Red pill me








Holy shit
Please be true

If true this changes everything I have ever known but I want to ask here before jump to conclusions

This reads like a shitty fake news story, only saying "scientists say" or "according to scientists" with no sources whatsoever.

It's not mine but I only came here for a second opinion

What kind of a mad man writes such a massive youtube post

And what kind of mad man reads it?

Well, my second opinion here is that this is entirely unreliable and silly. I especially like the part at the end where it says that "the truth is that we have very little information about the Moon's origin and purpose", while also talking about how alien bases and starships are being covered up. It reads like babby's first conspiracy theory, where the only source is "i have a friend that is an astro physicist and also some guy working for the pentagon said he covered up alien bases (no mention of this guys name)"

This + flat Earth is the true red pill.

Antarctica is an ice wall surrounding a disk shaped Earth. The Stars in the sky are all projections.

Don't be fooled.

At the very least it caught my attention

It makes broadly unscientific claims which can be debunked with the brainpower of an 8 year old child (why is there titanium on the moon? asteroid impacts), it also needs a source for about every sentence it makes so many bold and frankly retarded claims

It's just something I thought to bring up to spark discussion but I did take it with a grain of salt

And that's good, always question everything no matter what. Just saying that this paticular idea is a bit strange and unsourced. Best way to get redpilled is finding information yourself.

>always question everything no matter what
You're going to spend a lot of time reinventing the wheel if you do so, retard.

I did not write this.

if the flat earth is real how do you explain the huge surface area difference? the southern hemisphere would be stretched out.

also how do you explain that a person looking south from the southern tip of chile, south africa, and australia, would all see the same constellations despite being "on opposite ends of the disc?"

Not saying you should fucking question the wheel or rudimentary ideas like that, but it's a good idea to question theories and ideas, ye dingus.

there is no evidence that c02 is linked to planetary wide heating/cooling in a causal way

in fact there is evidence that any correlation c02 and planet temps is merely a correlation and not causation

the "evidence" showing c02 linked to planetary heating due to the industrial revolution shows up 100 years too late

also it's worth noting there's literally no downside to "the planet" getting hotter (in actuality the earth does not heat evenly, and mostly colder places will get hotter)

however if there was to be a cooling of even 2c it would mean crops would no longer be viable in large parts of the world

Not sure what global warming has to do with this, besides you are questioning a theory, which is what i am saying is healthy. It creates discussions and debates that are healthy for a society.