Athiest believe this

>athiest believe this

Other urls found in this thread:

It's ultimately true. Norse paganism also has a myth where conflicting elements create life in a great's not as violent in the beginning as the big bang theory, but the gods do end killing their father and creating the world from his corpse, and then banishing the "giants". You can read both a creation myth and an incitement to remove kebab in that.

>Humans Evolved from ROCKS that appeared out of NOWHERE
Atheists actually believe this.

No they don't.

They dont believe it they know.

>Humans Evolved from ROCKS that appeared out of NOWHERE
Atheists literally believe this.

only 6% of scientists are theists


what's the alternative?the magic old man in the sky ?

gaythiests btfo

yeah that isnt real nice try

>post yfw you realize god exists

I feel sorry for a 3rd world shithole that is America.
What do they teach you in school?
You must have went to religious school aka fake magic school.


squirm like a jew

Anyone taking this bait is a retard but that's nu-Sup Forums I guess

Op is a fag

If you would educate yourself, you might understand how evolution works and also that just because we do not understand something doesn't equal the existance of a skyghostdaddy that sucks our dicks when we pray to him.

>atheists have intelligence
this seems to be the false god atheists worship: Themselves. Atheists are anything but intelligent.

It may be true that ahteists are self centered narcissistic assholes, that however does not mean I am wrong. There is no scientific proof for a god of any kind. I find it naive and pathetic to believe in such an enormous concept without any single strand of proof. A correlelation between atheism and higher IQ has been found numerous times and is really not questionable.

>God is real
>He made earth specifically for humans
>Men are different from animals because they're created by God's image
>There is afterlife
>God will accept me when I go to afterlife
>Fuck others, they don't deserve heaven
How do these motherfuckers dare call atheists self-centered, egoistical narcissists?
Atheism is not self-worshipping. It's not worshipping at all. There is no supernatural.

There's a middleground