Can God make a rock so heavy even he can't lift it?

Can God make a rock so heavy even he can't lift it?

He could make a 0 energy vector and claim he couldn't apply it to any point in space, same thing really

Can god create a circular cube?

Then he'd lift it anyway

>can God make mans logic flawed and incapable or ascertaining truth?

Explain how something can have no beginning and yet here we are.

can god-man get me a gf?

No, that's why he made you a faggot instead.

he could provide ANY human for fucks sake or an attractive piece of drift wood i dont care im not picky

Yes. And then he'd lift it anyway.
>but muh paradox!
He'd make it so heavy he couldn't physically lift it and then grant himself telekinetic powers sufficient to lift it psychically. Or make it massive enough he'd be unable to lift it in standard Earth gravity, and then alter gravity. Or just create two branching timelines, one where he can lift it, one where he can't, and weld them back together so both were retconned to be true.

Logical paradoxes stop meaning anything when omnipotence is in play. Honestly, a 15th level D&D wizard could solve most of the problems people come up with when testing God's powers.

reading this was a big mistake

I can with code

public class Rock {
public boolean canBeLifted=false;

Rock myRock=new Rock()

I can also change the value of the property at runtime.

Why not worship god-god man instead?

I should've trusted you user but I didn't. Please forgive me.


I've never understood this argument. God's all-powerful, meaning by definition nothing exists nor can exists that he could not influence. Secondly, unless we're specifically referring to Jesus, God the Father is an ethereal construct with no physical characteristics. How can he physically lift something? And if he can lift it, there is no such thing as an unliftable object to him. Infinity plus 1 is still treated as infinity, correct?

Yes AND no.

Yes. And then he would lift it. It's the temporal nature of omnipotence.

I was already laughing, you made me laugh harder.
God, Super God, and Superduper God, all Bless Mormons.

>Sage thread

>making a class variable public

If god can make a retard as retarded as OP then sure I don't see why not he can't make a rock he can't lift. Until he wanted to.