Well, Sup Forums?

well, Sup Forums?

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It's about conquest, not just violence.
Also what saves us is that most don't have the balls to go full jihadi, not that they are somehow moral.

funny how the left thinks we are brainwashed by tv and they are not. realy makes me think

also haha poo in loo

maybe they just suck at war

>poo in loo
besides obvious bait, most Muslims are too busy fucking goats and/or blowing each other up to worry about anything else

Victims are left in the crossfire of competing spheres of influence in which the remaining and prevailing divide is religious. They are Islamic, we are Christian or western. Islam itself isn't necessarily at fault anymore than Christianity, but the divide prevails.

>If Islam was about violence your country would have been attacked ib the name of Islam by now

1.6 bilion proud camel knights VS 1.3 bilion whites with an overkill in military budget.

Poland didnt take islamic fugees and had 0 terror attacks, rape attacks or no go zones.
Explain right now you poor mans Sherlock.

But the tv tells me to hate white people.


If full jihad ensues.. Nukes will drop..

I don't watch tv since '98 more or less

Don't worry soldiers! Perhaps if we give them some sandwiches and our women, they'll leave us be!

>dont talk about muslims or they may be forced to jihad unexpectedly when they are already in the process of jihading

Majority of Muslims are in the Middle East - look at the fucking state of it.

A few Muslims are in Europe now - look at the fucking state it's turning into.

I can't find the corresponding image macro to respond to that, I think. Somebody post it.

My TV tells me to love Muslims, because they're better than we are and have a culture worth preserving. They are Mary Sue characters on my TV. Meanwhile, back in the real world: Rape gangs, racism, religious bigotry, halal meat in the foodchain, non stun slaughterhouses, FGM, violence, welfare abuse, political fraud, and more, and that's with Islam below 5% of my population.

>Meanwhile in france

Where are the French people?

>Meanwhile in Germany

Where are the Germans

Tv does not tell me who to hate image boards do

How many Muslims would there be if apostasy wasn't punished with death?
How many of us would be dead if Muslims weren't dumb pre-historic sandniggers without the means to kill us?


We used to fight them off

a billion disorganized goat raping zerglings vs. people who have actually been trained with guns. gee i wonder why they haven't been able to establish the caliphate

Imagine a world where Saudi Arabia was as powerful as the US...

Sandniggers hold all the power and western civilization was jnder the thumb.

How many times a day it would be law to pray towards Mecca?

It's more like numbers alone mean very little, the Zulu's learnt this yet not the pooloos and liberals.

That's why there isn't a single first world Muslim country despite them being a majority in over 50 countries and accounting for over a billion people.

Go live in any Muslim dominant country
See how long you last

Well they're obviously trying, they are just not very good at it.

>not that they are somehow moral
yes but not for the reasons you would think. Their value system dictates that jihad is the moral course of action. By not being jihadists they break their own beliefs and thus they are immoral.

don't shit where you eat retard

Buddhists and Christians together overnumber them, and they aren't blowing up people.
>b-but muh inquisition, muh crussades
muslims have been doing this since the start and never stopped.

There are literally 1 billion Poos and they can do jack shit to Pakistan

Numbers mean nothing if the shambling horde is made up of idiots and retards


In muslim majority countries under sharia law apostasy has the death penalty

Buddhists? And Christians have ICBMs, Drones & Nukes
(Can't think of any Buddhist country with big military)

more Islam apologist threads

actually bro buddhists are brutally and actively genociding slimes in thailand and burma

nitpicking but still fun to see slimes getting a taste of their own medicine

>Buddhists? And Christians have ICBMs, Drones & Nukes
So what? This is related to being human, not to being religious.
>(Can't think of any Buddhist country with big military)
Look up those countries and how fucked up they are in terms of military and human rights.
You are fucking brainwashed. Braindead. Or both.

So what? Of course they are genociding them. It's called "legitimate defense". We should also do this in the West.

It's related to Islam being Nuked from the face of the earth if a fullblown Jihad ensues...

>you'd all be dead right now

Laughing my fucking ass off!!
You retards can't even wipe out Israel!!

Go peddle your papers, Achmed, to us you're no better than Jews.

How in the fuck is my (((TV))) telling me what to do when it (((mostly))) says what goes on in the world and then these liberals come and try to brainwash me with their shit in universities.
Is telling what goes on in the world brainwashing
Because if so launder me denigrating piece of shit

>Threatening violence to prove your aren't violent
Muslim logic.

They all support violence though. As well as pedophilia, rape, sharia law and all other forms of savagery. Even if the majority of them never kill anyone or commit any kind of violent attack, they all worship the false prophet muhammad and share the same vile beliefs, thus making them equally deserving of hatred

many of them are weak and fragile and most of them are just trying to rat their way through life and some of them are trying to bite through their lives does that bites are the terrorist and those who rat through their life are subbeings and mostly people that tries their hardest to become worth anything by trying to become human beings which they hardly manage to make because they think of themselves as gods when they are the one without a country and having major issue's it really proves how much reputation you have of your kind. to be fair some are trying to become worthy of their gods and some tries just feed of the leeches in the world

There are over a billion Muslims in the world.
If they really wanted to stop terrorism.
All the terrorist would be dead.

>It's related to Islam being Nuked from the face of the earth if a fullblown Jihad ensues...
Just get the fuck out of europe or another Reconquista is coming. If they stay in their sand shitholes we will be fine. I'm against neocons too. We should leave them alone in their own countries.

why did we apply different rules when a few Nazis went to war whilst most of them stood in Germany, doing nothing evil?

You underestimate the ability of the west.. winter is comming

I don't care how many goatfuckers you got, it is no match for the american war machine.

>1,6 billion muslim
>1,4 billion living in 3rd world shitholes without running water or electricity
>suggesting they could openly attack and massacre the biggest military powers on Earth

No, we wouldn't be dead. It took them 2000 years to figure out they can't conquer Europe by force, now they try to outbreed us.

in the vast, vast muslim majority of nations relgious minorities are treated like shit and are subject to sharia and terrorism in some form

Your tv tells you what it wants you to THINK is going on in the world.
The incidents may be real (or even faked, as in Sandy Hook) but the reasons for the incident will be whatever they want you to believe.

I've never really checked out Sandy Hook.. Got any place for me to start?

there are tens of thousands butthurt far right fascists on Sup Forums. If their ideology was really about vio-

they're not here. That's why I'm not dead.


>They do, or rather eastern people suck at the western way of war which has become dominant since the horse lost its military role. Before that the east regularly whopped western ass through attritional and strategic warfare which the western model of having few but decive battles wasn't prepared for.

Spoken like a true successor to the Byzantine Empire!

Try those that were trying to investigate it & were stonewalled by the State government. Or look at how they "classified" the death records of the supposed victims, while death records are public records anywhere else in the country.
Try to find even ONE police photo of the bodies. Look at the photos they DID release, of the supposed murder sites, and note there is not one drop of blood on the floor, just tagged bullet holes.
Try to find even one doctor that declared a time of death, or one EMT that transported a body from the school.
I could go on & on, but there's too much.

I was kinda looking for a link :P

I guess we aren't really all dead now, is because they aren't really ready to all get mowed down.

>funny how the left thinks we are brainwashed by tv and they are not
Never understood that argument anyways.
All media, at least here is either center or pretty far left. Especially the "higher class" newspapers are pretty far leftist, and all their online commentsections are tumblr-tier circlejerks.


Read the Quran you retard.

Okay, let's do the math shall we? Reports from the tolerant would say around 5% of Muslims desire to kill non-Muslims.... we'll say exactly 1 billion Muslims on earth, also a lowball here... that's 50 fucking million Muslims that want all non-Muslims dead.... that's a lot of mother fuckers


these attacks are all they could do
this is why the liberal left must be purged, if we didn't have them, islam would have been outlawed on their first terrorist attack and then put to death like cattle

38% cheers on these 5%
Actual amount is 1.6 billion.
That's 608 million jihad apologists

If muslims were peaceful, Pakistan wouldn't be a thing. They would have decided to live peacefully with all the other street shitters in a Greater India. But they didn't. OP hasn't missed this badly since the last time he attempted to poo in a loo.

>They are Mary Sue characters on my TV. Meanwhile, back in the real world: Rape gangs, racism, religious bigotry, halal meat in the foodchain, non stun slaughterhouses, FGM, violence, welfare abuse, political fraud, and more, and that's with Islam below 5% of my population.
But looks like they are Mary Sue characters IRL too. Just think of it how BASED should be someone to pull this off in the 21st century police state? And get away with this?

Only 0.1% of the world's muslims are in the west. Wherever they go they rape and kill.
The rest are in africa and the middle east which are an endless bloodbath.

There are well over a billion indians in india.
If they were all retarded streetshitters india wouldn't be a globally respected superpower by now.

>TV is owned by (((them)))
>Flag compared to the muslim regions in India
Surprised you had the IQ to make a thread.


Wow dude, not a fan of pauses are you?

No i'm not. And i'm also a fast talker

Islam is violent, but only a select few are the ones who fully carry it out, while the rest sit back and be complacent. Why else do you never see a "moderate muslim" condemn a islamic terrorist attack?