Apocalypse soon

World population is projected to exceed 9.7 billion by 2050 and 11.2 billion by 2100.
The rate of food production needs to keep pace with soaring population growth despite the fact that modern agriculture which caused the post-war population boom is heavily reliant on a constant crude oil supply which won't/can't last.
Also worth considering is that an ever-increasing proportion of people demanding a first-world lifestyle puts enormous pressure to meet demands on energy, minerals, rare earth metals etc which are all in limited supply.

It seems to me like the 'refugee crisis' we're experiencing now is a drop in the ocean compared to the endless hordes that will descend on Europe in the coming once their unstable countries go to shit. Strong authoritarian leadership and autarky the are our only hope of enduring the next few decades.


good luck yurup

It's Western food that's facilitating the growth of African populations. NGOs, gouvernment aid programmes, etc.

The sad bit is that the solution will create a situation where the Africans will fight each other over the extremely little that's available, and flee here. Which they already do anyway.
Hutu and Tutsi conflict will look like toddlers in a sandbox.

Good, Whites keep having children, Nonwhites you need to be sterilized.

>that brazilian curve

Kill the niggers

Yep, white europeans literally work to pay taxes so they can be demographically replaced in their own countries. It's fucking disgusting.

>Strong authoritarian leadership and autarky the are our only hope of enduring the next few decades.
This... I wonder if the US actually thought that by getting rid of the dictators those countries would actually evolve or if they just wanted shit to hit the fun for the lulz & $$$
Middle east & Africa are not ready for democracy.

Also, overpopulation is a meme.

>overpopulation is a meme

You sincerely believe our planet can sustain 11.2 billion people at a decent standard of living? When over a third of them are sub-saharan africans?

it's a mixed thing
you're probably not contributing to overpopulation
but you're likely getting darker each year (if global trends apply in brazil, not sure if it does...)


I don't think they have the resources to support that kind of growth. They can't even feed themselves, let alone provide the infrastructure. There might be more of them alive but I'm sure the life expectancy will drop way down. Nothing to worry about.


people who propagate that meme consistently ignore the economic stratification that will occur

grinding poverty will spread quite swiftly into "first world" nations with another four billions heads to feed. we're already living in a scheme where the West props up the third world through aid and free market business practices, allowing "investors" to off-shore and utilize cheap labor from destitute brown people

hans just thinks about the billions more brown cocks he can sit on

>decent standard of living
Depends on the definition of that. Not everyone can live our lifestyle, because its completly unsustainable. But if you make some changes, then yes.

I don't

"white" countries will fade and collapse

south america will form a union, it will be immensely corrupt, but will control the entirety of the continent, they will experience a "golden age" of sorts

china will switch its stances to warlike as the western powers fade, conflicts throughout the east will ignite with china as the likely victor due to mere attrition, japan will not will that war, korea will compromise with the victor, SEA will capitulate or be fodder

the middle east will slip backwards, it is only advanced as it is due to proximity to western influence, on their own, they will be completely unable to maintain the technology as petty squabbles will too often destroy infrastructure. there will be no caliphate, at best, warlords.

africa will crumble, socially and technology, as if never being touched at all, exploitation may continue, but the simple fact is, in the coming power vacuum that is the fall of western civilization, the remaining great powers will be far too busy with securing themselves

the only purge that will occur is of whites, there is no reversing this, the white race is dead. there isn't even a faint glimmer of the public overturning the current trajectory without being stifled or stopped in the process. the best anyone will accomplish is turning themselves into pariahs who will only expedite the inevitable. as "minority" populations increase and overtake the white majorities in the West, white rule will quickly be overturned, what comes after should be fairly obvious.

Except western nations send them billions upon billions of foreign aid year in year out. If you think this is nothing to worry about you need to read up on it more. This issue will define the 21st century.

You're making a lot of baseless predictions with nothing to back them up.


Will America be a superpower a 25% European population? Do you expect it to maintain the same relationship with Europe or the U.K.? Will a Latino president be concerned with the welfare European American or even share the same values/traditions? Would a Syrian Muslim prime minister serve the interests of the British people to the best of their desires? There is an oncoming wave of third world migration which has no vantage point from which it can be viewed as stopping anytime soon. Your concern is with "aid" to foreign countries, which is fine, but what about your own? Do you not see the changing face of the country around you? Put plainly, how exactly do you think an African/Arab/Asian majority will run your country in your stead? All indications point to a declining if not diminishing White population, thus, this is the future you will witness. If you do not see the ethnic shift as the largest issue of the coming century, you have no eyes to see at all. What I proposed is what will occur when the world financial system grinds to a halt in the absence of Western high finance and trade. You can believe whatever you will, I assure you, my vision of the future is solely based upon measurable historical trends over the last century. I know the BBC only tells you about Africa, but there's lots of other problems out there, some even closer than you think.

Your entire argument basically boils down to "you should overlook problem x because problem y exists and might need more attention". You fail to see the links between overpopulation in Africa (a result of foreign aid and free trade) and demographic replacement in Europe.

Yes, diminishing white populations in Europe are a problem but when thousands of sub-saharan Africans are being plucked out of the med and settled in Italy every day you can hardly deny there isn't a link with overpopulation in unstable African countries.

they ignore a lot of things. literally all that matters is to avoid facing the elephant in the room.