What if flat earth is distraction psyop to coverup hollow earth?

What if flat earth is distraction psyop to coverup hollow earth?

its actually toroid earth

Did you just seriously see and make a garbage thread about it?

What if hollow earth is distraction psyop for cube earth?

What if they're both distractions to keep you retards occupied while there are real conspiracies to revere

Like a fuckin balloon over a wormhole mah nigga

Waht if flat earthers just try to get some rich people mad so they will get paid a space travel to shut them up?

>he smokes the herbal Jew

go back to twitter

this but maybe op is just shitposting

>What if flat earth is distraction psyop to coverup hollow earth?

OP's last redpill

i've believed in the hollow earth theory for years, i can't believe they are getting christ tards back on flat earth

>implying x-earth theories aren't always shitosting

The real conspiracy is time travelers.

Don't you think I know that? Flat earth threads are shitposters and real flat earthers seeing who can out-retard the other

cone earth is the real redpill
antarctica is the tip of the cone, off-limits to goyim, very cold
arctic circle (CIRCLE!) is the base of the cone
cube earth is disinfo

>doesn't smoke pepe haze everyday to make for a better shitposting experience on Sup Forums




The earth is flat and hollow.

the earth is flat and hollow its called hell

Flat earth and nuclear weapons are fake are the two most stupid fake conspiracies out there. They're just designed to muddy the waters.

Hollow earth isn't real per se but there are massive underground caverns and facilities, that much is true.

Spartakus is fucking real.

What if your wife distracted my dick?
