
Get a job and make payments?

We already pay for everyone to go to high school, what's wrong about paying for college?

>gender studies

because i can't even afford to have kids because our government wants to play babysitter for refugees and natives. why the fuck would i want to pay more taxes?

Seriously. Having a kid while being okay economically is ridiculous. My wife and I are on the hook for nearly 5k with insurance. My friends had a baby before they got married and since the girl was considered a single mom and below the poverty line (together they make as much as my wife and I) their baby cost about $300 total.

This is part of the white genocide. We have to wait a few years to save up enough for another kid.

>have 34,000 debt on truck
>how can I ever pay this back?
>August is last payment of note

I must be a magician

become a hooker?

if you don't have any skills, at least you have a vagina.

>high school diploma becomes stupidly easy to obtain
>HS diploma no longer valued by companies
>Now everyone needs associate's degree to compete
>Retards start govt subsidizing associate's degrees and pumping them out by the million from shitty community colleges
>Now everyone needs bachelor's degree to compete
>Retards demand free bachelor's degree
>Now everyone needs masters degree to compete
>Retards demand free masters degrees
>Now everyone needs PHD to compete
>Retards demand free PHD

Repeat ad absurdium.

Take advantage of the system user. I am a white DINK and i have no issue subsidising you or your friend

I don't want to take anyone else's tax money. It's not causing any major issues, we had savings to cover it. We just have to recoup that before we can have another.

at the time of writing, you thought you were just kidding about PhD.

not any more.

>what's wrong about paying for college?
what's wrong with buying everyone a house?

divorce. have the baby. marry again.

it is absolutely the patriotic duty, at this point of history, to cheat tax as much as possible.

When people take out loan, aren't they obligated somewhere that they should have a plan to pay it back?

Nice ID

A house is consumption. An educated population reaps future gains and can improve society.

you dont have to get student loans stupid fuckin kids

I like how students who took out massive loans as kids because they were mostly told to are held to a higher standard than adults in the real world. Adults can't pay back loans but you jobless kids can!


Wherever there is an irresponsible borrower, there is an irresponsible lender. Fuck the irresponsible lender. Discharge the debts in bankruptcy court.

I thought they do that also... xD

Dischargable in Bankruptcy Court:
Gambling Debts
Business Debts
Federally-Insured Small Business Administration Loans
Federally-Insured Veterans Loans
Federally-Insured Farm Loans

Not Dischargable in Bankruptcy Court:
Student Loans

In the 1960s you could pay for college tuition with just a summer job.
Then non-dischargable student loans came into the picture.
Tuition exploded higher year after year as colleges soaked up that ocean of debt-money.
The non-dischargable student loan industry hurts everyone by making tuition five times higher than it should be.

some people are too stupid for college

There's no way 4 years of books and tuition costs $80,000. This fuck was using the money to live on.

I think you should rephrase that that only stupid people go to college in US and Canada today. That's why you import so many highly educated people every year.

>educated population

feminism study is not education.

and how is Canadian society improved exactly? It is heading directly to Argentina tier. The only good thing about Canada is it neighbors USA.

Not if they go bankrupt and a court discharges the debt.

>Be feminist retard
>Choose gender studies
>Actually be stupid enough to pay 80 grand for it
>Wonder why there isn't any money to be made in a useless degree

>It's everyone else's fault that I'm stupid

>mfw I already graduated from college w/o any debt because of GI Bill benefits
>mfw I didn't even need GI benefits because I was making 75k USD while completing my degree
>mf now that I graduated and already making 150k+ USD

GG arts majors, next time choose a STEM field and not be fucking useless

Only about 10% of people in college should actually be there.

>A college education has more return on investment for a graduate in the United States than any other nation.
>More than 75% of students required to take remedial classes never graduate.
>Seventy percent of Americans will study at a 4-year college, but less than 2/3 will graduate.
>Thirty percent of college freshman dropout after their first year.
>Sixty percent of college dropouts had no help from parents in paying for tuition.
>A high school graduate earns 84% less than a typical graduate from a four-year college.
>Being unable to balance school, jobs, and family is one of the top reasons for dropping out.
>Forty percent of college dropouts have parents with nothing beyond a high school diploma.
>Fifty percent of college dropouts have incomes lower than $35,000.
>Those without a college degree are twice as likely to be unemployed as those with one.
>A college degree is worth $365,000 for the average American man after you subtract all the direct and indirect costs over a lifetime.
>A college degree is worth $185,000 for the average American woman.

>I'm a retarded milleniall and can't pay my debts
>Everyone else pay for them while I do nothing

I fucking hate these god damn socialistic cunts.
Pay your own fucking debts you put yourself there, not someone else
Everyone else has payed for their own debts.

Entitled fucking bitch

>Isn't the system stupid for loaning her this money in the first place? She's just a naive kid. The system is constructed by politicians and bankers to trap her in high interest and penalties for life.


>Everyone else has payed for their own debts.
Except Donald Trump who declared his business bankrupt and walked away from millions in debt. Twice.

>A college degree is worth $365,000 for the average American man

That sounds very low. It's probably meaningless to do an average, where some make a lot of money, and the rest make shit.

>An educated population reaps future gains and can improve society.
then they should have no problems paying student loans.

Absolute Bullshit. Besides the shitty (((sources))) of your post and pic it doesn't take into account WHAT a student goes into college for. You can't possibly believe that an electronic or mechanical engineering degree is equal to art, feminist dance theory or African American Studies.

Goverment shouldn't teach anything more than reading and basic math. They can teach barely that with 12 years of compulsory education anyway. Degrees shouldn't be handed out freely, they must mean someting.

Yeah you tell them! No real adults ever have problems paying back loans! Instead of going bankrupt they should just pay them back with the money they have!

>>Everyone else has payed for their own debts.
>Except Donald Trump who declared his business bankrupt and walked away from millions in debt. Twice.

No, you didn't pay for his debt. Nor any tax payer. It is between him and his bankers. And you know what, bankers continue to loan him money, because the return is there.

>Instead of going bankrupt they should just pay them back with the money they have
No, they should get a fucking job instead of standing out on the streets screeching like a fucking autistic child about how oppressed they are

What a cuck

College is overpriced but if you get a useless degree like gender studies then your downfall is your own fault

Bankster-worshipping bootlickers line up here to repay your debts with interest. Good debt-serfs!

How about a mortgage?
Or a car loan?

>actually paying off your student loan
>no playing the long game and getting it written off after 30 years

No bad goyim oyvey it's another showa be a good goy and never question those things again.

by not signing up for student loans OR by signing up for student loans and getting an actual degree/learning something other than safe spaces and feminism and communist marxist liberal bullshit. saged and hidden. get out plebbit.

I've never understood this. Marriage/divorce in the eyes of the law is a wholly different matter than marriage in the eyes of God.

As long as you're married by a priest, I see no reason why you need to be legally married.

>And you know what, bankers continue to loan him money, because the return is there.


"We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia."

-Eric Trump

You have schools in Turkey?


It's another "hate debtors" and "worship moneylenders" thread!

Right, the protesting 1% is fucking retarded so the whole group is. Nothing gets me out there spending quite like the government taking 2 portions of my salary

Federal Reserve creates money and lends it to the US Government ($2 trillion of US Gov debt on Fed balance sheet)

US Government lends money to students.

Gee, where did this debt-money come from?

>the government taking 2 portions of my salary
Then they say it all went fine.
Nothing troublesome right?

Lets make more things free, then more.

Yeah, you are on the right way to socialism cunt

I don't know how it works in Canada user but here in the US you have to be a kid to go to high school

why would you borrow $80,000 without any plan to pay for it

Because you're a naive kid and your school counselors lied to you because their salaries depend on lying to you.

I've contemplated doing this, but what the hell did you even do in the military?

Only the UK has that.

And it only cost you physical abuse to your body and PTSD? What a steal!

You can pay that off in 5 years. I paid off a $60k student loan in 3. But then again, I have an engineering degree and made $55k starting at a company I interned during my senior year. Might be a bit harder to pull off as a McDonalds cashier with a women's studies...

>awh buuu huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
I didnt know gender studies and sociology was an unemployable degree buuuu huuuuuuuu

Listen here you pathetic piece of slime. If your smart, you'd have listened when you were a kid not to believe everything you hear. If you were smarter than that you'd have asked questions on whether these fields lead to anything of likely employment. And if you were a little smarter than that you'd have avoided getting so far into debt by at least paying attention to the situation. This problem with colleges has been going on for a while now, and there's no real excuse not to be informed. You apologetic ass.

>You can't possibly believe that an electronic or mechanical engineering degree is equal to art, feminist dance theory or African American Studies.
Those latter subjects are why the dropout rate is so high and also why women earn less.

Hence why only about 10% should even go to college - those are the only ones studying real subjects and sticking it out until the end.

>i overspent by 80,000
>help me plz I can't make decisons

I find it fucking hilarious when these people take these loans willingly, then complain about having taken them. That's like bitching about the bill after ordering off a menu.

And even better is the fact that money for college is all around you. Apply for scholarships. Crowdfund. Go the military route. Literally get a damn job.

I've yet to meet someone who can't do one of the above. The bitches protesting are the people who go in for gen ed studies and fail to ever pick a decent major, while expecting to get handed money after graduating.

Thats freedom

Student loans do not go away from bankruptcy.

Really, it is a form of natural selection.

making the competition worse
by just paying for everyone to go, you'll be devalueing bachelors degrees to that of a high school diploma.

>Get a job and make payments?

And have no life. Cool.

Because psychologically they will value it more and put forth more effort to learn if they are paying for it.

Load of shit. I paid off my student loans last year. I had fun while I was younger and have a family now.

A fucking leaf. Every time.

The college programs themselves. Most people take ridiculous things like Gender or Women's Studies or options that have such high expectations that end in failure.

Student Debt is often brought on by idiotic choices done by students or because they took a Government student loan that they have subsidized with virtually little to no hope to pay it back.

You are better off becoming a trade person or take an apprenticeship with hands on training if you want a job. Or start your own business.

redditor detected

>get a college degree using loans
>refuse to get a job

>Knows what the cost of each semesters will be.
>Can't afford it.
>Signs contracts anyway.
>Gets Bachelor's in Womyn Studies (minor in social justice).
>Can only get a job as a chef at Wendy's
>Blames it on the evil banks!

waaah I want my cake and eat it too waaahhh I want lots of money for easy and not much work waaahh

kys ahmed, or just wait and the refuniggers will do it for you


Imagine that you're hungry and decide to go to the most expensive restaurant in town. While there, you order a four course meal, the finest wines, etc. When the bill comes, you realize it was way-the-fuck out of your price range and you can't pay. But the restaurant decides to let you pay them back in installments.

However, this isn't good enough. You believe that other people should pay your bill. Why? Because you know you're entitled to that food and the restaurant not giving it away for free just wants you to starve.

Welcome to every student loan argument ever.

>Take a loan
>Refuse to pay it back
Fucking retard
No wonder Germany has went to shit

I think you should kill yourself, Third Worlder.

Oh, so you didn't think through the fact that you were investing $80,000 in yourself with no solid plan for the future and this is society's fucking problem how? It sounds like you fucked up. Sometimes you just have to realize that you made a dumb decision and it's nobody's fault but your own. Man the fuck up and deal with it.

I don't think that analogy is necessarily applicable. The patrons are led to believe that when they come out of the restaurant that they will be in a better position to pay off their debts. They've been lied to by baby boomers and others who went to college when it was free or affordable. American colleges skyrocketed in the last 15 years. You can't put all the blame on these kids, though I do wonder why people are still taking out massive loans for college when we all know what happens.

Furthermore, your government is to blame for handing out these loans knowing lots of people cannot pay them back. They rub their greedy little hands about the high interest rates and don't think of the future.

As for asking for others to pay for it, the problem is your student debt is everyone's debt, the bubble could burst and send your economy (and everyone else's) into a downspiral.

>We already pay for everyone to go to high school, what's wrong about paying for college?

We shouldn't be paying for high school.

If you are silly enough to run up that much debt, you may have to pay it back.

well, it's not like they have used the money to take what most people would call a real education, don't expect too much

What is even gender studies?
Do they look at peoples dicks and say, yes he is a male or no, he isn't a male?

What usefull can even come out of that field?

Bankruptcy does not discharge private student loans

20 years ago it was:
I'm a retarded gen x and can't pay my debts
Everyone else pay for them while I do nothing

Nothing ever changes.

Careful you'll trigger the trumpettes

>i can't even afford to have kids because our government wants to play babysitter for refugees and native

subtle natsoc argument you got there

If you took a degree in anything but STEM or a practical technical certificate, you won't get any kind of real job and you won't, and you will fail out of the societal pool.

Which is great for everybody else who weren't retarded and didn't waste their college education.

>You can't put all the blame on these kids

Yes I can you stupid fucking faggot. They have to pay it back. They don't get to cry because they spent 100k+ getting a worthless Queer Studies degree.

Now fuck off and die you filthy communist juden.

I like your ID but

>1 post

80k debt, what a fucking joke

>what's wrong with a slippery slope?

get a job you bitch. No one forced to spend 8 years getting a business degree. I have a friend that spent 10 years getting a Engineer degree. His parents bankrolled the whole thing. Now he converted their basement garage into an apartment where he lives his his wife an kid. Fuck that guy.

You're just barely even becoming a rational human being at 18, you literally can't blame them when everyone everywhere is culturally encouraging them to make that stupid mistake lmao.

its simple , get a job paying 50-60k per anum, stay single for 4-5 years, spend the bare minimum on rent and personal upkeep, dont drink or smoke , then you should be able to pay 20-30k per year debt off , then you should be able to pay it off before you are 35