How long will Iceland get to stay white?

This little country with its overwhelmingly white population must trigger the Jews to no end. When will (((they))) start forcing mass immigration to Iceland? Any Icelanders here worried about this? Maybe it's already begun?

Also, would it be hard for me as a Swede to move to Iceland and get a citizenship? I want to start a big, Aryan family there with my gf.

>with my gf
tfw no gf


There's nothing there for you.


Vad ska det betyda?

Maybe he's saying that spineless traitors are not welcome there.

Also, Iceland has a population of merely 300,000. Do you realize how fast the immigrants will become a majority there?

They already are taking 'refugees'.Their 'overwhelmingly' white population voted(with majority)to bring in a lot of shitskins.There is shitskins already on the island,and I'm not talking about the tiny 'native' population.

You can live and work there indefinitely. But the niggers and mudshits in Sweden will probably go to Iceland when the government is unable to hand out gibs to all of them.

Det finns inget jobb för dig där, det finns inget plats för dig i deras samhälle. Det är inte som Danmark eller Norge där vi har ett konstant kultur/befolkningsutbyte. Du kommer aldrig att bli Islänning, och det kommer ta flera generationer innan dina barn kommer att bli det. Och det land de växer upp i kommer nog inte ens vara samma land som Island är idag. Hela din flytt och den tid du lägger på att lära dig språket och anpassa dig och skapa ett nytt liv på Island (om du någonsin lyckas med det) kommer att vara fullkomligt bortslösat. Är det vad du vill? Vill du vara en utböling i resten av ditt liv?

niggers are behind global warming
they dont like cold
so they cant invade nordic countries
we must protect slavic heritage

Didn't see any shitskins there 3 years ago

Pence confirmed for Satan


That was 3 years ago.The 'refugee' stuff was pushed about 1year-18months later.
Did you visit there as a tourist to go in the hot springs?Shitskins don't hang around hot springs.They prefer cold pools,and isolated dressing rooms to rape kids.

>I'm not talking about the tiny 'native' population.
Please end this meme immediately. The native population of Iceland is Scandinavian.

That's why I put 'native' in hyphens because Scandinavians are the native population,not those Chinky looking Inuit/Indian/whatever the fuck they are.
Same shit here in NA.Whites were the original inhabitants until those 'Indians' crossed the Bearing Sea land bridge into NA which lead to mass genocide.Whites just happened to come back thousands of years later to reclaim it.The discovery was made in 2012,but it hardly got publicity since it contradicts (((their))) narrative that the American Indians are the originals/native pop.A simple search will give you the proof that whites got to NA,and the Northern Islands(Iceland,Greenland mainly)first then we either left or were killed off by another population that migrated.

>*Bering Sea land bridge

>scandinavians settled
>therfor all whites are allowed

shitty argument

Are you trolling or are you actually this retarded? There are no fucking Inuits on Iceland. There has never been any Inuits there. The first people who came to Iceland were Scandinavians.

>because Scandinavians are the native population

Please burger, the Solutrean culture was in France/Iberia.

Iceland has already priced the riff-raff out of their country. Normal people can't even afford to go for a holiday there.

Not much longer...

I wasn't even arguing.I never claimed that only Scandinavians were settling.The first Europeans to reach America were from France.This is what I mean when I said that the huge discovery made in 2012 wasn't publicized enough,so hardly anyone knows about it.

Not trolling nor retarded,Just ignorant.I just don't know nor fucking care what they're called.We don't hear about Iceland or Greenland at all,and we aren't taught much about those two islands.
I agreed with that Scandinavians were the native population not those "things" that look like Chinky shitskins claiming they're the natives.I never said Scandinavians were the first whites in NA,only that they settled here only to leave or were killed off.

I know you fucking Spic.The Solutreans were the first in NA.They walked their asses across the Atlantic Ocean when it was Frozen over,and found NA.The 2012 discovery proved this when a bunch of stuff was dug up.

Why the fuck are you people implying shit that I never claimed.How bad is your reading comprehension?It's like no one read the post slow enough to know what is being said,and decided to rush through it by skimming only to pick out what your eye caught.

I understood you, bro.

>Also, would it be hard for me as a Swede to move to Iceland and get a citizenship? I want to start a big, Aryan family there with my gf.
dont retreat

>know you fucking Spic.The Solutreans were the first in NA.They walked their asses across the Atlantic Ocean when it was Frozen over,and found NA.The 2012 discovery proved this when a bunch of stuff was dug up.
>Why the fuck are you people implying shit that I never claimed.How bad is your reading comprehension?It's like no one read the post slow enough to know what is being said,and decided to rush through it by skimming only to pick out what your eye caught.
do amerindians descend from these soloutreans?

No,they don't.The Amerindians came from Siberia about 6k+ after the Solutreans were there.The Amerindians crossed a land bridge between Siberia,and Alaska-which is now under water.

did the solutreans die out or did they just never manage to breed? Maybe it was only one or two men and not a population capleble of reporducing that discovered, even so if they cant populate the land it does not matter