Manifest destiny

Besides the Romans, i will argue the history of the American republic is the best, and in alot of ways better then even the roman republic (the greatest glory of the romans happened with the creation of their empire with ceasear)

When we look at our history...the American the barbary wars...the war of 1812....the mexican American war...the alaskan expedition..manifest destiny is aparent..imagine if we stayed to the eadt coast? Imagine if we allowed the french or the spanish to keep their claims imagine if we allowed Russia to intervene in the west?

It was truly destined that we would stretch across the continent...our short history up until recent has been the most succesful and interesting of any nation ever.

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>pls don't be an American

shitty story for a shitty country.

Please dont be a faggot and move to cuba:)

Why you want to be us so bad.
Why you try to be Germany so hard.
Where is your country now.
Piece of shit. Your military gets shit on too.

Hey the only overseas territory we have ever given up was cuba and the Philippines? How about you lol

Your republic is pathetic you are thousands of years past your prime bud kindly fuck off

Don't be so edgy, just saying it would be nice for these Euro cucks to admit im the best and i built this great land with my bare hands.

9/11 was a joke, rabbi lover.

My bad user..mis interpretation lol

>War of 1812

Have you even researched our history?

We have never lost a war...the most recent war in Iraq was our first lost

You guys had your hands held by hitler and you couldnt even keep north Africa away from green horn Americans..italy has been a joke country since at least the 1600s

How fucking stupid are you.

This is why Bongs think we are dumb and can tell us with their smug little accents. Knock it off with your nationalistic cuckery there is still work to be done.

Manifest Destiny actually mirrors the history of Israel in Canaan well ebough to be spooky.

Im pointing out the glorious victories from our past...from the barbary wars until recent...britbongs should be proud..we are like their more successful lil brother whats the problem?

We won the War of 1812 by any objective measure. There was a time in this country when that was never in doubt. Before Vietnam we used to say "America has never lost a war" and we meant it. The Eternal Anglo with their historical revisionism has undertaken a campaign to split the American people from the sentiment of their ancestors and made ahistorical claims about us losing the war, based on revising the reasons for the war and the objectives the U.S. pursued in it.

We didnt do shit but almost take our country back and defeat globalism.

Still work to be done though, the founding fathers would KTS if they saw the country as it is today.

everything before this post has been satire, don't be so naive.

sorry burgerfriend

We in all reality won vietnam in every case besides we pulled out and left it to the viets to defend

What does that have to do with manifest destiny?

The indian wars? Louisiana purchase? Mexican american war?

Im talking about our glorious past you silly man

When you envy the Romans empirically but would shun them morally.

I don't care about 9/11 as much as i care about building a better world to raise kids in

>We have never lost a war
Faggot too young to remember Vietnam

You're the idiot taking pride in our past when the present is shit. Lay off the b8 before you look like squidward after his first crabby patty you dumb fucking nigger PEACE

Yeah, the Korean war was totally a win.

Yes technically we lost...but as far as casualties and battles we won big league dude...pussy Americans and their hippy shit defeated us not the viets

We never lost a you even knoe history bro?

Let me here your take on the Tet offesive the vietcong and the nk pulled on us?

The Korean War is not over. It is ongoing.

OP is a faggot


People forget were still at war with young kimdotcom

Manifest destiny was the dream of rich assholes who dragged the populace with it. Do you honestly think that it was 100% the will of the people?

We did win that conflict...the war is still on going you puting your money against us and for bad korea?

We were and still are the most effective fighters in modern history the only ones who give us a run for our money is the prussians

French and indian war? The Spanish anerican war 1

Germany was on the brink of winning the great war...we got invloved and completely destroyed them in less then a year do some history/pol/

Oh yeah!

America has never lost a war of conquest or retribution.

Imperialist adventures tend to not sell well in America and eventuallh voters turn on them. Afghanistan is proving to be a major exception. That is a war of retribution and most Americans are pretty much resigned to fighting it for the next century rather then let the Taliban retake the country.

As much as I like Americans, your laws are based upon English Common Law,
My country is a Constitutional Monarchy. It is an ancient system; over 1000 years.
You Yanks cut loose from it during the war of independence.

That's fine. But you cunts messed with our tea. That's our Achilles heel.
You cunts drink coffee, like the French and Italians. Coffee is very unhealthy. Tea gives magical powers and a third bollock. It is a man's beverage. Women can enjoy it too; it makes them fertile.

Tea is correct and proper. Coffee will make you gay.

You're right dude. Honestly no one should be able to own property don't you think that would solve everything? Its land, its always been here.

Ffs, the Afghan war is now a line item in the yearly US defense budget. Its never going to end.

manifest destiny in the galaxy
the final frontier
its the inevitable expansion of the galatic empire

I cant ague with a word of it lol

>We were and still are the most effective fighters in modern history

Considering how expensive it is now is for us to now fight our wars, it will come a time when gerrymandering will be rampant and some douche bag squad with cheap guns will knock us out.

I would argue that while the history of America is interesting, it is not as interesting as Rome or many European countries as you have never faced any hardship. No invading force has ever significantly threatened your shores, you were surrounded by weakling natives and disjointed nations too powerless to resist your expansion. It wasn't like the Roman Republic, which struggled against all odds and innovated to defeat hegemons many times their own power. You've had everything handed to you on a silver plate. It's the real reason why your populace is so apathetic, lazy and generally weak. You had a spurt of ingenuity during the hard times of the World Wars, but other than that the history of the US is largely just a history of a mediocre people given exceptional environmental circumstances.

>what about indians and paquis?
they drink alot of tea and thats basically shit tier humans

Interesting that you compare yourselves to the Roman because you probably have the same destiny as the Romans

Nah. The expense comes from trying to keep casualties down and retain a volunteer army. The skills and tech that has come from this effort though means that if shit hits the fan and the draft is activated again the US military will be frightening in its size and ability.

Im drinking my nite time tea out of a styrofoam coffee cup as we speak, how does that make you feel?

The rich assholes still own the property. You and I are just paper-rich, wage slave serfs at best.

>draw up plans to invade British North America
>bigwigs in Washington say it will only take two months
>fail in the invasion
>get shit pushed in
>get capitol burned to the ground
>fend off some weak invasions
>sue for white peace because you know the British would push your shit in as soon as they were done with Napoleon
>w-w-we won

I'm pretty sure if you invade, and fail you meet any of your objectives, you lose. If the only thing you can say for the Americans in 1812 is that you didn't have any territory ripped from you in a war YOU started, that's not really a victory

We were weak?

Then how about you leaf?
What about spain or france neopolian literally sold us half our country for a few gold bars

The only modern empire who can hold a flame to us is england...who you guys are still technically a part of you forget that one leaf?

Conquering a howling wilderness was no easy accomplishment. And the reason we have never been invaded is because we have been violently aggressive at keeping our enemies far from our soil.

For all people talk about our Army it is actually the Navy that is the backbone of US power. America inherited Britains island mentality and treats the entire western hemisphere as one big Island.

The story of the US navy is not one of silver platters. It is in fact a story often involving outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed warships and marine units winning against all odds far from North America.

based military leaf

So you are a Marxist. Thanks for confirming.

Hes right you know

We started the war because the British Empire attacked our merchant ships in international waters and moved troops into the Ohio territory, land that was ceded by Britain to the United States in the treaty of paris.

Yes we declared war, but Britain was the agent provocateur. Washingtons calculation was Britain was trying to undermine US soveriegnty. Which they were. If we had not declared war, Britain would have escalated its provocations further.

This is the revisionism I'm talking about. Our objectives in the war were to prevent the British Empire from (a) kidnapping American citizens on the high seas and impressing them into the Royal Navy, (b) stopping the Empire from inciting Indian tribes against American settlers in the Northwestern territory, which was ours by right via the Treaty of Paris, and (c) forestalling the British Empire's attempt to control land to our west and establish a "buffer state", inhibiting our ability to expand westward.

We succeeded in achieving all three of these objectives. Our invasion of Canada was not objective in the war, it was a strategy. We invaded Canada because that's where the enemy was on this continent. Our intent was to capture it and use it as a bargaining chip to achieve the above objectives. We failed in this strategy, but we managed to achieve the objectives of the war anyway.

>Then how about you leaf?
Where did I claim we were the most interesting country in the world?

>What about spain or france neopolian literally sold us half our country for a few gold bars
Thanks for proving my point. You never had to truly struggle for anything. It was all so easy for you, and your people are generally weak because of it.

>Conquering a howling wilderness was no easy accomplishment.
By the time you were America, it was far easier than the first settlers from England had it.

>The story of the US navy is not one of silver platters. It is in fact a story often involving outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed warships and marine units winning against all odds far from North America.
Eh, arguable. You never had to fend off serious invading fleets. Minor skirmishes with the Spanish or bullying the Japanese don't really count. Your Navy probably had it the hardest of all your military branches though. Regardless, it doesn't really change my point about the nature of your people and your government as a whole. You've never really had all that much hardship. It's why your people are so soft today. Same thing with mine, before you start deflecting.

The Mexican american war was a complete success...if not for all the mestizos id say we should have kept the whole land...we could have if we wante to

You history it's forever tainted by the fact that you didn't respected your treaties, you ignored the rule of law and didn't honored the agreements reached with the tribes.

That place in history it's reserved for a nation that can do a simple task like keeping their word.

There was also a belief the canadians would rebel if given a chance. The french canadians were seen as potential allies against the British. Its why the Battle of Quebec City was such a shock. The American Army assumed flowers and candy, not muskets.

It also did not help that the militia was useless in a real battle. The failure of the citizen militias organized by the 2nd Amendment saw a major change in US security policy towards a standing army.

Canada was destined for greatness, which is why they survived repeated American invasions and expanded all the way to the Pacific Coast and North Pole

Underated, there's that bong boi satire everybody fux with

They were savages. And we conquered them. No apologies. Treaties signed with the defeated only have basis if the victor feels like honoring them. We had no obligation to offer them treaties in the first place.

The US was far too anti-Catholic at the time to be able to win over French Canadians

Empire when

Kek, don't be a fag. The US did nothing wrong

We had it easy?
The Japanese had the largest navy in the world in 1941

And we fucked their shit about even after their sneaky pearl harbor attack

Before ww2 our defense budget was shit...and we still managed to fuck everyone shit up when prevoked.

Your country is still under the british crown you fucking dummy

Canada would be a part of America if not for the french leafs

Sure, but senior US officials who made the plans thought they were enlightened post religious statesmen. The fact that they wereel relying on the new york militia full of mouth breathing protestant puritans was lost on their southern souls.

>styrofoam coffee cup
This is making me malfunction.


The Cherokee nation shall deliver to the Governor of the territory of the United States of America, south of the river Ohio, on or before the first day of April next, at this place, all persons who are now prisoners, captured by them from any part of the United States: And the United States shall on or before the same day, and at the same place, restore to the Cherokees, all the prisoners now in captivity, which the citizens of the United States have captured from them.


The boundary between the citizens of the United States and the Cherokee nation, is and shall be as follows: Beginning at the top of the Currahee mountain, where the Creek line passes it; thence a direct line to Tugelo river; thence northeast to the Occunna mountain, and over the same along the South-Carolina Indian boundary to the North-Carolina boundary; thence north to a point from which a line is to be extended to the river Clinch, that shall pass the Holston at the ridge which divides the waters running into Little River from those running into the Tennessee; thence up the river Clinch to Campbell's line, and along the same to the top of Cumberland mountain; thence a direct line to the Cumberland river where the Kentucky road crosses it; thence down the Cumberland river to a point from which a south west line will strike the ridge which divides the waters of Cumberland from those of Duck river, forty miles above Nashville; thence down the said ridge to a point from whence a south west line will strike the mouth of Duck river.

>Treaty With the Cherokee : 1791

This was the treaty and it has legal validity to this day, you simple failed to honor your word.

There's no weasel around it, this it's your history.

Canada isnt a real country...for 350 years you were Britain.. with some whiney french fucks Thats all

Then you were a huge American state now you are just a bunch of Euro trash wanna bes but really your just rednecks without guns or balls

I like leafs but cmon man


the usa is the greatest country in world history but it started to go down hill during the Spanish american war . its not like it didn't do great things after that but the high point was definitely the 1800s it started to feel less roman in the 1900s .

>The Japanese had the largest navy in the world in 1941
Patently untrue
Additionally, the Japanese lacked critical resources like oil and aluminum that prevented them from repairing losses to their fleet.

>And we fucked their shit about even after their sneaky pearl harbor attack
>he still believes FDR didn't know the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbour and let it happen anyways because he wanted to get into the war
I bet you also believe Bush Jr. didn't know that the Arabs were going to attack the world trade center.

>Before ww2 our defense budget was shit...and we still managed to fuck everyone shit up when prevoked.
Ameriburger arrogance again. Still desperately trying to pretend that the Soviet Union didn't defeat Germany?

>Your country is still under the british crown you fucking dummy

Get off this thread you fucking faggot

You only wish you had the skills to move here and partake in this great nation but instead youll smoke weed and drive to moncton to get your free anti anxiety meds

Great refutation! The power of American reasoning capacity at work.

This is a sore point in US history. Long story short though America chose pragmatic needs over idealism. We cannot toolerate opposing political systems within our nation. So we destroyed them.

Was it morally right? No. Was it legal? No.

We did it because it had to be done, to bring about the supremacy of the Republic over North America. This same logic was applied again against our own people in the US civil war.

Its something people do not understand about American culture. The inherent contradiction. Why do we. We hold such high minded ideals and then do horrible things in contravention of those ideals?

We do it because the world is imperfect and if we are soft we will be taken advantage of. Our enemies will circle, invade and end us. At the end of the day the duty of America is is to the American people. And the indians were not Americans.

>Agtualey techniglie we wuz winners

Fuck off. You lost.

Your country sucks

90% of your people live within 60 miles of the us border

There are more people in the state of california then your entire frenchy infested rural nation

You have the biggest natural gas reserves in the world yet all the whites came to my country why did they not go north?

Cuz your a bunch of pussies who dont make a move unless enland tells you you can

You are not even a soverign nation you are still under the british crown

You can throw rhetoric at it as much as you like, it won't justify it

Are you really even bothering engaging A FUCKING LEAF

>not a sovereign nation
>yet has its own foreign policy, inmigration policy, economic policy
>British parliament has no legal influence over Canadian parliament

Have you ever heard of a Personal Union?

Lets here Canada's great foreign acheivments you fucking maple syrup fag

Are you familiar with vermont?

What will justify natives control of lands like you did with the northwest territory? You guys are faggots...that is a fact


We also dont care.

"We, your Chickasaw children, cannot see any land that we can spare, nor yet do we see the necessity of our white brothers to compel them to have it. We, your Chickasaw children, have no idea that our father the President is disposed to take any advantage of his Chickasaw children, nor our brothers the commissioners; we have every confidence in them, that they will discharge the duty of a father and brothers; we have no doubt that our brothers the commissioners are disposed to deal fairly and honorably with us. It is true we are poor for money, but we love our lands better."

>Refusal of the Chickasaws and Choctaws to Cede Their Lands in Mississippi : 1826

You never keep your promises, it's not a small part of the history of America, it's the entire history of America, you never keep them and you still don't.

Id be happy to give a proportionate amount of our territory to every group in the country if it meant there could be a white ethnostate

All voluntary

Gotta have children to colonize. How many do you have?

>hurr we're the best
stupid fucking burger mongoloid mutt

Manifest destiny can not be considered complete until the entire American continent is part of the United States.

America will not be considered Romes Equal unless it achieves something that can be considered on par with bringing Western Civilisation to Western Europe.

Colonising the solar system and the oceans will have to do the trick. We'll probably have to leave civilizing Asia and Africa to the gooks, since the credit wizards have removed Western Worlds stomach for subjugation and white washing.

>being this Asian

You had your chance Britain and you ruined it, go back to your Brexit.

This, coffee is for fags. more and more Americans are drinking tea these days.

Dont keep what? Promises? What promises do you refer to? Promises to the defeated? We did not keep our promises with the natives because we had no reason to. We had no reason to make promises in the first place. We could have exterminated them. The fact that we did not is a testament to our magnanimity. Not our perfidity. If we were satan spawn there would be no natives at all. No native culture. And no native religion. Of course we are neither muslim or catholic. So native culture and religion survives in the United States.

We had no obligation to allow this.

With respect to Americas word generally, when we promise to defend an ally, this is a promise you should never challenge.

Come on, posts like this give everyone a good laugh regardless of the country.

I don't think you understand how much of an advantage first world nations have over the third.

Somewhere like say, Holland, could lay waste to the the whole of Africa within a decade if its population genuinely put their minds to it.

All it takes is a change in mindset.

Our destiny is marching on while your destiny is all but fucked

Dont worry we will save the world are our best friends thankd for fathering us...but there comes a time when everyman steps out of their fathers shadow...we have been doing that for over 300 years

Go shill for canada like you always do

Will be here when the muzzies take over your country

Meant for:

History lesson, since I am in a giving mood.

> Republic founded by ruffians and men of ambition, overthrowing a tyrannical foreign king.
> Early class system founded on land wealth, kinship and tribal/ethnic identity
> Citizenship and civic rights limited by said class system
> Slavery integral to early economic growth
> Crappy ad hoc military won early wars by individual prowess of an armed citizenry and pure determination in numbers
> Military expansion included pissing off primitive tribal neighbors and conquering them piecemeal, war by war, treaty by treaty
> Real military reforms enabled great power beginnings, with true innovation during times of civil war
> Military reforms lead to state consolidation of power and gradual establishment of static ruling class
> Ruling class gradually abandons virtues of classical era, honor and faith, gives in to degeneracy and decadence
> Economy grows beyond land toward overseas trade and conquest
> Rich, cosmopolitan republic is now at top of military game, but factions of ruling elite threaten stability of republican order & society is deeply divided

America has another 200 years to get to same point as Rome under Caesar.

Would totally be true except for the fact America isn't a Catholic Nation and we mutilate baby dicks because Schlomo says it has health benefits.

>being a slave of the commie pope and his pedo priesthood


And also, we don't cut off baby dicks because Shlomo said so, we started doing it because Victorian fears of masturbation and sexual pleasure, and it just kinda stuck.

Art. 3:

"The general boundary line between the lands of the United States and the lands of the said Indian tribes, shall begin at the mouth of Cayahoga river, and run thence up the same to the portage, between that and the Tuscarawas branch of the Muskingum, thence down that branch to the crossing place above fort Lawrence, thence westerly to a fork of that branch of the Great Miami river, running into the Ohio, at or near which fork stood Loromie's store, and where commences the portage between the Miami of the Ohio, and St. Mary's river, which is a branch of the Miami which runs into lake Erie; thence a westerly course to fort Recovery, which stands on a branch of the Wabash; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the Ohio, so as to intersect that river opposite the mouth of Kentucke or Cuttawa river. And in consideration of the peace now established; of the goods formerly received from the United States; of those now to be delivered; and of the yearly delivery of goods now stipulated to be made hereafter; and to indemnify the United States for the injuries and expenses they have sustained during the war, the said Indian tribes do hereby cede and relinquish forever, all their claims to the lands lying eastwardly and southwardly of the general boundary line now described: and these lands, or any part of them, shall never hereafter be made a cause or pretence, on the part of the said tribes, or any of them, of war or injury to the United States, or any of the people thereof."

>The Treaty of Greenville 1795

This aren't gibs, this isn't reparation movement, this are legal documents signed for the United States of America, that were violated.

You always claim this crap but the Mapuche tribe, defeated the Spanish empire, with less men, less technology and with less weapons.

It's not as simple as to kill everyone, you have to kill them in peace to make it permanent.

America has more Muslims and more terrorist attacks than the UK, or any European nation for that matter. This is of course not mentioning the blacks who currently hold your major cities in a grip of fear and crime and the hispanics who are currently replacing you.
The French won your revolution, your most iconic building was burned down in 1812 and you have failed to achieve any strategic victory in any war since World War II.
Your only notable national victory, the Space Race, was won only because of the efforts of a European scientist. The first words spoken on the moon were not A that of an independent nation, but English.
You are worse than Canadians, because while you shitpost just as much the vast majority of your posters are too autistic to see that everyone is laughing at you rather than respecting you. Countries like Russia, Finland and Serbia garner respect simply from posting. But an American poster is automatically assumed to be a retard and his opinion is discarded, regardless of content.
Your country is the centrepiece of the Jewish-led PC culture that has single-handedly finished the west. You started al-quaeda and ISIS. All of the deaths caused by these two groups are your direct responsibility.
Your country is now 50% white and dropping. The election of Trump was a last, desperate effort to save what remains of your culture. Your students will grow up to repeal the second amendment and import more
migrants. You will fall further under the sway of Jewish bankers who will abandon you when your country resembles Brazil and will leave you bankrupt.
The second amendment is meaningless. It has the power to change politics by force, but your politicians are brought and paid for by bankers who have them in their pocket. No gun will ever be used to change the banking system in America rendering it a moot point.
I don't know what else to tell you. You couldn't be more of a failure if you tried,