Why the fuck can't any of you take him down...

Why the fuck can't any of you take him down? Seriously I thought you all had knockdown arguments against civic nationalism yet he btfo every single one of you? What's going on there?

Other urls found in this thread:


bump, you pussies claim to be able to have infallible arguments and stances yet every time I've seen someone from Sup Forums challenge this guy he fucks you up



if you hold any similar views and can't refute what destiny is saying, you better re-think your life

Thanks, OP. I don't care about dumb ecelebs but I might watch it later if I get bored.

of course.

And I dont give a shit about e-celebs at all but this guy frequently out-debates people who hold many views that are popular on this board. I find it interesting.

is this the guy with a normal human's head but the body of a 6 year old girl?

who is dis?

pretty much, he's an ugly short fucker.

Good to see you again hey dawg guy. You are a fucking twit. Love you man! Keep posting here.

thanks dawg

Stop posting this fucking trash

Because he hasn't debated David Duke or Chris Cantwell yet.

10/10 thread

trash? so you think he's a poor debater? Why not get on his stream and prove him wrong, gypsy?

Poor debater? I think he's a waste of human flesh, get the fuck out with your autistic manchild

Why is he a waste? Because he consistently destroys your views and leaves you confused about your convictions?

Destinyfags need to kys

How come? Are we sided with someone who is wrong? If he's wrong why don't you easily just destroy him in a debate?

He's been BTFO'd by many people though.

who? Surely not naked ape who autistically dissected each defintion of every word.

Maybe the only one who arguably won was mister metokur

Is he at least paying you enough to get a fucking coffee?

The guy is so fucking dumb i legitimately felt like I've lost more neurons listening to him than getting drunk till i pass out.

Even guys without any "debate" experience like thorin destroyed him

I'll probably jump on and try to prove him how stupid he is eventually, but i have better things to do than argue with the mascot of the average brainwashed american.

He's a waste because his entire playbook is fallacy.

He will appeal to his own authority and dismiss any contrary authority as "not an authority".

He will load questions to defend this tactic as evidenced by the opening of the video you linked.

He erroneously acts as though he has to be convinced in order for the debate to be "lost" by him.

Debate is a shit medium. The goal isn't to broaden understanding or come to any sort of conclusion, the goal is to recognize your argument's own weaknesses and deflect away from them, rather than properly address them.

anyone who bothers to even know who the fuck that is isn't "from Sup Forums"

lmao at this retard who got utterly BTFO'd by a 14 year old and then started muttering about muh GDP in a loop.


He doesn't even know that 90% of the social studies he pulls up from Google are inflated therefore irrelevant.

And who the fuck cites Wikipedia like it's God's word, it's just fucking stupid.

No one has decided to really try, my dude. Don't you know it's all just irony, my dude. My dude, no one here is really a nazi.

You're annoying and destiny is annoying. That's reason enough for you to kys, my dude.

He got destroyed by sargon and naked ape

he's not aryan that's for sure

Not just a mental midget but a midget in stature as well.

Jim obliterated him. Pls try harder.

isn't this the guy who said christian terrorists are the same as muslim terrorists in the modern day?


Sargon made him sperg out.

>Why the fuck can't any of you take him down?
We don't need to, he already has Downs, webbum related

Sure I will debate him but it has to be in person

Stop self advertising Destiny. No one here is interested in your sub 6 inch dick or your desire to fuck your own daughter.

That guy has kids...really?

It's his girlfriend's kid

So soon to be his wife's son? literally a cuck lol

Destiny is a complete retard obnoxious spastic who thinks he's smart because he's able to trap even bigger retards into embarrassing themselves in the arena of debate, and his fanbase are even worse. All those things were true back in the day as well, but at least then he was entertaining

it makes sense no one would have sex with him lol

This always reminds me of the retard that lived down the block when I was a kid. Thing was probably 20 or 25 and it would scream out
every time it came outside. It would then smack it's helmet multiple times and make loud autistic moaning noises then do exactly what that fucking retard does: sway back and forth just like that, limp wristed and downy as fuck
The parents must have lived in fucking hell

He doesn't trap anyone. He just googled everything because he knows nothing

>Hold on let me Google why you are wrong

>you pussies claim to be able to have infallible arguments
never once said by Sup Forums
fucking kill yourself reddit.


He really demolished Sargon.

No idea how anyone can still watch him after that beatdown.

Wealth redistribution and government programs will give me a 12 inch dick and make me 6'5.
.t Destiny

And he got completely btfo by Jim, Ryan Dawson, Naked Ape and Shkreli.

*blocks your path*

Eh, probably
Yeah, though Dawson went in to some weird conspiracy shit
>Naked Ape
They didn't even debate

Only seen the Naked Ape out of the ones you named.

Naked Ape got shown to be a complete awkward autist unable to form an argument.

What do you mean? He gets taken down all the time. The only people he does well against in debates are other e-celebs with no higher education, and only because he talks faster than them.

He lost a debate to Naked Ape... lol

I don't think we need to worry about him.

Lmao isnt this the guy that has only ever been employed as a carpetcleaner before becoming a Twitch neet? He must be a real bright dude

There wasn't much substance. The one part I remember was that Ape was actually familiar with the studies that Destiny always cites at mach 5, and that Destiny had actually misinterpreted the sources all along.

Relax destiny

He's a manlet that's over a foot shorter than me. I don't think it's possible to take him down any lower.

He's invincible. The only thing we can do is to follow his Twitch, and subscribe for 4.99 a month to make sure we can follow all his debates and discover a weakness in his rhetorical arsenal.

Holy shit this, couldn't stand watching a debate with him and Martin Shkreli. Every known and
well researched fact in the medical field Martin said, Destiny had to be against it, ignore it before stopping and googled it.
Destiny is an idiot but obviously he's not going to have a hard time debating with handpicked idiots like JonTron.

Where is he from

Who? Lauren and Sargon aren't even Sup Forumsacks, Naked Ape BTFO'd him.

Didn't he get drive by'd by Naked Ape and exposed as a commie faggot by Sargon in the same week?

Don't know who that is or care.

>Eceleb bullshit.

He's just some little manlet who lives on the internet, how can he debate anyone when he hasn't bothered to step in places like Rotherham or the islamified shitholes around London? If you want to destroy white nationalism, come fucking live like a white poor person who has all the "benefits" of multiculturalism forced on you. Otherwise shove your leftie textbooks up your arse. OP might be so naive and simple he thinks this person is "based" but what does that mean? Fuck all.

>Making the cunt rage the fuck out is somehow not winning.
T-D fags need to leave.

isn't he like 4'2 if we took him down anymore he'd be invisible

Because he's a condescending faggot who simply writes off all data that goes against his egalitarian world view.

Also he's a crazy fuck who thinks we should invade and annex mexico to "solve" the illegal immigration issue.

>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog

he doesn't btfo anyone
he rambles on for ages making claims that rarely have any truth behind them then bases his argument on his claims
only his fans (aka braindead teens who spend time on twitch) think he's some sort of genius

he literally looses every debate tho...

And he still won the debate. Don't you see yet what everyone is trying to tell you?

>having an iphone is a human right

nice b8
alt right doesnt exist, and naked ape destroyed him so bad he ragequit

Being a condescending twit doesn't mean you win the debate lol

Idk who he is but his like to kick his nu male ass lol

Damn, dawg. He truly IS the wizard!

>guys attack my opinions about this literally who

High verbal IQ and ability to spam arguments so fast you can't address them all =/= winning
The man has said he won't go into philosophical debate and instead acts as a parrot for others.
Not an original thought in his head, just well read and good at articulating other peoples points.

Maybe by Sup Forums standards where last reply = win no matter how retarded it is

>High verbal IQ

The idiot's just a contrarian, when the stormer guy debated him he suggested slavery was good if africans have a lower IQ than whites because we can use them better.
He's an example of the black man pointing to his head meme
>you can't beat me if I hold no opinions

So the fucker is an SJW racist? At least the racist assholes here are either fucking with the system or are just being blunt. That is messed up. The guy is a creep.

This post changed my mind. Only his deep strategic mind honed by thousands of starcraft matches could discern the potential of flooding my country with SCV's to mine more Minerals. If we get 100 SCV'S for every 1 Infested Terran, we will still end up with more drones than the Infested Terrans can blow up, creating a net gain that will allow us to outmacro our enemy. It's so fucking simple now that I think about it.

pretty brutal stuff man, aborting deformed children must be obligatory by law.


I would never watch that whole thing if you want my opinion on a topic Ill tell you but t b h I tend toward civic nationalism myself being that if you have a broad definition of white you'll end up dealing with pseudo-shitskin types like italians and you have the same problem and what about jews are they white? basically yeah but how do you define white so that you can keep them out too well eventually the definition is so narrow that you're basically just a tribe so I think its better just not to go down that road at all.
All that being said nationalism is running out of energy and I think the most prudent course of action is to go full blown rah rah cheerleader civic nationalism like the old days all the while keeping your eye on and edging ever closer to that exit because you're going to want to be near it when shit hits the fan.

Isn't this the guy that defended incestual pedophilia?

lol he has a thick neck but tiny match stick arms hahahahahaha does he have AIDS?

his brain is to big

>He will load questions to defend this tactic

This annoys me the most I think. He never lets his opponents speaks, he just interrupts with more and more questions. If it becomes necessary to define a particular term then go back to it after they are done explaining their point.

Like you said, the debate is a shit medium.

Sorry we can't compete mr destiny sempai.

This is such an amazing post ty

>Pssh, nothing personnell, kid

And this is basically what all the best msm people do like hannity, maddow, o'reilly, mathews. except they're much, much better at it and ive come to think that if you ever get a chance to go on one those shows you should never try to argue with them or even respond to their questions or prompts just launch into your most redpilling material and keep going as long as they let you. take advantage of the audience you're getting and let the information stand on its own.

I first saw this guy streaming 7 years ago and always felt bad for him. He is so ugly and awkard and alwaya speaks in this nasily monotone voice. Good at sc2 though

>dumbfuck getting wrecked by Shkeli intensifies

Shkreli put it perfectly:

"You seem to have strong opinions on a field you don't seem to know a lot about"

Now fuck off manlet