How exactly are a bunch of unemployed NEET's supposed to kickstart a right wing revolution exactly?

How exactly are a bunch of unemployed NEET's supposed to kickstart a right wing revolution exactly?

>inb4 "muh Trump", he hasn't done shit

It's just empty nothings from wannabe misanthropic faggots

>unemployed NEETs
excuse me, /r9k/ is down the hall and to the left

What is this show about?

Btw the right is making a comeback and events such as today's will only accelerate it.

In 2 days people would have forgotten all about it and the news will be back on more white house drama

90% of Sup Forums is /r9k/

I gave up faith a long time ago that these pathetic MGTOW manchild autists would amount to anything.

>theres an Archie shiw on the fucking CW
>Cole Sprouse as Jughead
What the fuck is this shit?

beer hall putsch!


We laugh at them.
It's what they fear most.

Xjebbdm djeba dkfaa peloca Trump skapenda fjkspaoe nda kfoal.

as far as I can tell it's about tfw no gf

Then why is your shill army here, sageblue?

There's not going to be any revolution go back to your vidya and anime

yer talkin bout yerslef m8

With bitcoins

Form a group. Exercise together daily so youre all in good physical form. Ensure all members have a job and a home. Start helping local community. Invite others to join group. Help homeless, help keep streets safe and clean. Win the people over with a better future today rather than empty promises. You wouldntt even need to be racist. You can help your countrymen, thing is nobody can be bothered.

Trump is literally controlled, his family is literally intermarried with Jewish global elites.

And the job anyone here has is to determine facts and relay it to the public, slowly at first, but it is constantly increasing in speed.

Sup Forums NEETs aren't leading a revolution, they are creating one. There is a difference. We're here to lay the groundwork for the next stage.

And lastly on Trump: The only people still here that support him are the_donald redditor shitstains or their equivalent. It's no joke that the support for Trump was entirely ironic at first.

...unemployed NEETs are exactly the demographic you should be expecting to start a right wing revolution, though. A surplus of young men without occupations and families always makes for prime conditions for shit going down. Look at the rise of fascism in Spain, Italy, and Germany. A lot of unemployed young men were responsible for that shit.

Even going beyond right-wing political movements, look at the global history of acts of societal disruption. It always starts when there are a surplus of young, unemployed, unmarried men.

>hurr durr muh basement-dwelling fat autistic brony weebs chicken tendies hurr durr

Stop spewing memes you jackass, think outside of the box of internet stereotypes.

>Sup Forums is one person

Don't stop believin', faggot.

>And the job anyone here has is to determine facts and relay it to the public

And how does this make you a productive citizen? No one will listen to a bunch of losers who still live at home

>Sup Forums NEETs aren't leading a revolution, they are creating one. There is a difference. We're here to lay the groundwork for the next stage.

By talking to each other in an internet echochamber?



who gives a fuck about revolutions anymore?

you know what's new?

lets fuckin do it

lets go to war somewhere anywhere it'll be fucking awesome
everybody's bitching about how we're an empire well let's show them what a real empire looks like

With the cyber. We're pretty good with the cyber.


>A surplus of young men without occupations and families always makes for prime conditions for shit going down. Look at the rise of fascism in Spain, Italy, and Germany. A lot of unemployed young men were responsible for that shit.

they were unemployed and unmarried for a reason. Typically the country was in shambles.

OP is alluding to voluntary NEETs

The way you actually accomplish anything is through fraternal organizations. Half of Sup Forums is too autistic for that. They hear the word "frat" and start thinking DUDE BRO BINGE DRINK XD

they won over my support as an aboriginal organization at my university campus and now I independently align with Sup Forums against corruption in labor and immigration. Suck it shills

i wanna own shit i wanna invade shit lets shove other nation's shit up their ass just because we can

>stop spewing stereotypical memes
>continues to spew stereotypical memes

The situation in Europe has nothing in common with the alt right, those men were unemployed due to there literally being zero jobs available combined with hyperinflation and the great depression. The modern alt righter would be the first to be purged in their own fantasy fascist regime

Easy target to left attack manchildren NEET autist.

Real thing was rust belt say fuck you to democrates

and they will switch back to the democrats once Trump's house of cards collapses


The unemployed, especially soldiers, were especially recruited, for example, when it came to germany. The purges were for times when the outsiders tried to gain influence on the movement. Dont act like you dont know this

Self-improvement is the next step for Sup Forums. How can you really apply yourself without cultivating yourself first?

If you're interested, join Sup Forums's self-improvement server. Pic related

>weekly book discussion
>biweekly film discussion
>history club in development
>general self-improvement outlets (fitness, fashion, etc.)

Make sure to read the #rules channel and that will explain everything

And the alt right are soldiers? These losers dont't even make minimum requirements for military service and can't even get jobs and McDonalds. Fascist coups only work when you have a large number of formerly productive citizens stripped on their dignity, not social outcasts who never had any dignity or status to begin with


It didn't used to be called the right, or Republican.

>Hasn't done shit
A supreme Court justice, 60 percent reduction in illegal beaners invading our boarder, in the process of sending obungo care, currently planning the ambitious tax overhaul of all time. Honestly man, I think it might be time to quit. You're on the losing side.

The right wing revolution is already here

You are just upset that you're getting left behind

We need another first-world war to send all the men to get-/fit/-quick camps

lmao go back to lebbit XD

lmao go back to lebbit XD

Jobs are being created and Infosys is reducing hb1 visas too, less poos taking Murican jobs.

Hell even China is moving factories here.


>Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth

and the devil's followers will be wiped from its face like the slimy shit stains they are.

>How exactly are a bunch of unemployed NEET's supposed to kickstart a right wing revolution exactly?

We wont, however we will instigate it when the time is right, for now we just need to keep redpilling and blackpilling normies.

>jewish quote
m8 grow a fucking pair

the meek do fuckall

Literal cringelords.

Funny thing is, it's not even us doing it at this point.
Liberalism is like a wax candle slowly melting. People are taking the red pill more and more by every passing day for obvious pushed narratives of refugees, and abandoning all forms of tradition/nationality.
We are basically just advertisement for the bigger picture.

Typical jew lie, to claim something they have no right to. That quote came directly from the bible, so you can shove it. Demon.

That's not the right wing revolution my friend, those are just people having fun

This is the right wing revolution, pic related

you sound like a tough guy

Tough enough to bomb your synagogues when the time is right.

you don't have the balls to take ((them)) on

The factor of dignity and status has absolutely nothing to do with the factor of productivity, which is why in theory making soldiers out of even "neets" would work , try hard


These people just need a Napoleon, and proper national armor to represent the new regime. Do not tempt me .

I like how anytime it's a liberal protest all of Sup Forums just spams, "why don't these people have jobs?"
>conservatives can't protest because they have jobs.

You can't make good soldiers whose entire life philosophy revolves around a false sense of entitlement and inherent selfishness

Oh hey, first time I saw an image of this expanded enough to notice the steel waterbottles. I was the user who was all over the Anticom/Freecorps threads, advising they be brought along because they're innocuous and can be re-purposed as one hell of a cosh.

I wonder if they were taking my advice.

That was on a weekend.

If anything, it'll probably be done through inspiring a select few to go out into the world and start making a change. Sup Forums's true effect on the world may not be seen for another few years or even decades, and if it is it probably won't be recognised as "our" doing unless these individuals personally admit to it.

self entitlement and selfishness is what drives all human beings to dominate, all we need to do is refresh why such a things is necessary

Damn, the Nazis were fucking sadboys

What are you doing in addition to cringing?


Typical. Anyone who stands against Leftist totalitarianism can only be a fascist, don't ya' know.

Do you seriously think the alt-right will remain NEETs forever?

Same could be said about unemployed neets trying to start a left wing revolution.

It wont happen

We have lame memes and leddit! Even though Trump is failing somehow we are winning!

What are you doing in addition to cringing, Mr. President?

>a bloc of angry, shiftless, disenfranchised young men have never actually been responsible for societal change
>also they are all identical strawmen

Do you have the "Back to /r/the_donald" pic? I find myself needing it very often now on Sup Forums but I can't find it.

>How exactly are a bunch of unemployed NEET's supposed to kickstart a right wing revolution exactly?
*gazes through the looking glass*

The NEET thing is a may may. It allows the enemy to underestimate us.
There are Sup Forumsacks from every walk of life.

Now, if you will excuse me, my mother just finished heating my tendies.

T_D owns Sup Forums. Fuck you "oldfags": We run this shit now.

I can't wait for Sup Forums to get widescale bannage. All of you larpfags will suicide or blow yourselves up trying to pull a new columbine


kek. We've been running this shithole since early 2016.

You don't , the world is fucked up and done. Move to somewhere shitskins don't want to live

You disgusting kike loving shills have been running it since Trump announced he was running for president. But now your time is up. You have to go back.

why would we tell a shill like you?


How is a failed student and ex-WWI veteran supposed to kill a six butzirillions juden?

>They made an edgy Archie TV show

Can't these jews just leave some things alone?

It's already happening. As we fucking speak our memes are converting the American and Western European youth.

PewDiePie, LeafyIsHere, iDubbz, etc. are all major e-celebs with millions of followers. The Overton window is shifting right and you wannabe counter-culture libfucks are on the way out, and there is nothing you can do about it.

But user, no one wants to live in Serbia with you

>implying any political activist isn't cringey as fuck
except for the obvious ones, of course

Never up. We have more power now than ever.

>the right is making a comeback

you can find it back there cuck faggot

Sorry sweetie, corporatist pawns aren't rightists

Nah, as your big orange goy keeps acting like a retard and accomplishing the opposite of his campaign promises, he's going to drive people away from him in droves. They'll practically be tripping over each other here to shit on him in a couple of years. In the real world, it'll drive Americans away from nationalism for decades. At least if Hillary won we could have kept the fire burning. Trump is going to singlehandedly kill nationalism in the West, good going amerigoys

the way the American voice actor spoke Serbian in that game was hilarious
