What does Sup Forums think of China's territorial ambitions?

What does Sup Forums think of China's territorial ambitions?
War on the horizon?

nice thumbail you posted there


Non retarded picture


Have a historical claim that has remained undisputed for hundred of years, according to international law the territory is theirs.

Undisputed historical claim for hundreds of years - its their territory under international law.


I forgive you.

fuck off gooks, you'll never be fully welcome here

Found the chink

International law recognizes that China is occupying illegally. If we went off historical maps, half the world would be owned by the Brits and mongols

>t. changs

the chinks will keep pressing for that oil under the seabed
we're prepared to be used as an aircraft carrier for America. once again.

>tfw your country is broke and has no force projection

with what navy

Right? USA has the best Navy ever seen to man kind. We took the best points from the English, Dutch, and Spanish navies to create a behemoth. After WW2, this went into fucking overdrive.

kek, white australian international lawyer. rules is rules. see historic rights and concept of prescription.

I literally could not care less

You're not worried about China's rise?

aksai chin - china clay, india lost the war
arunachal pradesh - idk full story, lean china though
senkaku - japan
paracel - china, vietnam lost war
spratley - international waters, like that spanish-moroccan island
0 chance of war, not enough oil to justify anything economically (unless china starts blocking shipping traffic)

Some of what China disputes, such as most of Aksai-Chin, should be rightfully theirs, 90% of it though, should not.

Those maritime claims really are ridiculous. It's as if the US snaked its waters through the English Channel into the North Sea.


Actually Taiwan and China share the same claims over the South China Sea. Taiwan's government wishes to be involved in the negotiations with Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei.
This has to be done carefully as it could start a mayor war and provoke Chinese invasion of Taiwan (and, as a consequence, WW3).

well those waters were documented in ancient dynasty map. so they are rightful property of china. it was discovered first.

Hey there friend :-)

Isn't your country just a Chinese puppet

I agree. And since Republic of China government claimed them before P.R. China government even existed, they are the rightful property of ROC.

lets share.

Hi :-)
I wouldn't say so.
Taiwan is actually in line with US interest, diplomacy, economy, military, and also ideology.
Maybe taiwanbro is more willing, or has more time than I have, to explain the situation to you.
Or you could just google it, since it would need a wall of text :-)

Whatever China's ambitions are, you white pigs have nothing to stand against it.
It's an issue among Asians.

You are already in the process of self-destruction.

How deluded can you be to think otherwise?

Go be a good white pig and suck some muslim dick.

Both of you need to enter the gas chambers desu

Kek, says the irrelevant muslim country.