Why is Putin still in charge in Russia? I remember him being in charge since I was in highschool...

Why is Putin still in charge in Russia? I remember him being in charge since I was in highschool. Does he ever get tired of it?

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>Why is Putin still in charge in Russia?
He is really good at it.
>Does he ever get tired of it?
He took a 4 year vocation as PM

You could argue it's more efficient, and the government can have long term plans for the country.

There is no doubt China is more efficient than the democracy in India for example.
It's also an immunity against political correctness, he can do a lot of things which Trump or Merkel wouldn't be able to do, like locking up crazy feminists who vandalise churches.

Why is merkel still in charge of germany?

Why are fat amerinigger scottervirgins getting poorer and fatter regardless of who's in charge?

Why are you a faggot?

He changed the law to keep himself in charge years ago

I don't know why other world leaders don't do the same. Literally NOTHING illegal about it.

There was nothing illegal about holocaust either.

>Why is Putin still in charge in Russia? I remember him being in charge since I was in highschool

Why is Merkel still in charge in Germany? I remember her being in charge since I was in school

>I don't know why other world leaders don't do the same
Because parlaments that like to think themselves independant of executive don't like it. Russia is hierarchical society, not an egalitarian one, as such our parliament was more than happy to drop that stupid rule, given they liked the leader and his treatment of them.


Because he is Rainbow Dash of world politics, meaning 20% cooler than everybody else.

In Germany? No, not really. It was war time, most anything goes. What Mengele was getting up to was arguably wrong, I guess.

Hell the biggest "War Crimes" in the second world war were committed by the Japanese.

He enjoys being a dictator.

>as such our parliament was more than happy to drop that stupid rule, given they liked the leader and his treatment of them.
You forgot to tell him how Putin's party also held the majority in the parliament (and continues to do so)

The reality is that you neither had a prime minister nor a president. You're a semi-authoritarian presidential "republic"

>nor a president
a parliament*

It's not a dictatorship, it's democracy, and the people approve of him, because they only have to look at the crazy shit that's going on in the west to see the alternative is more dangerous.

Can't argue that it gets results, is my point. Russia would be much further behind if the people in charge changed every 4 years.

They are just less subtle than us. We just get a new face every so often but same rules apply

He's a dictator. Russians are sub-humans that prefer a dictator rules them.

This. Nations need strong, effective leaders.

>Russia would be much further behind if the people in charge changed every 4 years.
This is both true and false. It really depends on the quality of leadership and so far Putin isn't really doing anything special albeit having dictatorial powers and unlimited terms. Russia would've benefited if Putin was dethroned a few years ago

Name an alternative to Putin that would handle Russia so well.

Meanwhile in America


I agree fellow komrade. Putin is very popular, he got 101% of votes in the last election.

>hey guys
>lets change the leader of our country every few years
>literally resetting leadership

He's consistent, and follows through with policies and laws, as opposed to fighting an opposition party every few years on half cocked guns. Putin might not have been the best leader, but he's gotten results. Any leader with a similar drive would have. The point is, longer terms get shit done. Look at the Americans right now. They have a shiny new leader who can't get anything through in the first 6 months or so because the opposition party and their judges are throwing their toys out of the pram. It's a massive waste of time and damages the country.

We're not a presidential-parliamentary republic anymore, thanks to Boris Nikolaevich. Putin can literally pass any law single-handedly (outside of changing the constitution, I think). I really don't know why we still have parliament, but then again, I don't know shit.


Medvedev (through Putin :^))

Problem is his rule weeded almost all competition. And not even by killing them. Mostly through bribes and showing that it is more profitable to work under him. People who could take his place are right now mostly in his party.

But that's more of a suggestion, not the law. A better example would be the gay wedding cake fiasco.

>I really don't know why we still have parliament, but then again, I don't know shit.
Illusion of choice and considering that Putin is a pretty good politic he knows not to alienate those who support his power.

That's not suggestion.

That's official science in America now.

Muh checks and balances!

He has to negotiate his retirement. Can't quit until you wont be robbed and killed for all the shit you robbed and killed for.

there were american supervisors watching the russian election you retard. if the russian election is faked so is every other election on the planet.

Lol, what about your dictator?

Somebody post the heatmaps.

This, he gave erdogan all the ideas.
He was pres, didn't have enough power. Became pm and gave pres more power. Became pres again.
He's there for life now.

It is so you average vatnik bydlo can state that democracy in Russia works.
Reality is the only thing that holds you behind are pensioners and bydlos and soon Churkas due to them being easily subverted to Putins power via Kadyroff. I guess if there ever will be a coup in RF then all north Caucasus will fight for Putin.

Because the motherland still needs him.

But there is a difference between suggesting that Holocaust denial SHOULD be illegal, and having it actually BE illegal.

It can easily be disregarded. Crazier shit has been suggested in studies.

She has legit no power.... hardly a dictator.

No power? You're kidding me. Please read about her rights.


First day in office:
>Our economics are shit and we are running out of consumer goods


50% of Russian male population dies.
Everyone is happy again with Chinese overlords.

>changing the term of office from 4 years to 6 is literally the same as killing 11 million people out of racism

She's just a celebrity who makes us a ton of money. She has no real power.

>Please read about her rights.
Being this young

Bro. You don't understand. It's in the Journal of pediatrics now.

We're officially fucked.

A bit vague here, but I agree. In the end, he's "good for Russia" and a lot of the population know it.

Think about it... are the people there really unhappy with him? Is there coup d'état news coming out of Russia daily? How many assassination attempts?

Sure, there's protests at every "election" but look at the USA... elections hold controversy no matter the candidates.

To put it in capitalist/economic terms... the market speaks for itself. Russia clearly wants this product, or else they would cease to buy it.

You morons understand that is not a German flag?

- Declaration of War
- Freedom From Prosecution

Lol, she absolutely have not rights

Hold on. I thought "Jew" wasn't a race.

they are semites(like arabs)

>and continues to do so
It's super-majority now.
>The reality is that you neither had a prime minister nor a president
Actually, Medvedev vas a bit of an experiment. "Can we work with the west?" He had cabinet build out of economics and cooperation He allowed US to pass Lybia resolution to test waters. US proceeded to destroy libiya. Thus ended shortlived "reset".
>You're a semi-authoritarian presidential "republic"
It's autocratic with popular mandate, thank you very much.
>I really don't know why we still have parliament
Same reason we don't have death penalty. European diplomacy.