Why do girls write shit like this on their dating profiles? Do they think this will attract a good partner?

Why do girls write shit like this on their dating profiles? Do they think this will attract a good partner?

mental illness

>hfw its actually non-black people that want to stay away from black people
Might as well tell her she'll never find a man with that attitude anyway.

You should have just highlighted the entire damn profile.

>not being attracted to a certain physical feature isn't natural, it's just being Wayciss!

this is the arguement that made me realize how fucking retarded these people truly are and what drove me from a more moderate sance to the right wing on social issues

It really is like they just can't help themselves. Like, they're writing their profile like a normal person, but then... they just can't contain it. They have to let their SJW bullshit out.

I bet it's the exact same thing if you were to hang out with these types of people. It'd be like a normal person for 10 minutes and then they'd be talking non-stop about racism and oppression and being triggered by everything.

Truly awful.

just let them die alone, used and abused. These are what people in the olden days called "witches" and also why they were burned to death

It's an indirect way of saying she's into being blacked.

It's a good warning signal. You now know to avoid her unless you want AIDS.

Best leaf post I've seen in a long time.


>I understand why black people wouldn't date non-black
>I fail to understand vice versa

What did she meaneth by this?


>Santa Domingo
>Spanish text on her profile

She's probably Dominican,

whoa, history just 'clicked' for me.

Huge red flag that she's insecure. Just agree with everything she says and you could easily get the pussy.

>unironically using online dating
Unless you're just looking to pump and dump you're better off looking elsewhere.

Pathetic apologist.

maybe she just wants a place to fuck?

As weird as it probably seems I don't use it seriously... I don't even have a real account. I just like to look around now and then out of curiosity. Although admittedly a little bit on the off chance that maybe one day there will be a female on there even worth talking to


Kek. We should compile a list of this knowledge like "Confucius say"

Fucking liberals. I love when I come across a streamer who says they had rape culture and if anyone says another remotely close will get banned (use the word retarded, or be an asshole). Then I watch them use the exact same language jokingly calling something a bastard. I ask if that's rape culture, instant ban. It's like they love oppressing other people's language except their own.

The same people in OP's pic who loves to shame people for having a preference to not liking certain races yet they will use race to make excuses for races they like, but of course that's not racist at all when you don't hold an entire race accountable for their own actions. "omg you wouldn't date a tranny? omg you bigot" It's like they don't even know the definition of bigot. How dare someone have an opinion that is different from mine, I better shout them down!!!

What she mean by Santa domingo is not correct?

Unless she's going for daddies she'll be dying alone.

She could just say "I'm a cunt, don't come near me". It's far more to the point

I avoid Scorpios, also Aries & Virgo are bitches.

Aquarius here (sun/moon) w/ Cancer rising.

Taurus women aren't my type either, LOL

Virtue signalling. Everything women do is for status purposes. Today, "high status" means signalling as loud as possible how much you love shitskins and hate white people.

Gay or Young MA?

>Genesis 3:16 "To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.""

Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

>Mi nombre es

Wow. How intelligent and inclusive she is!

they don't want to attract a good partner, simple as that


To manipulate you into accepting the crazy bullshit right off the bat and later making you actually believe it through nagging and screaming

they want a pussy whipped libtard cuck (bernie sanders supporter type) that will pander to them and take them out for dinner without expecting anything in return

That pic is great. Look at this proud patrician laying down *THE LAW* to that plebeian skank.

10/10 facial and behavioral aesthetics, desu senpai

my oneitis is a femme lesbian. I'll have her one day tho once this shit show collapses. Guess the oppression will be real that day, kek

I've been a racist, islamophobic (bullshit term), xenophobic anti-Zionist asshole for 30 years since I asked my parents why we didn't have computer controlled machine guns to prevent illegal alien crossing from Mexican't in 85 or 86 as a child.

Indeed, one of my favourite pictures. His facial expression and body language are sublime, the fact that he raises his hand open and not with a closed fist gives it more credibility and expresses more a stance of severity than one of rage. The divine Geburah instead of the demonic Golachab. The red shirt is an excellent choice in that matter. I'm glad it inspired you as much as it did to me, if I could I would use it as a wallpaper, I genuinely love that picture, it gives me peace of soul. I have more from that set but they aren't as good.

they will never have an actual committed relationships so actually having preferences means nothing to them. fuck, run, repeat