60 million people are starving in Africa

Sup Forums, this is sad! We have to do something to help!!

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>starving people in africa

Happens to often for anyone to care anymore.

Let nature take its course.

nuke africa, no more starving people. problem solved
top fucking kek i remeber doing this in elementary school

i thought we invented rape condoms so this wouldnt happen

stop sending them aid. they're overpopulated and starving precisely because we enable them to be.

wouldn't have become a problem if we didn't feed Africa in the first place.

we should task PETA to deal with the Africa problem. neuter, spay, and mercy kill.

This but it would be great to call cnn out and have some backlash towards them

Nobody fucking cares about african subhumans.

>The World Food Programme has made an urgent plea to large donor countries

Because clearly just donating more food will solve everything.

Trump can literally kill every single fucking living thing on the planet. starving Africans can wait.

Charity is for that. Government is for in country affairs only and has no place trying to solve the rest of the world's problems

How do they define starvation? I feel articles like these have a tendency to abuse the term.

Thats what happens when you have 10+ kids per family.

>Check the birth rates, its insane.

Kudos to Africa for spreading their genetics though. I wish whites did had greater then even a 1.8

>muh 6 Trillion African Midget Kangs
We should feed them all Zyklon B

Don't post on Sup Forums after drinking to much.

Is that real?

Daily reminder Holland can suck my ass

I deadass think feminism alone is the reason people are not having kids anymore. Seriously fuck feminism it has given nothing to the world


0 results

Wtf has happened to Sup Forums?

Oh wait, I thought niggers were smart and shit....
Can't even farm? damn......

>We have to do something to help!!
By doing nothing you're helping.

This, before lurking on this board I used to care about these issues but now I understand that like in nature how those that cant survive shouldnt survive. brb eating burger :^)

fuck africa

The population of Africa has quadrupled in the last 60 years. Reproduction has consequences. Even 600 million starving niggers won't take us back to 1950s levels.

Racist. Your post is very problematic.

Niggers are not human and do not deserve aid or sympathy. World civilization would enter a Golden Age if all niggers were exterminated. Everyone reading this, niggers included, knows that's true.


found your problem nigger

99% of the African population are entirely worthless and nothing but a drain on humanity anyway. Why the fuck are we keeping these cunts alive when they are incapable of fending for themselves in their own fucking continent?

Another racist detected... How can you be racist in 2017.. I can't even! We need to change this, sweetie.

>this x1000

They're all goyim though so no one cares. Not even worth one Jewish life.

How about you teach them to build farms, grow crops, raise cattle or, I don't know, work for a living?

Foreign aid should only be given through charitable work and not by government interference



Fuck off you fucking meme country
Just get absorbed into Germany already and kill yourself

But user wouldn't it be super fucked up to kill all black people

That's not very nice of you. If you'd had tolerance classes at school you wouldn't say that.

Please off yourself in the most horrible way possible faggot, preferably with fire.

Nah we could make them do battle royale style events in post-apocalypse arenas like Detroit. Then it'd be good, clean fun for the whole family.

fuck off kike we dont want you here

Yes but if we treated humans like we treat livestock they'd have been discarded long ago. It's not even out of any feeling of animosity that I say that, it's just the truth. The government seems incredibly insistent on MUH ONE HUMAN RACE though so I suppose we just have to endure our societies slowly decaying into nightmarish shadows of what they once were under the crushing weight of brown ignorance and violence

Theres a bad drought is east africa right now. Early nineties ethiopia levels. And africans can manage long term problems so they have no resiuvars.

Isn't that essentially what Worldstar is?


I've been sitting here for 3 hours deliberately getting them wrong.... they take away a grain of rice for every wrong answer....right?

Why don't they just grow food?

That's a racist question

>Sup Forums, this is sad! We have to do something to help!!

Hate to say it but feed those 20 million people will generate 20 million more starving people making a new total of 40 million starving people and the cycle continues in a situation that their environment can't simply sustain.

not even africans care about starving africans

The problem is too many people on this planet. How about sterilization surgery in exchange for food

NOT feeding them is actually the most humane thing to do. Introducing external aid only exacerbates the problem. Bleeding hearts have literally turned Africa into the hell hole it is today. If these subhumans were left to their own devices, their lives would still be shit but significantly better than the constant bloody rise and fall of savage warlords created by artificially inflating their population way beyond what they can handle.

Let the niggers starve. If we give them food then they will each have 8 more children that they can't feed.

Well maybe those niggers wouldn't be starving if they didn't constantly fucking reproduce just to get aid from the fucking UN.

Maybe niggers shouldn't breed so rapidly and learn to not expand their population beyond their meager resources.

Let them die

niggers shouldnt have spawns.
this is mother nature screaming "less niggers!!"

Make the Shills feel guilty.

Ok, how about this. We give them enough food so that they can each have 10 children, and then keep giving their kids food so they can have 10 more children, and so on.

Don't worry about overpopulation, though. We'll use hollywood to send the message to whites that the world is overpopulated, and they will stop having kids.

Would that help?


no we don't
it's not our problem

They won't. They're too busy vaccinating them and providing them with AIDS drugs and food.

(((They))) need a billion niggers to destroy Europe with, so there won't be any cutting off of the gibs anytime soon.

YES feed them all so they can breed another 7 kids per couple so we can feed them too!

I hate to be that guy, but yes. Africa was doing fine, not great, until western meddling. Give it 20 years without international aid and the majority of Africa will sort itself out

>60 million people starving


>if they would only spend more time working rather than fucking.. there would be no famine.

>People are STARVING we have to DO something

If it sucks so bad in Africa, why don't they just move?

It's ironic that every first-world nation sending them resources is the exact reason they're now starving, it's actually the humane thing to do to cut them off and let nature take its course. Trying to feed them is just creating exponentially more starvation in the future.

like... incinerate them?

If this is true Then what you are suggesting is pretty much impossible.

Africa belongs to the wild. The only people allowed to live there should be peace keepers protecting the animals.

But that's what the colonial powers were doing, Sven.

Because they fucking get it for free by virtue signaling cucks so now they're dependant on it and starve when the teat dries up

>natural selection
>survival of the fittest
Besides what good has ever came out of the endless flood of western money that is being dumped to that 3rd world shithole?

They should be put out of their misery desu.

Only 60 million? How do we get kek to make that 600 million?

every 60 seconds in Africa

It's terrifying to read in the news that scientists invent cures for diseases that kill tens of millions of africans annually. The western world can't just give niggers technology because they can't use them for anything good. Only help they deserve is forced birth control.

this geezer knows his shit

Of course they're starving, they never bothered to grow enough food for themselves when they just wait you to deliver some more next year.

>feed africans and try to be nice
>get nothing but whining and them ruining your countries for all eternity in return
brack nope

>all of the Americas get used up by Europeans, India included.
>every "exploited nation" is better off than Africa

why is Africa the world's problem again?

>we have to do something

There is absolutely no reason for anyone to starve in Africa - the place is basically a giant farm. It's the most fertile place on Earth and has a perfect climate and with minimal effort, could produce enough food to feed everywhere else as well.

And there's the problem - minimal effort is required.


Yes, the Africanz need more gibs.

Japan and Germany were carpet bombed to the ground during WWII, but rebuilt and managed to become first world, productive, wealthy countries.

But Afrikanz are still suffering from RESIDUAL effects of COLONIALISM, not being bombed to the ground, but the terrible thing of having some actual civilization introduced to them by the Europeans. Now they need moar. Moar gibs, moar aid, even though their population is exploding. Africa is predicted to host four BILLION people by the end of the century with it massive population growth. How is that even possible with how starving and poor they are according to the Jew media?

>20 million are starving
>feed them
>retards go on to make 25 million
>now 25 million are starving
>feed them




Fragmentation of society, which feminism and jews contributed to by attacking the traditional family

African niggers who outbreed their food supply aren't people. They're dumber than animals

The most useless race of people, it's disgusting how much of a burden Africa is on the world. Stop sending these things aide let them fucking starve already.

>tfw if you feed those 60 million people, they will procreate and create 600+ million people within a year.

There's a reason africa is always starving.

Surprisingly based by the UN. I have no idea how hard it would be to work in the shittest parts of the world dealing with real problems, surrounded by death and disease, and then fly back to the West to see "TWO SCOOPS!" on the news.

let them starve they do nothing for the world but leave a carbon footprint by being worthless. Africa is not some hub of genius they're spear chuckin tribal idiots

They won't be starving anymore if they're dead. Just let nature take its course.

Africa gets heaps of money and aid every year. They squander it. The DNC understands that your average nigger is mentally, morally and socially akin a 5 year old child. Sure, there are some outliers, but on the whole they're a race that cannot survive in the modern world without a wise, benevolent liberal there to hold their hand and guide them through life. The only way to fix Africa would be the White Man returning, subjugating their failed nations and TAKING CARE of the niggers.

every sixty seconds in Africa a minute passes