait so the trap lovers are the edgelords now? I thought it was the Nazis. You sound pretty edgy to me.

>How do I get trannies away from the radical left marxist regime?

Cut their funding.
Alienate them from your life.
Push them into militancy.
See most of them cower away like the cunts they are.

Oh, that's just lefties in general. Works too.

>You sound pretty edgy to me.
Oh, you can count on it.
Also, I was saying the trap loving nazis are the edgy ones.

You are a gay male. With autism. With a male brain and male chromosomes. The echo chamber you reside in that tells you that you smell like a female and therefore are one is false. You can choose to revel in your autism or accept that you are a gay male who cross-dresses and has body dysmorphia.

>you are a gay male who cross-dresses and has body dysmorphia.
At what point can you give it a name? How many diagnosis do you have to pile uppon eachother?
Also, how do you explain the ones that are still into women?

Edgy trap-loving Nazis... this place is fucked up isn't it? Maybe I really should go back.

The ones still into women are sexually aroused at being straight. Google blanchard and agp for more.

>Also, how do you explain the ones that are still into women?

AGP. Those are fetishists.

As long as youre a hot trap and you keep your dick, you can stay on the day of the rope.

Literally, if you are so privileged enough to sit around an think about how your dick should be a vagina, you have way too much fucking time on your hands. You literally need to get outside more, socialize, and enjoy being 1. alive and 2. a fucking human. Get a job if you don't have one, and realize being a man is the best damn thing. Women are for admiring, loving, and making babies with. The moment you think "Hey, I can cut my dick off and be the same thing." you've ruined EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE. Get a damn life.

Kill yourself. I am unironically fascist and I have unironically fucked a trap and would do it again.

For a bunch of straight fascists you spent a lot of time researching queer and kink subcultures.

See, we won't judge you for being a tranny because you're worthless in our eyes either way.

On a side note, is it me or are some transsexuals really right wing these days? I've never met any transsexuals who weren't politically charged, either one way or another. No transsexual ever shows political apathy, unlike the swathes of normies.

I'm unironically a socialist and I regularly unironically fuck transwomen. Don't understand what that has to do with anything.

Both of you are faggots.

Bisexual, actually.

We have to research and understand what we are against, otherwise we would be no better than (((antifa))).

If you take dick up the ass you will be gassed.

10/10 would gas again.

>sees your flag
>hope you aren't Hans
>grabs the gas

Tell me again, fag. This time, how you are straight, always was always were.


/Pence/ > (((Trump)))

1. The "destroy gender" types have nothing in common with us, nor does the "transgender umbrella". Tranny support groups will redpill you fast.

2. They expect us to support all liberal political agendas and the end of the white race, especially white males.

3. They expect us to be into all kinds of other degeneracy because we're trannies.

4. If not for our tranniness, we would just be another ebil white male.

We're at the front lines of their bullshit. The last few years has pushed me from being a tolerant live and let live type to the far right. I tolerated them for so long because #absenteefather and bullying in school made me agree somewhat with their down with white males rhetoric, but that is over.

I exclusovely top.
The penis wants what the penis wants.

Serious question: where would the trap lovers be after the night of the long knives? Seriously you're being duped by Sup Forums neckbeards who are only stormfags, not real fascists. Go be a libertarian or sort your head out.

So have mental illness? You must have too much free time. If you're white, fix your fucking self. If your non-white, feel free to shove as many HIV cocks up your ass, and let their sperm migrate to your spinal fluid.

Get a job, get a wife, get a life.

>feel free to shove as many HIV cocks up your ass
Again, I exclusively top. You could at least read the post you are responding to. Also you shouldn't be talking about having too much time since you apparently have time to spent on here.
I like my life the way it is. The one you propose sounds borring.

Hell even I don't believe in identity politics, either your a man or a woman, I mean shit even if I do cut off my dick and become a woman I would still be technically a man. I just want to have a resemblance of a woman so I can be happy in my own right because I'm a girl and fuck it its my life amirite?

>fuck it its my life amirite?
You don't understand fascism and what it is about, do you?

Do u ever smoke weed and be like damn I'm a loser

>I'm a girl and fuck it its my life amirite?

Girls usually are not obsessed if they pass or not.
desu, I have never met a trans person. I have a chaser friend, whom everybody suspected he was closet faggot, that was before he admitted fucking traps.

>You don't understand fascism and what it is about, do you?

Fascism is the ideology of peace.

>Fascism is the ideology of peace.
For the people who are considered moral and valuable.

>you don't understand facsism do you?

overthrow Merkel and execute all those rapefugees you fucking twat, but no you're not doing your fucking job spreading fascism you're literally being reaped by globalist zionist and you're worried about a transgender? Fuck off

fascism will kill "trannys" just like they will kill "rapefugees"
Also, I'm laying in bed and there is nobody literally raping me.

Sick fucking freak. I hope you rot.

You gotta look pretty these days if you want to bring down the zionist globalist war machine, I mean fuck have you seen libtard antifa trannys with nevkbeards? Fuck they couldn't even pass a TSA screening looking like that.

My life is pretty fun on its own, but it's even better, knowing it upsets people like you.

They cant kill a tranny if she actually looks like a girl. But if they do, I would kill to be killed by a facist rather than a zionist.

Yeah, I bet that dick makes you wacko. It's gonna be fun, oh you wait and see, esp for people like me who love murdering freaks. When the time comes, we shall see.

2mg of pimozide a day. Enjoy your new found life as a happy male

You can't force the redpill down their throats, they have to willingly take it themselves. Let the LGBT community implode then get involved in the wreckage. The way they are now, they won't listen to reason.

As for you hating the Trans LGBT community, that isn't unheard of. However, I think you should do something about the Gender Dysphoria outside of surgery if you haven't gone through with it.

As for ANTIFA, do not get involved with them, but start arming yourself and carrying concealed blades if necessary. They aren't going to play fair and neither should you, especially with their planned Impeachment Marches in July.

>fucking a crusted over wound that was once a penis

kys OP

>ever being happy as a male

Can you do all of that without advocating for trannie rights or making me look at you?

>t. gay who hates fags

Post feminine penis.

You're not happy? That sucks user

lol this is the tastiest bate thread yet
ill bite
repent, serve jesus the messiah with all your heart, mind and soul. he is faithful to forgive your sins, because he died for all the sin of the world. there is not one rightous person, no not one. there is no sin too great he is not faithful to forgive.

Yeah I'm not going through with the surgery, id rather keep my dick. Js

>"I'm Tran-"

stopped reading there

>Literally no problem with you.
>Think PC liberals prevented necessary scientific research that would give you a better, less disfiguring option.

That said, wish you the best, I could be wrong. I say you're more than welcome on our side.

Post your crusty nu-vagina, faggot.

Born and raised catholic, Peace be with you and with your spirit my fellow user.


This shit needs to get the fuck out.

My SS heritage blood is boiling.

The alt right are cucks who like traps, but your analysis is on point.

I'm a traditionalist. The alt right will never flourish without a transcendental element.


lmao please end your life

>"My SS heritage blood"

you're just a mutt with no culture, don't take yourself too seriously amerifat

I have gender dysphoria too same as you, seen doctor and everything. I've got the hormones and blockers and I started transitioning at the end of last december. I stopped around St. Patrick's Day, because I'm 6'3 and have the bone structure of Arnold Schwarzenegger, it is never going to work for me and so I decided to give myself the blunt talking to I deserved. Everyday is still a struggle but I've found solace in politics and philosophy discussion. Al though I can never be the woman I've always wanted to be I am now working to be the greatest man I am capable of being. Gym 5 days a week, run 20 miles a week. I hope you do what makes you happy OP.

Literally Turkey. I eat that for dinner. We'll see when my people fuck your women in all their holes and slice their throats to watch our cum drip out. Good luck. Have a nice day!

You talk too much. You're literally cutting your dicks off while the kingdom is falling. I think it goes together. Please refuse to reproduce, or do, to make good target practice with my machine gun. Also, you're living proof we should not have saved your ancestors during WW2. You're a faggot. Fuck off back to China.

Trans people don't cut their dicks off, they have them rearranged to simulate vaginas.

You're a fucking degenerate. You're fucking disgusting. Please rearranged your own throat cords with a damn machete please.

If you're going to cut your dicks off and try to be a fucking ugly ass monster, just try and cut your other head off too. Literally go volunteer to be practice dummies for ISIS, that would bring your family some dignity.

Ask your doctor about Tourettes medicine and tell him your consent to it

>look mom look what I wrote on the internets

>the hot ones can stay out of the ovens.
Was this intentional?

Also, this is my remedy for all political, racial, ethnic, gender, -questions when I'm president. Yes, even for retards figuratively and literally, this will apply.

You can do whatever you want in another country, but I seriously suggest you all move to Arab countries and fullfil your role of being a cum-cquatting dumpster. Out of site out of mind.
"Look mom! All of ancestors would be proud of your baby boy! I cut my own dick off and let men cum inside the hole I made!" vs "Sorry mam, your...son, killed himself." Literally more honor.

What exactly do you think this board is advocating?

>gender dysphoria
doesn't exist

>transition into a female
you have been brainwashed by your "therapist." if you do this you will ruin your life. stop taking your meds, fire your therapist, and go get laid. if you're a faggot, fuck faggots. if you're not a faggot get some pussy. even if you decide to chop off your dick and nutsack...
>that's gonna hurt
...thanks for not being a marxist.

>get them away
strap them down to a seat in a theater, clamp their eyelids open and make them watch 1984 and atlas shrugged on repeat for a few weeks.

You are deep down the rabbit hole, aren't you?
So now you just have to pass at all times for ever without a break. No worries
Also, it's great that you have such specific preference in executioner but I'd prefer it if you would just survive.

>you have to pass forever without any breaks

Isnt.... that... the fucking point?

It's the wish, but it sadly won't happen.
And you don't get a second chance from a fascist.

how does this post have anything to do with my post?

OP, if you're still lurking this thread. I will let you know that when I was a young man I bought into the Tranny meme for YEARS.
I believed I was a tranny for YEARS. But through reflection and redpills and through everything else.
I threw out my prescriptions after coming to terms with my gender and sex.
I am a man. I will always be a man.

I was "diagnosed" too. It means nothing when all you have to do is tell a doctor you're trans and they'll diagnose you.

Ignore your impulses. They're the product of a broken society.
Reclaim your manhood before it's too late.

I was just raised, user. You know, I had family, and 2 parents. You choose your sexuality, you choose who you love, you choose to have mental instability. And, well, some of you choose the gashause. I worry less the opinions of sheep, for I am a lion. Faggort.

Good idea, most an hero post surgery.
There's the off chance you may grow out of it as well, that'd really push you over the edge.

As to your question, tell them the truth, your trans and think their ideology is bullshit, the psychological dissonance will fuck with them. Also, just start watching Jordan Petersons stuff.

There is a great chance that your situation won't improve after the transition. Take your time and learn to accept who you are. Even if you cut your dick off and put a wig on it doesn't make you a women in any way.
For every other psychological disorder you must make the patient focus on anything else to minimise the effects, but when it comes to transgenderism they make it the center of their life until it becomes pathological enough to mutilate your body

>I had family, and 2 parents.
Hey, me too. I love them and they love me.
>to have mental instability
feeling pretty stable
>for I am a lion.
Is that like your fursona or something?
One of my girlfriends likes to pretend she is a horse,

you'll be hung on the first day
>diagnosed by a doctor
you're a fucking joke

>sexual perversion and deviancy to the point of mutilating your own body
>not degenerate

The only reason your are here is because JIDF spams degenerate porn on Sup Forums to destroy the community and attract cancer like yourself. Literally kill yourself. You are the ultimate form of the degenerated and godless man.

Good on ya defending your mental illness. Lots of Jews, I hear, begged and pleaded on their way to the gashause. You're seriously delusional to think your family loves you anyway shape or form. You clearly suffer from "super" complex backed from insecurity. 1. any man who discusses his sex life with his mother is clearly fucking delusional. You must be a sick fucking weirdo. And I bet once you leave the house your parents secretly wish you'd never return. I guarantee they discuss it. You must be special snowflake. They make fun of you with their friends.

Haven't lived with my family for like five years now.
Also what makes you think I discuss my sex life with my mother?
That sounds pretty gross.

don't listen to him OP, just take your meds and be the gender you were born, you're sick and you need to get the medical attention you need

You bring shame to you and your family. That's why it's called "gashause" not "gas, well I don't really talk to my family much anymore." You will all get the gas.

Feeling pretty proud. Could it be that you are projecting that shame?
You have been projecting a lot of things on me, knowing almost nothing about me.

Show your titties

I know you love to suck cock every weekend. That's sure is a HELL of a lot to know about some shit tier faggot that's gonna burn in hell. You know, most people talk about the weather, just normal things. But here you fags are "I LUV MUH PENUS. I NEED PENUS. I NEED IT. I LOVE UT. GIVE ME MORE PENUS." You clearly have autism, and try blaming yourself for your own faggotry.

>diagnosed transgender
Did they do a blood test? An MRI perhaps?

No, they just asked you questions about how you feel . Its a meme diagnosis and you payed for it, faggot.

>I know you love to suck cock every weekend
Again, I'm a top. Exclusively. And you are the one who keeps talking about it. I spend most on my time on other issues. Stop making assumptions about me.

>So I'm Transgender have gender dysphoria
Has anyone ever suggested that it might be a better idea to treat the gender dysphoria and not the actual gender? Cutting off functional body parts seems a bit radical to me.

post girldick or gtfo

>Has anyone ever suggested that it might be a better idea to treat the gender dysphoria and not the actual gender?
Nope, you are the first person who ever had this idea.

so you're bisexual, you just like man asshole and not man penis?? You're a lying sonofabitch, I tell ya. Go back to Africa.

Literally all you have to do to NOT be a fag, it ask Jesus for forgiveness, pray, and start thinking of women. Mental illness cured. Stop fucking men.