How do we stop the cartels drugs and corruption that makes people leave and destabilize Latin America

How do we stop the cartels drugs and corruption that makes people leave and destabilize Latin America.

Was declaring the war on drugs good or wrong?

How do we stop this?

Big pharma doesn't like competition

1. Drugs are for niggers..

2. enact Philippines style drug laws!

Armed rebellion, pretty much the only choice

Its like you want to enrich big pharma pockets

nope, to really fix anything..first the jews have to go! that would pretty much end big pharma greed!

the war on drugs was actually done to create organized crime so CIA could infiltrate. Honestly they more than likely sell them weapons and take bribe money from them.

The best way to remove them is stop latino farmers from competing with foreign ones. Most of them are selling their farms or growing cocaine since they cant make a profit and the rest of them either go into drug trafficking or move north.

Legalize drugs, leave it up to the market to satisfy demand, educate the people about risks and let them take their own decisions.

>How do we stop this?
Dismantle the CIA, cut funds for the DEA, and pressure trump to crack down on suppliers not the users. With that being said, violent users should go to prison, and dealers as well.
Marijuana should also be decriminalized, or at least demoted from schedule 1 to schedule 2.
>inb4 dude weed
Marijuana, can be used as a medicine I believe, but we won't have better results unless the government allows scientists to test higher quality strains. And scientists currently can't use higher quality strains because Marijuana is a schedule 1 drug.

Feels pretty good to see a burger that knows about these subjects.
It also will help stopping illegal immigrants and I'm sure if one day in the future mexico is 1st world If only that happens a lot of anchor and immigrants will come back

>pretty good to see a burger that knows about these subjects
I think a lot of other burgers on Sup Forums realize that (((big pharma))) and the government have always worked together to halt research on the possibly positive effects of marijuana, but then again a lot of them just shitpost about DUDE WEED.
>It also will help stopping illegal immigrants
Never really thought about that aspect of drug decriminalization, but I do know some of the central/southern states of Mexico have large cartel presence, so is that why some of the people flock to the states?

>enact philippines style drug laws

kys druggie

Marijuana for those over 40

are you straight edge user?
so based!!!!!

mexico is fucked. I'm the guy who goes around screaming chingapore but you guys clearly don't have institutions clean enough to crack down

Mexico will eventually need a civil war to shake off the cartels. They threaten political power in the same way Escobar threatened Columbia. Arguably already happening. A Combination of death squads and amnesty programs could be effective, although it'll be a protracted bloody messy no matter what happens at this point

what people fail to realize is that even in the event of weegalization the cartels will still be around for a long time to come. Drug interdiction increases the rate of violence, but is bringing hidden corruptions to the surface that had been there all along.

decriminalize weed
government controls production and distribution

coke and the heavier shit is a problem. farmers mostly dont want to grow coca but have little choice due to employment prospects and cartel/organized gang pressure.

Literally have to start new industries or employment opportunities-worthwhile ones-in areas where coca plant is farmed as well as eradicate any criminal elements, which is unlikely.

Heroin - fucked if I'd know, maybe a clean out of customs and immigration and the corrupt top dogs giving them their orders

don't give it to the government government-controlled alcohol sales are always a disaster and always essentially a new cartel.

just let normal white people like me grow it. it's just farming. we're good at farming.

States with cartels EVERY STATE even mexico city but some states aren't as bad at others by example in Mexico city there a cartels members but they can't do shit neither in touristic states. States where shit happens are mostly Aguascalientes, Baja California, Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Durango, Estado de México,guerrero Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tamaulipas y Zacatecas. That's the state where it happens the violence and decapitations only happen in sierras (big really big ass mountains) the army arrives and the cartels go there to hide. The States where doesn't happen are Campeche, Chiapas, Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Ciudad de México, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Tlaxcala,Veracruzy Yucatán.

I live in state of México (known as mexico here.) and it's pretty dangerous but depends really where you live the inequality here it's seriously big you can go from Safe and beautiful places to shitholes in less than 30 minutes. Recently my mom saw her first shooting some criminals wanted to kidnap the son of the ex mayor of town but one police officer killed the guy that's the first thing I heard that happened near I live.

This has to stop. If you are a good politician you get corrupted by the bribes from the cartel or other political parties.

Mexico legalized all drugs in the 40s but America said no and they had to obey (unless they wanted to end like Cuba with blocks)

clearly mexico needs to go back to legalizing drugs and use it for tourist trade and renuild their own economy.

>clearly mexico needs to go back to legalizing drugs and use it for tourist trade and renuild their own economy.
The US would never let it happen, feelsbad

This sadly mexico and Latin America is where the US get everything, cheap labor cheap materials and resources and this will not end companies love immigrants they can get in debt and Lower wages.