How can you be certain that diversity is being forced or not? What's the difference between these two casts?

How can you be certain that diversity is being forced or not? What's the difference between these two casts?

what the fuck is this supposed to be, faggot?

if it isnt blatant, you are a fucking retard.

Well at least the white is front and center in the right image. Also is that Key? I wonder if goes all Coach Hines on the show





One shows a realistic depiction of a group of armed soldiers, the other one looks like what the writer of Rent things a group of armed soldiers would be.


Can you explain how it's blatant?


clearly nonwhites are being given significant advantages solely due to their race

no retard

read the pice


Would you say that both images are forced diversity? If not, what differentiates the two?



First one has people that you could see killing someone.

Second has 2 lanklets, one average dude, a woman and a kid. It'd fit better in some really kinky asian porno.

Whats with the kid and the down syndrome guy?

Looking for more discussion on the actual subject, and how you can tell the difference.

I never read these "redpill" dumps because more often then not they don't relate to the thread topic and they are poorly cropped and lacking credible information and proper sources. just letting you know. continue posting your le ebin redpill folder though.

>be 1990
>have a group of soldiers
>theres a few blacks, whatever
>they shoot shit
>that was entertaining


>have a group of soldiers
>3 niggers 1 muslim 1 woman 1 faggot and 2 white guys
>...okay that's weird, woman are fairly rare on the battle field and niggers and muslims are a minority yet they're in EVERY movie now...whatever
>fight scene
>the woman does some ninja flips and kills everyone and disarms a bad guy twice her size
>she's just a mary sue


In the "Predator" movie there are two guys who happen to be black, they are cool, part of the team and it's sad when they die.
Nowadays everything in most movies seem forced, miniroties must be cool and right no matter what and whites must agree with them or racist

First likely is not. Second looks like feminist propaganda. Why remake a movie like Predator with such sissy boys other than to demasculinize them? Why pretend that skinny women can compete physically in any way to muscular men?

Doesn't that speak more about modern society wanting to see more relate-able characters? I mean, I'd like to see guys like Arnold and Dwayne Johnson do over the top action movies. Just doesn't seem to be popular these days.

They cite .gov sites mostly, but also published books and news sources. Your loss if you prefer to look away when the truth is in your face.

How about classic films being ((rebooted)) with a bunch of diversity, when it serves to do nothing but overwrite white culture?

That it does absolutely nothing for the film, aside from enforcing the "end whitewashing" counter-culture, and ((abolish)) all ((triggers))?

I don't know, you tell me.

You're right about the woman, but the first movie had one part of the story. Who's to say she's not just as useless in this one?

I bet you can't wait for a LOTR reboot.

It exemplifies the "i can do anything without working for it" mentality. They want to see weak people accomplish things because they are weak.

It is a shift in culture from when heroes worked hard to become great, and made selfless sacrifices against forces of evil.

That would be a movie labeled highly sexist by today's media. It would be interesting if they did take that route.

>capcha: police club


What are you more excited for:

Frodo being made into Freida the gender dysphoric hobbit?

Or that it's now Gandalf the BLACKED?

To be fair, I actually have some experience with naval special warfare. A vast majority look more like the the new cast versus the old.

if jews were responsible for making it, it's forced. if it doesn't represent reality, it's forced.

Sam Jackson as Gandalf, of course.

>I'm tired of these mother fuckin balrogs in this mother fuckin cave


The cast on the left will still be remembered and loved as total bro tier badasses in 30 years, the cast on the right are forgettable nobodies now and will be forgotten nobodies in 30 years.

Fair enough, but I highly doubt you see female operators often.

>tfw wanted to be SEAL but color blind so cant even try

feels bad

Is it because the black guys are inoffensive and not really culturally black?

No, none have even attempted bud/s. I always see female techs failing on the obstacle course here in Coronado.

It has nothing to do with the black guys you cuck, the entire cast on the right are just shit and the original predator cast are fucking awesome. Which picture looks like black ops military operators to you? The picture on the right looks like a crew getting ready to shoot up a college campus or something.

natural presence

assuming the one on the left is depicting a group of soldiers in Vietnam (as it appears to me to be, but i don't know), it isn't forced because it adheres to the actual demographics of the united states army in Vietnam at the time

That's the soldiers from Predator you 10 year old, how the fuck does an American not recognize them?

I agree with you that the the original cast "feels" better.

>Which picture looks like black ops military operators to you?

Seeing as more operators are not buff as fuck bodybuilders....

Do you actually believe that the one on the right looks more interesting/entertaining?

2/7 Blacks = 28.5%
5/7 Whites = 71.4%

3/7 Blacks = 42.8%
3/7 Whites = 42.8%

Blacks make up a whopping 13% of the population.

Conclusion: Blacks are ridiculously over represented in media at the expense of Whites.

I literally just said the original looks better, but the one on the right is more accurate.

Yes yes, the blue pill is the proper path. Good goyim

You said "feels", you millennial word-misusing faggot.

>How can you be certain that diversity is being forced or not?

Because corporations make money from population growth.

Seeing as more operators are not women and don't have fucking down syndrome...

Is the woman an operator in the movie? I HIGHLY doubt it. The original movie had a brown woman in it, that's probably what they're going for.

Oh god, don't tell me they are remaking predator

you assume any random group of people will always be perfectly representative of the country's demographics

looks like it. oh well ill just not watch it and watch predator instead.

Jesus, the group on the right are a bunch of DYEL fags compared to the left, the left group was 4 white guys, 2 black dudes and a latino/native? I can believe that, even in the 80s but the right group I can barely take seriously, the only one I kind of take seriously is the white dude from Narcos but thats it

Ok but who was the main character that didn't die?

there is a disproportionately high number of blacks in the US military, though, and it's been like that for half a century

>I never read these
>tells us whats wrong with them

It was being forced. What, you think jews just now started running Hollywood?


>can't explain