Are white people becoming the new "oppressed" race?

Are white people becoming the new "oppressed" race?

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Nah just hated. Give it a decade or two though we'll be in the gulags yet


White people are oppressed then



>own up to it
Which white women exactly are they wanting to own up to it? The women who voted Trump? I don't think they care what the Chicago Tribune has to say about them.

Her face looks like the "do it faggot" meme



I have no idea what the hell this article said, but it's hilarious, because Hillary Clinton IS a white woman. And i know it's at least her fault she lost.

Anyways I don't care if the left rips into American white women. They're out of control anyways. They could use some good discrimination to put them back in line. Sick of their shit.

did not age well

>own up to it

Goddamn I hate modern journalism.

European diaspora need to get their shit together if we are going to survive.


(((Peter Birkenhead)))


>insulting 70% of voters for their race

>black voters dont show up for hillary
>white people blamed anyway

Holy shit, why are liberals so relentlessly obnoxious

they ran a white woman
they lost the white woman vote
let that sink in...they lost what was supposed to be their prime demographic
the childless pansuit-wearing wannabe CEOs that lead the Democrat party forgot that some churches are 60% female, and many middle and lower class women enjoy church for the social network and support it provides



(((Paul Waldman)))

Jesus, you just need to enter any one of these author's name into google with the word jewish, and they all come up jewish.


the person who wrote this article
literally (((Jan Harrison)))
cant make this shit up

They're certainly trying, but they're doing such a blatant job that people are getting sick of their shit.


Nope. I will never be oppressed. that is the role of a victim and can only apply to you if you choose to except it. Don't fall for the mind game that beat the niggers white men, if you do then it will be you on the stoop on them programs next.I know you are better than that. Choose to be a victor not a victim.

Indignant fucks aren't they


>dark white skin

many keks

fuck off

Thats not fucking real

why am I not 50 points ahead you might ask.


Is Harrison a Jew name?

either tell that bitch to stfu or get better sound proofing

Another (((Birkenhead)))

based white women

(((Class interests)))


That article is not saying whites are oppressed. It's obviously yet another "you suck, whites!" piece.
Still slightly better than JF Sargent or that little cuck faggot Tom Reimann.

Ideally we push this harder.

White women need to be shunned and shamed by their PoC fellow travelers. They either need to revel deeper in their white guilt or be pushed to the other side. Find the breaking point for them.

no, it's an anglo name

t. a guy with the surname Harrison


>modern marxists disavowing the working class
>Best year

This is the best timeline folks.

Was Trump never not in the lead at any point on election night? that must have been delicious

What the actual fuck? These supposed reputable news sources publish tabloid tier articles?

I know my country if fucked up but what the hell, First World?



the corruption only grows and gets better at hiding the nicer the country gets

>All of this ceaseless leftwing self-consumption


They'll be pushed away from the left and might realise that bringing in shitskin rapists from ever corner of the earth isn't a good idea


>trump didn't win, we lost!

The democrats have a huge demographic problem with white people and that's what they get for not casting out the identity politics obsessed crazy progressives.

people who used to be "its NEVER okay to hit a woman" now applaud black men hitting white women for racist shit talking.


No and saying we are is just Social Programming. Don't act like a minority if you don't want to be treated like a minority


You are a minority in your country


Why do libshits celebrate "Diversity" and "Individualism" when actually they are for a brown samish hivemind?

nigga, please

Based leaf

i'm conflicted. on one hand coalburners are no longer people because they allowed themselves to be dehumanized for their fetish.
But it should never be ok for blacks to hit a light skinned person other than self defense, whether they aren't considered white anymore or not, because blacks dont make that distinction.

I fucking LOVE stuff like this. Give me more! Preferably with their Nov 8 reactions, too.

We are a minority so yes


nothing based about being racist occasionally,racism should be expressed daily not

>class interests
>losing the country your forefathers built, becoming a minority, constantly being bashed by the media and education system, and having "issues" like which bathroom tranny freaks can use at the forefront of politics


Well, hivemind collectivism is exactly a tenant of the Left. So it makes sense. There was a shift in the political left when classical liberalism was elbowed out by varieties of Marxism. I don't even use the term 'liberal' anymore because it is misleading.

The Libertarian party is the most liberal. They stand for small government and individual freedoms and rights.
The Democratic party is progressive in its current trending positions. They believe in collectivism and government intervention to promote and maintain equity (equality of outcome)
The Republican party is conservative and traditionalist. They are guided by time-tested tenants that promote social well-being.
Basically the latter two have both shown a willingness to use the government as force to apply moralist stances on issues.


Because in reality they don't like "diversity", they just support anything that is anti-White. They hate strength and success, and Whites strong and successful.
They are driven by hatred. Hatred for Whites, hatred for themselves.

Corruption is white collar here. Money, scamming, and lies.

>Dark white skin

In Sweden they don't even say what skin color the suspect is, unless he's white of course.

clearly photoshopped


Tenet. Sorry, I see this a lot and it drives my autism up the wall.

How do people get this dumb and dramatic? They need some REAL suffering to wake them the fuck up. They have the easiest problem free lives, so invent shit to complain about.


florida was the second state to secede and even the Hispanics here voted trump

>Fuck the workers we'll build a leftist utopia with hordes of retarded welfare recepients who will never contribute to society!

Who would from a society like that? Its like down syndrome communism.

Guys, lets talk about Tim Kaine for a sec, what the fuck was she thinking picking this schmarmy, disgusting looking jew for her running m8? Just watching go toe to toe with Pence was fucking hilarious, why don't we ever talk shit on this fucker?


What's with all the downvotes? This one's confusing me.


White people always say they're so superior but white boys are literally sissified, white women are soldiers for brown and black cock, white men are working class slaves, and white girls are beaten and raped. You're dying all around the world at your own hands. Get over your sense of superiority and then you'll be able to protect yourselves. Trust me.

Let's move them in his house

Turn on the gas already


>Get over your sense of superiority

not sure if well concealed bait or making a point that /Pol jumps to conclusions

Duh, anyone breaking with the program is ripe for expulsion from the popular consciousness at best or death at worst. No one is exempt.


wtf i love white women now

I'm not even going to give that post a (you), it's the same old garbage.


source on that ?
i read that in another thread and its hard to believe