Answers to life

Let me break down life for you sheeps. It goes like this:

>Adam & Eve and the Serpent were in fact real
>Eve like the dumb bitch she is ate the apple and gave humans free will
>The Garden of Eden is actually the second most outer layer of this Hollow Earth
>The Earth Is Hollow
>Adam & Eve banished to most outer layer of the Earth
>Serpent stays in Paradise
>Serpents evolved into advanced reptilian people
>Slaughter people and use skin suits to slowly evolve scales to be able to blend as human
>Sadly can't hide Lizard Snout
>Chalk it off to just having a big nose gene
>Start new religion
>Dub it "Judaism"
>Already have a detailed master plan into slowly creeping in lizards disguised as humans
>Have sleeper spies all over the globe, ready to attack at a moments notice
>Create a huge facade and theater and drama in which to distract humans so they can further plans unnoticed
>Create Marxism and communism
>Kill Germans and plant more ((spies)) in Germany
>Hitler retaliates, Knows the true nature of the Jews
>Sadly Hitler loses this fight
>Victors get to write History
>Claim 6 million jews were killed to get some sympathy
>Recently tried to bump that number up to 11 million


What David icke talks about?

if the serpents are literally in paradise, why bother coming to the surface?

your tale hath been rekt, methinks.

where the entrance to the hollow earth then niggy?

Never knew who that was before now. Still don't, but I guess yeah. Everything is basically misinformation to keep humans stupid and ape-like

Because they want to wipe out the human race, because the Jews are greedy they feel they should own Everything. They deserve it more than we do.

North & South Poles. If you look up a guy named Richard E. Bird, a pilot who wrote a recollection of an exhibition to the south pole and where he actually flew into the hole, describing a lush place with heavy vegetation... almost like a garden of sorts.

Get lost kike shill


>Adam & Eve and the Serpent were..


>>Sadly can't hide Lizard Snout
>>Chalk it off to just having a big nose gene


One of the many Jews who lurk Sup Forums and comment and start black male/white female cuck threads. Good ol' fashioned "Internet Conditioning"

>Adam & Eve and the Serpent were in fact real

prove it

OP I am very curious to see how this story ends.

Sure! Lemme just go all the way back to the beginning of man and find out. Or maybe I can find fossils in the Inner Earth of them. I'll have to get back to you after I set an exhibition in like 10 years.

>Remaining ((Reptiles)) disperse and infiltrate the now strongest country in the world
>One of these reptile families just so happens to be the Rothschilds
>Start broadcasting business all over the place
>Even though already rich and powerful, they all still snowball into even bigger conglomerates
>Turned humans into lazy zombies with television. A source for entertainment (Or a powerful weapon to indoctrinate people's way of thinking subliminally)
>Hire only Jews to work and claw their way up to fame & riches

Sorry guys, burning out, getting sleepy. And a little creeped out desu, I can hear someone pacing around my back alley for a while now.


The deeper meaning of all major religious and occult practices is to not waste your jiz. It's what the alchemists were talking about and it's what Jesus goes on about. When you refrain from jizzing you become full of the holy spirit. Jiz is the serpent in the garden that tempts you to fap. The tree is your nervous system. Eve is the porn making you waste your jiz. It is your creative essense that is typically used to fashion your life into your desires, but people waste it and end up living barren lives.

One of the towns the jews infiltrated was Bowling Green, Kentucky. A growing muslim-populated town...

Adam and Eve already had free will. Otherwise they would not have been capable of committing sin in the first place.

Sin can be committed with good intention. Does this imply free-will?

Is that pic of the black cube of Saturn showing it destroyed?

>Sin can be committed with good intention. Does this imply free-will?
Firstly, their intentions were not good. They were allured by undue pride. Secondly, doing something in accordance will God's will does not nullify your own, its an choice of compliance, not the forcing of compliance. Lastly, a sin is a sin, ignorance and intentions are mitigating factors, but offensive actions are still at some level wrong.

No, She was cleverly deceived by a clever slithery jew to take the apple. Just like how the American Gov't cleverly offers the Blue Pill

read ephesians 1:11 fuckboy

Knowledge is never a sin. The sin came from having paradise and not taking it in grace (which, without freewill and a fall from grace wouldn't be possible in the first place.) Wouldn't this imply then that sin is necessary to the development of good? Sin is, in fact, not an offense, but a cause of being that cannot die without forgiveness of being or death. Sin is necessary, which is why the forgiveness of sin must be a true force and always reachable (as it is). Paradise is given to us in Death, but we have birthed away Paradise, because of our Father and Mother.
The Garden is always supposed to fall.

Adam and eve is metaphorical.

The poison apple is adams cum.

Eve ate the "forbidden fruit" and started humanity.

What are you a Calvinist?

>invisible magic man in the sky is creating events in human history

>paradise is given to us in death
you might me right

no, i just stick to what the fucking verses says
read isaiah 46:10

In death, we lose free-will for we are "confined" to our "grave". If we are of Paradise, would we not, although dead, find our most deserving place?

>Knowledge is never a sin.
Then necromancy is a OK? Or stealing, so long as whats being stolen is books. Knowledge is a sin if obtained in a way God has forbidden us from pursuing.
>Sin is, in fact, not an offense,
it is, though. God is perfect, and His own Nature would be repulsed by imperfection.
>Paradise is given to us in Death, but we have birthed away Paradise,
Paradise was given to us alive, we lost it. Sin is not necessary for it either, as Christ and His mother demonstrate.

It ends with either a drug overdose or OP mumbling to himself in an insane asylum.

>isaiah 46:10
Free will is by no means impossible if God wills it.

you really are fucking dense arent you?
how about god is the entire fucking infinite galaxy? god is every other dimension you cant perceive through your 5 apetures.
wake the fuck up

Maybe not directly, but perhaps through proxy yeah. And also he's not a man.

>>The Earth Is Hollow
at the very least that part is true, and the nazis are building UFOs in there or at least in antarctica

You mean either drugged by jews or told I'm crazy by some jews?

The use of knowledge can be a sin, but the knowledge itself still has potential to exist as good, therefore with purity and without sin.
Humans are imperfect. We need to be. Being perfectly imperfect, by experiencing every form of sin and preserving through it, would be the ultimate act of God. You are backwards in His, Jesus', path, to my perception.
If we were not imperfect, how would God learn flaw? How would he be able to perceive new potential reality without us to make chaos for his Perfection?

i stick to what the fucking scriptures say. And it literally uses the word "predestined" in plain english at ephesians 1:11

exactly you dumb fuck


Fucking hell that was hilarious.

>how about god is the entire fucking infinite galaxy?

This is pantheism, which is atheistic as far as the Abrahamic religions are concerned. To them, God is a supernatural being that exists outside the natural world. If you want to conceive of God as the universe itself, that's all well and good, but you're talking about a very different conception of God.

I stick to how it feels. Death is a very complex and aligned with good force. Death of identity would be a good course to the Garden, wouldn't it?

I think you said enough

essentially you speak of the human Ego, yes?

>dumb bitch gives us free will..

Oh my lord.... Eve dropped the first red pill...

You missed who Adam's son fucked and reproduced with.

You're quite easily the biggest retard in the entire world.


In the allegory of the cave, who are the people casting shadows onto the walls making you always think there is another level you need to get to in order to find truth?

Chrism, the holy anointing oil.

Yes. The ego can feel anything, but it is subject to it's own desires.
In my perception, it would be my own fear or my own shadow, although I my main state of identity would be that, also.

>God is perfect, and His own Nature would be repulsed by imperfection.

Jesus hates the sin, but loves the sinner.

>Sadly can't hide Lizard Snout
>Chalk it off to just having a big nose gene
>Hitler retaliates, Knows the true nature of the Jews
>Sadly Hitler loses this fight

MASSIVE PLOTHOLE: Hitler could easily win by telling people about the snout.
He only needed to show everyone how the lizard people really look like.

Stupid theory.

Said the Jew who loves censorship

Who do you think? It's common sense, that or either early ape-like humans, and that's how AIDS was created lmkeko

Read the entire verse.
Our redemtion through Jesus was predestined, not each individual.

Holy shit, learn to read.

>it being 2017 and vast majority don't believe in it
>Expect people who were much more ignorant in the 30's & 40's to get over that fact and see the truth

>answers to life

Atleast proxy your autism through a 3rd world nation, i'm trying to fix our rep here, and youre not helping.

All is One/law of one?
Is that the nature of reality?

>Eve like the dumb bitch she is ate the apple and gave humans free will

Are you retarded? She ate the apple because she already had free will. Holy fuck, I don't even know I still bother.