Can someone give me a quick rundown on Pamela Anderson?

Can someone give me a quick rundown on Pamela Anderson?

boobs then got old and now has apparently had plastic surgery

Why do people get plastic surgery? Shit doesn't make you look better, it only makes you look worse

Plastic surgery is the true redpill. She is ascending towards the next plane of human existence

That's her wtf? I used to like her a lot when I was in home alone at 13 years old

Did she swallow the bogpill???

She looks Finnish now

shes not even in the limelight any more, why fucking bother? just retire on your money like a normal, sane person

The plastic surgery can only do so much, especially if you had some real hard living.

How did ear rigns come about, and persist, any way? Who on earth thinks some tinsel around the face makes a woman more attractive?

*ps it's not a status symbol, the silver value of just about any ear ring is max $10

Hepatitis Z?

That's Pamela Anderson? Unrecognizable. She looks Bogtastic.

Obviously a clone.

You paid enough attention to it to make a rant. The purpose was met. She won.

BTFO by Jewish plastic surgeons

I wonder if the money she got from the sextape in the 90's ran out yet?

I fapped to that so much


she appears to have taken the Bog Pill

why age gracefully when you can ascend beyond the human plane?

The Bogs were born manlets and couldn't stand it, so they took fuckloads of growth hormones which did make them taller, but also turned them into ayylmaos.
Even the smart ones never learn.

post before-after pic, i don't remember how she looked before

She and Assange got whacked last year

So if you take a shit and eat da poo poo in public and someone talks about it, you win?

Looks like the bogpill harmonized with her system.
She is evolving now.

Try not to be too jealous

She was killed for being associated with Julian Assange. This is a double.



If you're an attention whore, yes.
Full blown retardation and degeneracy is the next obvious step to fulfill this. This is why zoophilia and pedophilia will be legalized in our lifetime.


Hey Macauley, watcha doin'?


Dumb old whores think they can maintain their youth using plastic surgery

It always ends in disaster

Is this even human anymore?

We're back to square one, because nobody except me have asked about the point upon seeing a woman with ear rings, so it's not attention whoring.


She took the Bogpill

Obviously not, because a clone actually looks like the person that they are.

The cloning process malfunctioned. Her body is rejecting Earth's atmosphere.

I know that feel.

They shoulda never let y'all niggas spray strontium.

Pamela Anderson is the official sandwich maker of Wikileaks


Ok...for the slow guys.

Earrings are a real hazzle for working outside all day. They're also made from rare materials, they're small and therefore comparatively difficult and time intensive to produce.

Thus normal low class women can't or rather couldn't afford them. That means earrings are a status symbol.



Clones are not always 100% exact. Look at chapelle, carrot top, sammy sosa, Michael jackson. Their bodies are nothing like the original. And don't tell me Sosa looks like that because of skin bleaching. Please.



>That means earrings are a status symbol.
No, they're not. Jewelry is low class and has been for quite a while. Even if you have the real metal, it's like $20 max. If you have high actual status, you don't care about this hoodrat shit.

It can work if you're making tiny adjustments. They just don't know how much is too much or don't accept it because they want to go further with the changes.

>49 years old


If you kill your enemies, they win.


I hate these kind of posts "hurr look how different she looks". She's looks exactly the fucking same except her hair is slicked back and, guess what, she's older.

This is a good question, and I often think it myself.

I wonder if these people are so anxious about their own appearance, that they're able to convince them that it DOESN'T look shit. So then they have a "cure" for looking old, and their anxiety recedes.

People have an amazing capacity to convince themselves of any old shit, despite all evidence to the contrary, if it makes them feel better.

Woman who had looks while young gets a bunch of plastic surgery to try and hang on to said looks. Winds up looking like the crypt keeper while aging horribly. Many such cases!

Remember that meeting with Julian Assange? That was the Bogdanoff's sending Pamela in to give Assange the bogpill. Assange belongs to them now.

Jesus, and I fapped to her porn

>Pamela Anderson

Her kike body is trying to transform into it's final-boss stage and she is trying to hide it with surgery. All Jewesses do this.

my god! who are those magnificent lookin people?