Just how degenerate do you think our culture/society can become before something just snaps?

Just how degenerate do you think our culture/society can become before something just snaps?

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Islam will reverse this once it's done conquering us.

It took the Romans several centuries of this and foreigners migrating to Rome. In the end they couldn't fix it and got cucked by Ostrogoth barbarians.

Maybe we'll do it in 20 years.
At least we'll have civil race war.

i wish i had someone to send me a nude

See weimar republic. When you were made to pimp out your own 7yo daughter outside of kike banks.

lol at people thinking the pendulum will swing back. It won't, we've gone too far

there will be a massive killer std epidemic in large cities soon.

Condoms exist.

>National Send A Nude Day

Followed by

>National Revenge Porn Awareness Day

>It took the Romans several centuries of this and foreigners migrating to Rome.
This, but we have a lot further to go. It will be faster this time around, of course, due to modern transportation...
But on the pure degeneracy side of things, there is still a ways to go. Bestiality, incest and pedophilia are yet to be normalized/encouraged.

This is what happens when our society goes away from christianity, hopefully islam will teach North Europe a lesson in modesty.

Thats not how it works. We havent reached rock bottom yet.

Rome's collapse was gradual, same will occur with us. Rest easy though, we're past the point of no return. It is going to collapse, thank fuck.

but thats a massive meme. not that we're currently dying, but that the romans were killed by le """degeneracy"""".

Germany had millions of strong, young men to fill the ranks of the best army of the world back then. Today? Look at the Bundeswehr and you see our situation today.


Canada's leading the march on this front.

When we will reach rock bottom, that will be it. There's no way back. You really think women would want to go back to their role and men would man up? no way

>le based Cucktianity maymay
>goes on to shill for Islam in the next sentence
So foreseeable.

Decadence and decay were an important part of the downfall of Rome though.

We've had that since the 1980s, but people in the cities are such nihilistic hedonists that they'd rather catch a terminal disease than wear a condom.

You Islam cocksuckers make me sick.

We need more Breviks in the world

>it's an angry betas mad that no one will send them nudes episode.

They were killed by degeneracy, economic instability, corruption, massive immigration, race mixing etc. In other words, same shit we're going through today.

Shit will hit the fan once Muslim population reaches critical amount.

Alternatively economy crash can do it as well.

I can't convince nordcucks to accept modesty, after all you were degenerates since the dawn of mankind, paganism, barbarians; that's what you were, not even christianity which values family unity and purity will cleanse your souls. Islam at this point is the only solution for you mongrels.

Be the Breivik you want to see in the world

It doesn't matter how many mudslimes there are.
What matters is WHERE they are. If we can keep them contained to a single continent, it's easy enough to nuke them.

You can go on omegle right now and get some slut to strip down on webcam for you with zero effort involved. Seeing a naked woman hasn't been anything to brag about for quite some time, my dude.

having fell into a system of having two Augustus' and two Caesars with badly defined boundaries thus constant competition, the obvious split between east and west only fuelling the aforementioned point, inflation and other economic problems left from the crisis of the third century, de-romanization of the military, over extended territories, grain shortages, mass plagues, civil wars (particularly in important agricultural settlements) and the obvious symptom of having incapable rulers played a bigger part.

i don't see how rome was any more ""decadent"" in 400 AD than the evidence we see of roman society in 100 BC. and for the record, i think this is the fall of the republic. not the empire.

The degeneracy and the welfare state that enabled it distracted the Romans from reality and caused the legions to be devoid of native Romans, necessitating the recruitment of conquered tribes.
Through that they learned to stand up for themselves and quite a few tribes revolted, famously Arminius and his tribe in the Teutoburgerwald.
It was only a matter of time before this weakened Rome would face foreigners of far greater numbers. Fateful for them, they could swing along with the great migration of the 4th-5th centuries.

We can't point at one single cause of the fall of Rome, because there are so damned many. Degenerate multiculturalism in the capital is a big one.

>"Their marriage code, however, is strict, and indeed no part of their manners is more praiseworthy. Almost alone among barbarians they are content with one wife, except a very few among them, and these not from sensuality, but because their noble birth procures for them many offers of alliance. The wife does not bring a dower to the husband, but the husband to the wife. The parents and relatives are present, and pass judgment on the marriage-gifts, gifts not meant to suit a woman's taste, nor such as a bride would deck herself with, but oxen, a caparisoned steed, a shield, a lance, and a sword. With these presents the wife is espoused, and she herself in her turn brings her husband a gift of arms."
>"Thus with their virtue protected they live uncorrupted by the allurements of public shows or the stimulant of feastings. Clandestine correspondence is equally unknown to men and women. Very rare for so numerous a population is adultery, the punishment for which is prompt, and in the husband's power. Having cut off the hair of the adulteress and stripped her naked, he expels her from the house in the presence of her kinsfolk, and then flogs her through the whole village. The loss of chastity meets with no indulgence; neither beauty, youth, nor wealth will procure the culprit a husband. No one in Germany laughs at vice, nor do they call it the fashion to corrupt and to be corrupted. Still better is the condition of those states in which only maidens are given in marriage, and where the hopes and expectations of a bride are then finally terminated. They receive one husband, as having one body and one life, that they may have no thoughts beyond, no further-reaching desires, that they may love not so much the husband as the married state. To limit the number of children or to destroy any of their subsequent offspring is accounted infamous, and good habits are here more effectual than good laws elsewhere."
>Tacitus, Germania

>Bestiality, incest and pedophilia
umm no
mostly conservative states in america and catholic church support this
but thankfully, progressive politics will pass the law to ban bestiality completely
same thing will happen to incest hopefully

economic instability and corruption are what killed Rome. Mass migrations? Why would they EVER matter in a place like Rome where citizenship was a legal right, not a birthright?


This did more damage

We live in the most prosperous era in mankind together with an aging population in the western world.

It all comes down to the fact of whether or not the past values/tradition were the backbone of this success. if that is the case then the western world is a Jenga tower with institutions being constantly removed/modified until the whole system crumbles to the ground.

You don't have urination slaves tied up on street corners, so there's plenty of wiggle room left.


(((The medias))) subvert techniques have finally pushed me to islam. Allahu ackbar

They cheated each other, there was no punishment for adultery, they didn't care because most pagans had alot of lovers. They were the same ones who made sacrifices followed by orgies, savages with no values.

There's plenty of stds that aren't prevented by condoms. Are you a nigger by chance?

lol, guess you know better than Tacitus, piss off christnigger

Oh, it won't ever snap

Eventually, the world will be split between two parallel worlds, the conservative theocrats and the shit we have now, akin to a caste system

The shit one will just continue going down, until they literally beg the theocrats to uplift them


Can't I'm having 12 kids with me wife and need to train them to be good white Christian soldiers maybe if I'm still nimble I will try in my 60s but if I didn't have my missus I'd have done a Brevik 5 years ago

when you say our, i hope you mean just american culture, cuz you faggots popularized girls being whores and guys being homos, FUCK YOU

In this thread, angry virgin weebs who dont have a nice enough cock to show to a girl and who have never received nudes from a woman. Step up your game gentlemen.

t plebbit

The brains to use them does not though.


t. Gonzales

When other white kids will always put them in their place.

>Center guy
Didn't know George Lincol Rockwell personally flew the Enola Gay.

Nudes are degenerate

you still haven't really read the quran

95% of the shit arabs do today are not found in the quran

95% of the degenerate shit the westerners do today are forbidden by the quran

in the information age, things go exponentially fast

chastity of priests, the papal office and christmas are not in the bible.

Texts being technically apocryphal does not excuse islamic barbarian practices.

you stupid nigger i'm telling you that the QURAN doesn't have does

im not excusing anything you stupid bitch

you're so far up your own ass you're incapable of analyzing things clearly

kill yourself

If it makes you feel even marginally better, most girls haven't even seen or heard of this 'holiday', most girls that do hear of this still wouldn't take a nude pic, and of those who would, the pic would most likely go to their boyfriend/husband...or to their best female friend as a joke.

can we make this international send a nude day? seems a bit unfair to limit the fun to muricunts

If people followed the Bible properly, the West wouldn't be in such a mess

Religion exists with the purpose to keep people in control through fear and educate them what's good and bad.
This kind of shit happens in societies that removed religion or made it look like a joke


>14 year olds are talking about whether they should clean up when switching from anal to vaginal sex
>meanwhile you're a virgin loser shitposting on an Azerbaijani finger painting bulletin board

you mean White US Cuckolds who love dying for Jews, importing BBC for their wifes and betrying the white race.
Every US American WW2 Veteran is a Huge cuck and a traitor who deserves beatings by niggers.

they stopped following it because it became nonsense, a shadow of its former self

If they had known the future they were fighting for they would have thrown their guns down. It's not their faults.

i dont believe this
they don't use old layout forums like these

fugg, I bet they're tracing my IP address right at this moment.

>believing propaganda
>Nords think ancient Germanics were like Scandinavians despite the Romans describing them as totally different than the Goths (Scandis) who were more akin to the Gauls who were notorious cuckolds
Germanics all had red hair and wide frames. Goths (Scandis) all were thin tall and had golden or platinum hair.
>he would have a problem with Islam if it was full of Nordic qts
Stop putting religion before race. If Islam saves our people then Islam saves our people. Don't be gay like Varg.
>inb4 kids
He can have 10,000 children but if he doesn't unite with the few million whites left it will mean nothing.

it absolutely is
>US was sold to Jews in 1913

they literally had no excuse, they just enjoyed being Jew pets and cuckolds.
I hope they burn in hell together with niggers and jews.

I believe the implication is that the decadence then made it difficult for the Romans to maintain order in their society. They were preoccupied with their degeneracy and drawing graffiti with cocks.

When you say women you mean feminists
pick one

Show your nudes op

you don't want to see my penus wenus

Oh the ironing

The US is just the epicentre of degeneracy.

IT is not as Bad in europe. (Yet)


and women wonder why many men lost "respect"
and if any woman actually tries to be actually decent in traditional standards her slutfriends turn her into a slut
just how fucked is this generation

So everyday but today would be Send a nude day?

Their shit is spilling over to us, so don't think you feel safe or something.

>not liking and encouraging sluts

I feel like most of you would lighten up with some female interaction, y'all don't need to be so angry all the time, if you genuinely act like a good guy I believe that YOU too can feel what its like inside of a woman

Are you alright dude? You seem to have some issues with young people having sex.

>surrrendering yourself to pussy
>encouraging instead of shaming sluts
I had female interaction and most of them aren't worth it.

poz my boi pucci

how is the small child in your basement doing?

What a surprise...

let's encourage sluts and marry them later, that will go extremely well

the pool of decent women is getting smaller and smaller, marriages don't last long anymore

They break at times. Lots of people get STd's that way.

You know too much.
All you had to do is to keep your mouth shut over the rumors surrounding my basement, and now you're going to pay

I thought this already happened when u guys hacked Snapchat?

Young people having sex mindlessly has consequences.

I'm happy, the sluts are still sluts, cuck

this seems like something Sup Forums would start

Already starting.
Sweden wanted to legalize incest, Mark Dice showed interviews of Calicucks supporting it AND TYT supported it in a video.

Cloverkin is an excuse for pedophilia. Miley Cyrus's BB talk video is pedophilic, liberals idolize and support pedophilia all the time, I meet so many at the grad bar justifying it.

Bestality is all that's missing....
Feels awful, man. Wtf happened to us?

I agree most aren't worth it, doesn't mean you have to be mad at all of them

marriage is dying out desu, women AND men are both less likely to submit to law-written commitment, nothing is stopping a couple from being faithful to each other without being married, people just want something *forever* and nothing is forever

Well, with falling fertility rates, increasing dependency ratios, and a growing immigrant population that is underwhelming in its productivity and overwhelming in its damage to social cohesion, it's just a matter of time before there's gonna be an economic collapse that the current system can't recover from.
Then people are going to take a good hard look at everything that put us on that path, and try to restructure to once again create a sustainable society, which won't be pretty. After that, there either won't be a Western civilisation anymore, or there will be no more degeneracy. I'm not sure yet how it'll turn out.

It really bugs me that the Jews have managed to get some Whites to hate their own Christian heritage so much that they genuinely believe it's of non-European origin, even though the people who founded it spoke and wrote in Greek and Latin, and the religions has always been focused around Rome.

Meanwhile the Koran is entirely a vehicle for the promotion of Arab cultural supremacism.

>Just how degenerate do you think our culture/society can become before something just snaps?

It's not society, it's certain classes in society.
Lower and middle, to be most specific.

I think 1 or 2 years max because society is starting to fail to function. This would have happened sooner if the degradation was not happening alongside AI and other automation. The inflection point will probably be a financial event

No I can't

reeee I'm sick of you normies acting like it's so easy

Redpill on rock bottom meme is that rock bottom is the grave. There is nothing in between.

Don't believe that the higher classes aren't affected by this too.