Is it wrong to conquer other nations?

Is it wrong to conquer other nations?

No. Tribes taking over other tribes' territory is how peoples and cultures evolved. The people of a nation have a responsibility not to get conquered. No one has a responsibility not to conquer.

Inb4 Darwin fags

Oops too late

Yes, of course, anyone who experienced the horrors of modern warfare would agree with me
There is no glory, only hell and blood

No. It's wrong to conquer and then not teach them why they were conquered and how not to be conquered again.

Nations as a concept arose out of the use of force by the state.

It's absurd to say that it was okay for governments to have used force to carve out territories for themselves for all of history up until the end of WWII, when conquest suddenly became evil and we were all supposed to accept current borders as perfectly justified and permanent for all time thereafter.

Colonization was horrible, gringos came into our nothing and left behind factories, universities, housing and a stable political system.

but muh anarcho primitivist utopia

no conquer us now cunt

If they don't threaten you, yes.

What happened with the protests in SJ a while back?

Yes. Now delete this pointless thread.

It depends on how you conquer

>British empire
Just, don't, you are to blame for everything
>Genghis Khan and muslim style
Bad and savage
>Roman empire style
Not as bad, but still brutal and unfair
>France style
Meh..., stop trafficking slaves
>Portugal style
Better than France but stop it, we don't want more Negroes overseas
>Spanish empire

The worst, even worst than anglos
Sabotage and waging war in foreign lands for profit, literally Babylon, the whore of Babylon

as cucked as england is you guys NEED it. Even their conservative party is " Muh refugees"

Those monsters! you better kick them out and destroy everything like in South africa.

You should ask China the same question because while you westerners are sucking muslim dick and you Americans are too busy whining about your cheeto in office, the Chinese are rapidly expanding their influence.

Manifest destiny the globe

>there is no glory, only hell and blood
Tell it to the Romans!

Yes, they should want to be under your rule.

You should be such a fucking beacon that they flock to you, are inspired by you, are awed by your contributions.

That's what this country was supposed to be. Not whatever this corporate hegemony American Interests shit is.

Any conquest is inherently unfair and brutal.

No, who ever said there are rules

But you can at least make some good

Civilize, not brutalize

Loser detected.

Miss your friends? Scared of sleeping?

There's always the quick way out!

Yes war is bad. However being a weak cuck and opening yourself up to invasion is worse

That's fucked up, to be using trauma to gaslight.

Do you get joy from it?

You need to learn to forgive yourself, user.

Or the pain and anger will never go away.

That's fair, but I would say you aren't giving enough credit to many of the empires in your list.
>The British empire: everything is your fault
Anytime an empire falls, the lands it ruled over are thrown into chaos. It's not the Brits fault that they had the biggest empire and thus had the most shit happen because of its fall. They built railroads in India, educated all over, brought industry and modern medicine.
>Roman Empire
Founded countless cities that would grow to be the most influential on the continent for years to come (like London), built aqueducts and roads throughout the empire that are still used today, provided a place for learning that meant significant advances in several fields that could be rediscovered in the Renaissance.
>France and Portugal
I'm afraid I don't know enough about their particular styles to make a judgement on them, except to say that many of Portugal's holdings were later taken by other European countries, so it's hard for an amateur to gauge their impact.
I agree they did a lot of good with their empire, but slavery was even worse in the Spanish empire, and before that, natives were treated like subhuman filth for some time. Also, like with Britain, when they left, the region was in disarray for quite a while.

Only if you are the fucking kikes or serving the fucking kikes

yes but some nations are such shitholes they should literally just ask better nations to colonize them and send their people in to run it for them and they'd be a lot better off

No the only wrong thing is to leave afterwards and get blamed for the ensuing shit show.

Yes. And you should suffer terrible consequences.

Spain had slavery, yes, but not under the king's consent, when Charles V learned about this he demanded justice, he was in fact notified by the order of Dominicos

The implementation of universities, the cast system which encouraged criollos to breed with indians so the racial differences wouldn't matter, implementation of Catholicism and the inclusiveness of natives in the society, this whole system created a new national identity, many in fact, but the most recognizable is Mexico

I recommend reading "The true story of the conquest of new Spain" by Bernal Diaz del Castillo

I have to mention, Spanish colonies are a disaster because they decided to separate from Spain

>Anytime an empire falls, the lands it ruled over are thrown into chaos.
I was referring to the fact that British never actually cared about native population, just look at abbos, I actually feel petty for those common-ancestor

That's interesting; I'll have to look more into the workings of the Spanish empire and I might read that book too.
And I would say that the British cared about the native populace as much as they had to.
>Bunch of aboriginal tribes scattered around the area? Fuck em. We need clay for our prisoners.
>Actual cohesive nations with large populations? Fine. We'll improve things for them a bit instead of replacing the native population with our own. Geez, quit nagging.

it's pretty simple and you can see it anywhere in nature. you either be the aggressive one or simply be subject to the aggressive one.

asking everyone politely not to take advantage of your dumb and weak ass won't work

you're an easy meal ticket for someone

how can something innate in nature be "unfair" or "brutal"

those are just your faggy emotions and how you feel about it. go watch the new documentary "Rise of the Warrior Apes". Chimps wage war against each other all the time, even and sometimes especially when food was in abundance.

Both the world wars created the most useful shit ever like Penicillin and nuclear energy.

stop being a fag and putting all your faggy emotions on shit and learn how to actually deal with reality.

Fair enough, I think they lacked the empathy the Spaniards had over their colonies, nonetheless I do recognize they labor in civilizing the world

If you look at my post, and who I was responding to and what they said, you would understand that I was responding to a specific claim. That claim was this:
">Roman empire style
Not as bad, but still brutal and unfair"
The response is thus meant to say that this isn't a particularly reasonable critique of the Roman Empire as any Empire would have to use brutal and unfair methods to build an empire. My response is thus understood as, not a critique on the practice of empire building, but a critique on another poster's argument.
Also, I believe your claim is that I can't describe something that is natural with my supposedly faggy emotions. I would respond to that claim by saying you're a fucking idiot. You can't take the time to figure out everything I just said to you on your own or are you just too damn stupid to understand how a simple fucking conversation works? If either of those is the case, you have no business being here as you are either Way below the 18 mark or are mentally and socially stunted beyond hope. Also, emotions are natural you fuckwad. Sex is innate in nature and people describe it with their faggy emotions all the damn time. The sunset's fucking natural; people use emotional language to describe it. The best art of western civilization is great because of the way it plays on and let people channel their emotions. And I'm not talking about modern art shit, I'm talking about Michelangelo hiding priests he didn't like in depictions of Hell, I'm talking about the Greek myths and tragedies that started so much of this awesome thing we call Western Civilization.
To summarize since I know you can't handle reading: grow up or fuck off.


It's only wrong to be doing it for really stupid reasons.

That's a pretty good point I have to admit. They, for one reason or another, definitely more assimilated rather than completely subjugated the native populace they ruled over. And people like Bartolome de las Casas were able to get a lot more support for ending the shitty treatment of natives than they would've gotten in other empires of the same time period.

>>Spanish empire
how is rape natives and plunder gold optimal

What are you talking about? That's the imperial dream, Shire friend.

only if you lose.


you're a pussy

If you are communist then Yes it is