Can someone here truly explain what fascism, National Socialism. Democracy. Capitalism, etc are?

Can someone here truly explain what fascism, National Socialism. Democracy. Capitalism, etc are?

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Memes for old people

They are stepping stones to true enlightenment. Marxist communism.

>power to the people, globalists fuck off
National socialism
>power to the people, globalists fuck off, and get the fuck out of my country you dirty niggers and kikes
>let's have a vote who gets fucked over
>I trade my five rat skins to your cow hide, bring me more cow hides and I'll trade you more rat skins in return

National socialism is easy.

Aspects of socialism that benefit a certain nationality or race or cultural group, perfect example being Nazi Germany, they had policies that benefitted the society rather the individual but it didn't benefit certain grouos like jews and gypsies, only germans.

Democracy is supposed to be a system were people elect a leader. WARNING it is NOT an ideology. It can be called the opposite of a dictatorship because a dictator ship has a single head of power with the enture population having no say in who leads their country unless they take up arms.

Capitalism (atleast I think this is what it is) is a system that has a social hierachy that has a class based system unlike many other systems, going from bottom to top: lower class, working class, middle class, upper class (business men and corprate owners), people in political power positions. This can vary with the addition or removal of classes depending on cultural differences and wealthiness of a nation. I'm probably missing a few things on capitalism but it's a long one.

Communism is supposed to be the removal of class and will bring equality in theory but it has never worked in practice and power hungry people always take advantage of the poor uneducated populations and usually end up killing millions claiming them as anti revolutionaries, perfect example is Mao's china 60 million people died because of Mao creating a horrible country but industrialised the country which seems to be the only thing that communism has ever done, industrialise poor farming nations.

Socialism is just weak mans communism, same shit just with a few capitalist ideas in there. But really just ends up being communism without as much killing.

If I missed anything just say and if anyone has anything to add please do.

Is you take orders

>National Socialism.
Is you take orders while being anally raped by a dictator (aptly named)

Is you vote, but watch the masses become retarded because of media and money bias

Is people other than you get rich

The only option where you have genuine freedom is communism, which unfortunately is yet to be achieved.

Enjoy your free helicopter ride, ya goddam commie

the only one that might actually work

nice digits patterns, m8

Stop leaving socialist posters around the cities and universities.

Or do, ripping them down does get out the aggressions.

Missed fascism:

Italy pre 1944, they came up with the word (I think) basically nationalistic imperialism

Is you take orders while being anally raped by a dictator and starving

Kike detected

>Is you take orders while being anally raped by a dictator and starving
That's Soviet totalitarianism, which has nothing to do with communism. Read what Marx has to say about it.

Try coming along to a meeting on your local campus user. That way you can debate in person and make some friends.


Natiinal socialism believes in individual rights of property and other natural laws snd while following them works to enrich snd empower ppl.

Jews hiding themselves REEEEE
Jews are controlling the government and economy REEEEE
Yeah they're cool I guess my italian friend's a fascist
>National Socialism (NAZISM LOL)
Yeah we're gonna gas all the Jews, niggers, commies, capitalists and shitty Slavs

The state/nation above all.
>National Socialism
The race/Volk above all.

>Capitalism (broadly)
Private ownership of the means of production.
Individuality over equality.
Majority rule/Mob rule.
>Socialism (broadly)
Public ownership of the means of production.
Equality over individuality.

>the jews are in my head let me free nowwww

>communism has nothing to do with communism
Okay, I know I should've added massacres in the definition too

Fascism is essentially an overhaul of the parliamentary system. It acknowledges that most politicians are incompetent and have very little idea of what they are discussing. For example, a man can be put in charge of a countries economic system despite having no qualifications in economics and no experience in the sector, he gets into that position simply because people voted for him. Fascism rejects this and states that these positions should be eligible only for people qualified to work in them.
National Socialism is an expansion of this same idea, unlike Fascism is focuses much more on the people of a nation. It's more of a philosophy in this respect. It takes the ideas of Socialism and makes it serve a nations people. People contribute to the nation because they wish to help serve their people and their race.
Democracy in its original form is you vote for or against a policy and the one with the most votes wins. Democracy works when men of knowledge are able to debate and vote, however, universal suffrage expands this right to everyone. Suddenly every-bodies ideas must be treated equally and are all equally valid. Eventually people will vote in their own best interest, a nation will be torn apart when this becomes the case.
Capitalism means the free market. People have a right to start a business and run it as they wish. It is probably the best way to create wealth humanity has yet found.

This is surreal, you're actually a communist sympathizer. I've never met one serious on Sup Forums before.

Your preaching is right up there with the ideologies that I excessively strike down, so I don't think a meeting would suffice.
Any and all debates I had with people in-person ended with them just saying "Well, Communism was never actually done before, Stalin and Mao were just evil".

So it's not for a lack of adherence for me, it's more that every debate I've had ends with the communism sympathizers losing or just not able to come up with a decent argument.

I probably wouldn't dislike you personally m8 but in my crude opinion 'don't tread on me' is a superior outlook.

Communism next please!?

>Fascism: Respect our leader's feefees or you get executed.
>National socialism: Respect our racist leader's feefees or you get executed.
>Democracy: Everyone has a share in decision making, even the retarded majority, that only cares about its feefees.
>Capitalism: You are free to do what you want, but you will starve to death, unless you do what you're told
>Communism: power to the people, elitists fuck off

Communism is totalitarian, National Socialism is not an enforcement over human nature and natural law but its recognizer and working towards a greater human acknoledging that humans are not perfect.

>Communism: work 18 hrs/day or you go to gulag where you work the same hours plus you get executed when you refuse to work or get exhausted

>Stalin and Mao were just evil
Honestly, they were. And Pol Pot.
Any totalitarian dictatorship is the opposite of communism, which aims for freedom and joy for all people, or letting your species being be freed from alienation. This is all straight from Marx.

And honestly, maybe you should get out a bit more and read a bit more. There are many more sophisticated perspectives you can engage with than those you read on Sup Forums, which is mostly just memes. Try engaging more deeply. Push yourself and see how far you can go. Remember that engaging your strongest interlocutor is the best way to strengthen your own position and yourself. Good luck, user!

You have heirarchies, markets, rights, and laws in Natiomql Socialism you have no such thing in Communism you have no laws, no government with no reason why he fuck communism should exist, why were laws abd governments put in place?
Because people are not perfect, if there were no laws nothing is stoping someone going in uis economic interests and individual class ibterest in robbing others, there is no logic in communism it is just stupid fairy tales that hold no practical value or any value whatsoever, work for higher rights laws and wages not fir an elimination of them..


>I trade my five rat skins to your cow hide, bring me more cow hides and I'll trade you more rat skins in return

thats the barter system boyo

authoritarian nationalism. suppresses political opposition and controls industry/commerce (the market)

>National Socialism
same as above but includes scientific racism

>>Direct Democracy (AKA Athenien): people vote for their laws directly (Athens)
>>Representative Democracy (Republic): people vote for people who then vote for laws for the people who elected them (the U.S and Rome)

Private owners control industry and commerce (the market). Driven by supply and demand. Capitalism explicitly deals with economic issues and has no stance on social issues, however it naturally coincides with democracy (both types) because it requires freedom of the people to own private property.

Another economic system with no explicit rules regarding social issues. means of production are seized by the state and Nike/Adidas/Puma clothing all becomes "Government Issued Clothing".

The end-game of socialism. The state ceases to exist and every exists in a state of true equality. Largely believed to be unachievable.

*the state ceases to exist and everyone exists in a state of true equality


Communism power to the people? When has there ever been an example of communism not leading to dictatorship?

Let me add that communism is just a dictatorship waiting to happen. So easy to take advantage of.

>le not real communism

trust me, we KNOW what marx's utopian fantasy was

Let me remove all power of individuals laws and government this is empowerment, the only enpowerment are those laws which ibcrease thevpeoples rights of their production, culture, beauty, and culture, communism has no such authoritarian will for the good.

and let me add that because of this fact, we need fascism to fight it

If we let it grow, it will kill us

>trust me
Trust me, I'm on the internet...

It's for children. It is utilised by far more intelligent people to attract young and stupid people to support unworkable idealistic policies to put them into a position of power. When commies say 'communism has never been tried' they're right, it hasn't been tried because it CAN NEVER be tried, it is fundamentally unworkable.
>comrade farmer, the revolution has been a success, give me all your grain so that we can distribute it across Russia
>but this grain cost me money to create and a great deal of labour, what do I stand to gain from it being given away? I will not give you my grain
Here the revolutionary communist is faced with two options, kill the farmer and take the grain, thus failing in the communist goal of creating a stateless sharing society OR let the farmer keep the grain and thus fail in his goal of creating a sharing society but also create mass famines.

Adding onto this, the fundamental idea is that unions of workers will control every piece of industry, thus they will be run for the good of the people. Under communism 'there is no state', but unions replace the state in all but name. Britain in the 1970's is the perfect example of unions being given too much power, they were able to hold the country to ransom and demand impossible things. There were blackouts, no heat and un-buried bodies. Such is the nature of unions.

Sad but true, people thinking that their feelings matter in ideology and politics just dissapointing.

Fucking commies

It's embarrassing how many here get it wrong.

Did anyone get it right then!?

Can you provide a better explanation then!?

For those that dont know what fascism is

Please read or listen to the VERY short Doctrine of Fascism

>The Serb shill is back

I missed you desu senpai

>"maybe you should get out a bit more and read a bit more"

Ach, that's the problem. I've seen enough and know enough to think the red scourge of communism is a reality.

Not "THE JUDEN ARE COMING" tier but a reality.

Also if you're implying that a higher echelon, a higher stance of education would open up positive views towards the ideal you are sorely mistaken, and that's the childish exclusion that turned me off the people who praise it in the first place.
Indoctrination is not a better outlook.
I'm well aware that the Marxist basis can actually work in theory, but it is privy to the basic enveloping nature of others' reliance.
Socialism is better than Communism but it dies due to the simple principles of equity; financially, historically, and politically.

Communism will never be the answer, and while optimistic, its partisans will never understand the treachery, the dogma and the irrelevance of the past that it creates.
For the record, if I had the chance I would be happy to belittle and stomp on the effective supporters of communism if they got in my way; before conflict they are optimistic,during are parasitic, and after are septic.

>Communism: power to the people if you say something that opposes my feefees then you starve to death/go to gulag/get executed.

By definition a democracy is any political system which is ruled by te people, by today's standards it means "representative democracy" where the people vote their representatives to the three branches of goverment (executive, legislative and judiciary) ehich has some levers and counters to balance each other. According to Plato there were 3 forms of organicing the public life (politics), and their 3 degenerated forms, democracy (the rule fo the many, degenerates into demagogy), aristocracy (the rule of the few, degenerates either in an oligarchy, the rule of the rich, or into a timogarcy, the rule of the military), and monarchy (the rule of one, degenerates into tyranny).

The terms left and right came fron the French Revolution. The ones that wanted radical change sat dawn on the left of the Assembly and those who didn't on the rightl. There is where comes the terms left and right.

Leftist is any ideology that aims to change society, whether by peaceful or violent means. In the XXist Century all leftist ideologies come from marxism, so therefore their ultimate goal is to stablish a classless society (socialism/communism). It's main branches today would be:

Social-Democacy: It aims to change society and achieve socialism thru parlamentary reform. Hugo Chaves, and Maduro would be moder examples of this.

Communism: It aims to overthrow present class structures by any means posible and stablish a society based in: "from each according to his ability, to each according with their needs"

Anarchism: They are like communist but wether the commies thinks that we must have a transitory society before achieving socialism (ala USSR, anaarchist thinks that there shoudn't be any transition.

On the other hand the right's main objetive is to maintain status quo. Here's also a huge spectrum of ideologies, from reactionarism (to go back to the ancient regime) to the neoliberals (all power to corporations and banks). 1/2

Their main difference is where they stand in social issues like abbortion of gay marriage, since all of them pretty much have the same economic policies.

There's also fascism, which their proponents claim that it neither left not right, but extreme centre. Fascism also can be very complicated, it's very different from Mussolini's autarchia to Pinochet's wild west capitalism. The best way to definite it is: "All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state."

National-Socialism is just a regional variety of fascism. The main difference is that law are given by origin (ius soli) in fascism, where in nazism is by blood (ius sanguinis). 2/2

I honestly couldnt give a SINGLE FUCK









Speak for yourself









do you have kids? a wife? a gf?

have you even got a clean room?





Define truly

i had kids

I have a clean room

i walk 10 miles a day and am sortin myself out

but I fucking living in europe and i hate europeans

i hate the cringy fucking TROLL'D subcultur, fucking great,, we're dying out as a people but at least I can get called a pakistani by other "whites"

Blackpilled Anglo, you are wise lad.

Don't worry mate the empire will return

No, it won't


There is nothing good in our futures as white men, only war and persecution.

It has a better chance than you're shitfest known as the Spanish Empire mate.

they are all jew tools, only ideology and way of rulling should be Khanate in which Khagan is the first ruler, he resides in east and Tonyukuk is the second ruler who resides in west.

Tengri choses her Khan by giving him superior tallents. Khagan is responsible for peoples' liberity against the chinese and the arab.

get out of my country