American Standoff Documentary

Is there hope for freedom in America?

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There is always hope, but do Americans actually want freedom?
Why the hell should the average American care about some cowboy's cattle if they have their TV, McDonald's and Diet Coke?

There is no hope. More scenarios like this will happen. And nobody will care.

You see how the thread doesn't bump even on Sup Forums.

I'll bump it. Watchin

Will they happen in the next 4-8 years?

Memes can change that


The shift will be slow and gradual in a world dominated by the now & what's to come. Too many distrations these days & unfortunately it seems their demise by the State will be their greatest exposure to evil & ultimately their final defeat. Bad things happen to good people everday, & being perpetrated by a growibg state state that wants to enslave us all.

How so? I really don't see anything happening while Trump is around. After he's gone these people will need to be "put in their place", but before he's gone I'm skeptical

This could be big if Trump sixes with the patriots

One of his campaign officials took up arms in Oregon with Lavoy Finicun

as years go on more of our freedoms will be taken away. Anybody who publicizes their voice and speaks out against the government will be shut down. And it WILL happen once Trump is gone. They'll import mass immigrants to red states to change the votes and the liberals will always win the elections.

What if Trump follows through with his gun rights promises?


Every bump is like pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States of America

>Lavoy Finicum: American Terrorist

>TEENAGE girl gets shot at with Lavoy before he dies

We learned in 1954 that Americans don't want freedom.

Not sure what they are. I just know anything more invasive then what we already have would be ridiculous stupid on an administration & pointless to enact. Gun are here, accept it. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with one. I will Always be the good guy.

& how they tried to play it out!! Never showed the video from inside the car, Totally changes the narritive, & shows the State for what it is, a fucking Thug.

Trump promised ccws and standard size mag cap minimums nationwide

Also hearing protection act for silencers going through now

Apparently Trump is against the BLM feds

What happened then?

Integrated the schools at gun point when no one voted for it, and the vast majority of people were against it.

How do we turn niggers into patriots?

Sending them back to Africa, or giving them Louisiana and Mississippi, or killing them all.

Teaching them Booker T Washington rather than W. E. B. Du Bois
