Oi, BritBongs, Educate me

I just registered to vote, but I know fuck-all about politics.

Convince me who i should vote for.

(I ain't voting for Corbyn though, i know that much)

Other urls found in this thread:


vote lib dem they are redpilled on the jews my man.

Vote greens for memes.

lmfao if ur not voting conservative just kill urself

Spoiling the ballot or not voting is the only sensible choice.

>inb4 "muh democracy" shills

Corbyn is the only logical candidate

vote Corbyn you hot mustard eating cunt

>A fucking leaf!

yeah, no, im not a communist thank you very much


I say vote conservative.

Communism is redpilled af

Vote BNP, UKIP or don't vote at all

I'm a burger and probably underinformed about UK politics, but shit, dude, are the tories really the best option you have?

True, but it usually ends badly, and i would rather avoid spending the rest of my life in a gulag


Or just spoil the ballot

desu this is the third time in as many elections this has been brought up. Nothing ever comes of it because it's stupid and not feasible.

>voting for the BNP nowadays
Maybe back along but they aren't an option anymore, quite literally in most constituencies.

And fuck Griffin desu.

*This is what liberals actually think dem socialism is*

No, it isn't. Criticising Israel isn't "redpilled". They're not criticising Israel because of Jewish control in Europe; they're criticising Israel because muh poor Palestinians. It's why they hate white americans as well.

Yes good goy vote for the kosher party's

but it wouldn't be the first time May has allowed facts to be 'changed'.

She falsified drug reports while home secretary and the tory(scum) have in the past moved to censor things such as pornography.


enjoy your gov owned and controlled internet, no more Sup Forums or "hate speech websites" for you. have you even read their manifesto or seen what they have already done forcing ISPs to story all of your history?

If you live in a:
-Strong Labour seat vote UKIP
-Strong Con seat vote UKIP
-Weak Labour seat vote Con
-Weak Con seat vote Con
-SNP seat vote Con then move.

Fucking idiot. BNP isn't kosher at all. UKIP is, but DEFINITELY not the BNP. Learn about something before you speak about it.

Don't listen to the bongs.
Watch this and then vote.

Change mind. Vote Ukip or BNP


BNP is for skin head fags

>Norway labor party was anti-Israel
>mass shooter (((anders Breivik))) kills 77 people and targets Labor party members with bombing

>bnp is for skinhead fags
>like vid related
Fuck off, idiot.

Once again, not politically savvy, no clue what seat i live in

Kek. Just don't vote; you're an idiot and democracy is a sham anyway.
Why the fuck should you be able to vote if you don't even know your own seat? Shows how retarded this system is.

>"muh poor Palestinians"

The Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are literally, statistically the most depressed population on Earth but they're just being bitches hey

Where do you live?

Also this:

So long as it isnt Corbyn im not really fussed

Also, fuck you to chum


Fuck off, no one gives a fuck about some youtube faggot

I don't give a fuck.
>muh poor native Australians
>muh poor native Americans
>muh poor native Britons
>muh poor native Africans
With that attitude, your nation, my nation, America, Canada and other great nations were formed off the backs of native shits. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever.

On second thoughts just spoil the ballot by drawing a dick on it or something idk


What native britons???

Why is your vote just as valid as people who actually understand politics? Because you (somehow) managed to live to the age of 18?
I shouldn't be voting either, because democracy is a nonsensical sham of a political system.

you may aswell vote ukip or some fringe party as a protest vote, because then it scares the bigger parties more than spoiled ballots

for example, when ukip was getting a big following the conservacucks decided to also offer an EU referendum so they didnt lose so many seats

The native Britons who were conquered by the Anglo-Saxons and massacred/displaced.

TFW you are a Germanic Anglo

Labour get over 40% of the vote in York each General so you are in a strong Labour seat this is very unlikely to swing so vote UKIP. Although given Corbyns lack of popularity this election could be different and it could swing but it would ve very unlikely IMO in such a strong seat.

It's a pretty sexy face.

Im just trying to avoid communism.

Personally, i kinda want the monarchy to have more power. Not absolute power mind you, but more of a say in the nations affairs.
At the very least, it would be entertaining

Britain should be a true constitutional monarchy. Fuck parliament and fuck the oligarchs who control parliament.

dont let history repeat itself pls

if you love the monarchy so much and dont want to see them executed again dont ask to be a monarchy again

Wait I got confused there's a York OUTER and a York CENTRAL. Outer is a strong Con seat while central is a strong Labour seat so you'll need to check where you live.

Nice logic there lad.

Well yeah Australia was formed off the backs of natives.

Doesn't mean that today, Australia is besieging natives, starving them and cutting off humanitarian supplies, and bombing their kids with white phosphorous every couple of years does it?

Not that we don't do some fucked shit. But I'd rather be on the other side of it than make excuses, wouldn't you?

Let the Israelis genocide them then to end their suffering.
The Israelis can enslave the Palestinian runts if they wanted to.

parliament was formed out of necessity, you will just have another civil war if you give the royal family power

they are not accountable or impeachable - that is why it doesnt work

Mummy May
all the way

Cool, be a piece of shit.

Its all a fucking sham. All politicians always lie all the time. Don't believe them. The best you can do is abstain from voting to withdraw parliament's mandate to rule regardless of who wins. The party who wins will rule over those who voted the other way or who didnt vote at all and that is not ethical - democracy is just mob rule, but we have been brainwashed into thinking its the best system. All parties and politicians are bought and paid for and are merely playing a part. Trump, Farage, May, Corbyn, whothefuckever....

A global political system and global money system is the end game - we are already there, really

Note how I said constitutional monarchy; there should be some sort of council to keep them in check.
Democracy is simply a facilitation of oligarchy. The monarch has historically been the safeguard against the oligarchs who abused the population.
Cromwell, who fought for parliamentary dominance, realised what a den of vipers it was and had to dissolve it accordingly.

>Ayo celt boi

Nothing shitty about it. It's natural law. A stronger unit of life overpowers another. Humans aren't above the laws of nature.

Watch the "Yes, Minister" series. Its funny and reveals the parliamentary system for the lie that it is. Its not fiction - its closer to the truth than you might think.

ProTip: Humphrey is Mi5

And yet the physical laws governing nature compel me to call you a piece of shit. Funny, that.

> there should be some sort of council to keep them in check.

thats the idea of parliament

>keep them in check

how do you keep a "blessed bloodline" in check, exactly?

Nice. Nice argument.
>t. abo cunt

>(I ain't voting for Corbyn though, i know that much)

Then vote Torie.

It's not a two-party system, but it is.

Anyway you vote this election is gonna be bad choice for the Country anyway. Honestly it's better to just sit this one out to say you didn't have a hand fucking up the Country by electing any of these cunts.

vote for UKIP or kill yourself

It isn't the idea of parliament at all. The parliament of today does not exist to keep the monarch in check, does it?
When did I say the bloodline has to be "blessed"?

>It's not a two-party system, but it is.
Sadly this

>old nazi
>not having tats
>not smoking
fuck off retard

What if I want to die but i wanna vote Ukip?

Reminder that are Paul absolutely smashed the leaders debate

He cares about the working class without being a commie about it

Old nazis didn't have tats nor smoked though.

Didn't watch the debate but I heard that Paul got gang raped by the other candidates whenever he spoke

Pirate party if you have the option.

He did, it was cringeworthy as fuck.

But then he came out with genuinely great ideas, to which everybody else retorted "well I agree with that but UR RACIST"


They did smoke

They did indeed.

Hitler passed laws against smoking and the state disencouraged it.

>It's a NATIONAL health service, no an INTERNATIONAL health service

are paul for the NHS


>Well yeah Australia was formed off the backs of natives.
Yeah, because they've left such sophisticated culture and infrastructure behind that white people could just come in and instantly enter space age from there.

Its a one party system. Parliament is the one party and they LARP at being opponents. They both accrue debt and inherit the debt from the previous administration and carry on like theres no problem.

Hell, the give away is - who ever loses still turns up for work. And their sole job is to sit there and point and laugh at the winners every time they fuck up! Thats a great job. I'd rather do that than my actual job!

The fact is the losers still turn up for "work" and who pays them? Even though the state is insolvent to the tune of trillions? An no one notices - and we still go and vote.

Its a joke


The reason you don't want to vote for Corbyn is because you have been brainwashed by the money-behind-the-state. Why don't they want Corbyn? Because they can't buy him. Why is that a problem? Because he won't be looking after their interests, he'll be looking after yours. Think for yourself, don't do what those greedy fat bastards want you to do.

I'm not arguing. There's nothing to argue about really. Trying to debate ethics with someone who doesn't even believe in them personally is the height of autism.

>(I ain't voting for Corbyn though, i know that much)

This thread is over

I'd vote libertarian if I were to vote at all. But the problem is libertarians don't believe in voting and the libertarian ideology isn't interested in ruling others.

The best suited to rule are those that don't want your vote.

Its a paradox

There is nothing wrong about one nation dominating another and taking its land. Put the natives in a golden cage or kill them, it doesn't matter. England would not be England if the Anglo-Saxons had your cucked ethics, France would not be France, Rome would not have risen to greatness, Australia wouldn't exist, America wouldn't exist. End of.
Dominance of one people over another is natural and, therefore, good, and that people resisting is also natural and good.

>assaults people
>what is the SA

Vote Corbyn; if you don't want to do that then just don't vote labour

UKIP or Tories

retarded yanks

>Dominance of one people over another is natural and, therefore, good


It's not good, it just "is". Like I said man, do and be whatever you want, just don't pretend your total lack of moral consideration outside the most vacuous descriptions of physics and nature constitute an ethical system

Again, there's no argument to be had

To make a cake you have to break a few eggs
So put refugees in body bags

Why would Corbyn want to be bought by some thirsty millionaires, who just want some special favours to make a few more bucks? If he nationalises everything and transfer the power entirely to the government, his party and the central banks will have ultimate control of the entire country. I've already lived in a socialist/communist society once, i'm not interested in experiencing it to it's full capacity. It always sounds good on paper, until everyone is equally poor, everything is equally expensive and the government has full control over every aspect of your life.

Social media is bombarded with all this bullshit about registering to vote and that democracy matters. Yeh it matters for Labour, because their entire campaign is built on appealing to the 18-24s. He entices the young, who are easily manipulated with all these utopian fever dreams that promise free shit and we're just gonna be one happy family holding hands. Nothing in the real world is free and you don't deserve shit just for being alive. The puppet masters aren't interested in your well being, you are just a disposable workforce. Why would they want to allow people to become successful and potentially rival their influence.

This is just bullshit tin foil hat speculating, but based on every country attempting socialism in the past, it always ends badly. Labour & Tories are the same shit just a different shade. The only difference is that Labour will fuck us on every level with long term lasting side effects. Tories will fuck us quick and dirty, but we'll be able to recover.

t. ex resident of the soviet union.