
Why do you believe in god?

Why don't you believe in god?

What would make you believe in god?

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I am a Christian. The bible gives me a reasonable explanation of human behavior and explains the complexity of creation in a way that makes more sense to me than evolution. Life is to complex and beautiful to be the result of random processes.

Trump is an ashkenazi

Why are there unicorns in the bible.

That is true. Study the Hebrew entomology of the word, the writer was referring to a rhinoceros.

It should either be an ox or pic related

There's no proof to back up anyone's assertions on God. Hindus think there are thousands of Gods, Catholics think there are three parts to God but none of them have anything in the way of evidence to back up what they say. It's just hearsay passed down from generation to generation. I don't really understand why anyone would believe there's a God. It's not rational.

I struggle with the concept of God. My father was an atheist and my mother was agnostic. Religion is like a gun, it's usefulness depends on the intentions of the person wielding it. I just don't know.

I don't believe in God because I wasn't a cuckboy who was forced to go to church by retarded boomer parents and played with my friends on Sundays instead

I am agnostic.

The only way I would ever actually believe in any of the many thousands of gods mankind has worshipped would be if there were proof they existed. Same goes for ghosts and such.

Even if it could be proven, I would not worship. Fuck that.

Why are there so many versions of the bible. KJV, NKJV, ASV ect. which one is true.

Atheist / Agostic here.

I don't believe there is a good as I see no direct proof of a prime mover, and I've never had proof of it shown to me.

To believe in god? Show himself directly.

Always have and it's the only religion with proof

KJV is probably the least corrupt that is still readable

Why can not you say it is 100% correct.

I dont know about English, but I still use ancient Georgian translations (Modern Georgian can understand 99% of ancient language freely) that are pretty accurate. Though you need to know the context of the writing and historical period and circumstances it was written.


"I am too stupid to learn how the world actually works, so I'll go with the made up version that is easier for my tiny brain to comprehend"

So, basically half of all religious people in a nutshell.

The other half mostly consists of "I am scared of death so I choose to believe in the afterlife for comfort", with a spattering of "I have schizophrenia and hear voices in my head".


video is kinda weird at first but it makes more sense latter in


Theist here, I'm a theist (Christian) because nothing else is plausible, and I've personally witnessed God's love, grace, and power.

They are just different translation attempts. I prefer the KJV because it's what I'm familiar with. NIV uses more modern English and may be less threatening. Great care is taken in translating, but there are occasional issues, such as "Unicorns" mentioned above. Keep several versions to cross reference. They are amazingly consistent.

>made up

or you just actually believe it

I have another question. How did Noah get dinosaurs on the ark?


Thiest because of aristotles "the prime mover" and I can't believe in no beginning of time when you think about the theory of infinite regression.

Worshiping ignorance and ridiculing intellect, knowledge and science is why your country has no achievements to its name, nor you to yours.

or he got all the animals that survived so not all got in. or they died before

One of the things that convinces me there is a God above all others is how hostile atheists are towards theists. There would be no reason to attack people so strongly or so frequently if you were not threatened by their beliefs to your core.

as if yours does

Do you think the antiChrist is coming within the next 20 years or so?

I believe in God mostly because I believe in the Bible and I talked to Him once.

>Life is to complex and beautiful to be the result of random processes.
Life is also messy, ruthless and chaotic. It's just all a big coincidence, that's why we are the exception in (at least) the Solar System.

Eggs or juveniles if they had not already gone extinct.

I have no idea. The world has seen bad times before and people are quick to jump to the conclusion that the end is near. It'll happen when it happens. The only thing different now is that Israel is a nation again and is regathering its population. That was a prerequisite.

probably atleast in the next 200

i dunno about 20 years but id hope so, because that would be cool to see(probably going to die thogh)

We're pretty hostile toward mudslimes and their religion. Does that mean Allah is real?

i think one of the prophecies is people moving away from God. Also we basically are becoming Sodom but the whole West not just a city

atheists don't believe in anything supernatural at all though. Not saying he's right but with them it's different.


There are so many to believe in just one, and all of them have similar impacts on my mind, usually a very dim version of the grandiose splendor commonly associated with the divine.
That's more worthy of my inspection.

>What would make you believe in god?

Tricky question.
Were I given proof then it would become knowledge and not a belief, so I can't say proof would be the convincing factor.
I honestly have no idea what would cause me to believe.

Atheist here. I was raised a Catholic boy but had my faith dwindling around the same time I realized Santa was fake. It wasnt until I read the Bible that I stopped believing in God. The amount of things disproven by science in the Bible is ridiculous. I explored other religions as well, I even read the quran for arguments against Islam I've had. I also came to the conclusion if God was real, as the one in the bible, I wouldn't want to worship such a wicked being, all powerful yet he lets us suffer for a fucking apple. Also according to the bible every single species has been inbred to shit, and no dinos

Agnostic here.
A mathematical, irrefutable proof that religious are right would do the job, although in this case it would not be a faith or belief but knowloedge.

I believe that is false equivalency. I said that atheists attack all theists, and that is pretty good evidence that the idea of a God is terrifying in some way to them, likely because they believe there is one deep down.
You are talking about one group of theists and how they are treated by most other groups, regardless of religious nature. That is a different circumstance entirely.

Typical christian logic. "They don't believe in it... so it must be true! Just like 9/11 was an inside job!"

Maybe we just think you are fucking retarded and that's why we attack you, just like you attack cucks, sjws, muslims and other groups that are also retarded and also hampering progress just like you are.

Norway has a high rate of scientific advancement compared to our barely 5 million population, especially within natural sciences and exploration but also in fields such as the oil industry (duh) and advanced weaponry. We build the surface-to-surface missiles on your ships.

>Atheists, why don't you believe in god?

There is no compelling evidence for it, and other explanations are much more likely and are supported by evidence.


Another question: Leviticus 25:44-46 it talks about bondmen and bondwomen (I google the word and found out it means slaves) why is slavery okay in the bible?!?!

This is pretty generic, but I don't believe in god because I don't see evidence for god. Not for a good god and not for a bad god. As far as we know, most everything can be explained by natural processes. Our body and mind are explained by evolution, our universe is partially explained by the big bang. We don't know all, but by giving up superstition and relying on experimentation and predictability we have learned so much.

Why would of they gone extinct before Noah. What caused that?

>Typical christian logic. "They don't believe in it... so it must be true! Just like 9/11 was an inside job!"
But that isn't at all what I said. It isn't even close. If the typical atheist just sat by and didn't believe in a God, that wouldn't show anything about them one way or the other. But that is entirely not the behavior I have seen from atheists at all. Most of them viciously attack anyone who believes in any higher power than themselves, for seemingly no reason.

Also, I never said I was Christian, I just said I believe in a God. What is your problem that you are so malicious?

>What would make you believe in god?


No, its because my country is a shithole at the edge of europe that no one gives a fuck about and never will.
And your post was definitely not intellectual what so ever
Have a (you) and fuck off

>for seemingly no reason
Because you're dumb and gullible as fuck, and bring down the collective IQ of the nation while holding back actual progress into discovering the actual truth of reality because your explanation is easier for you.

>What would make you believe in god?

Very little outside of a tangible personal revelation

I believe that there's likely some kind of higher order to the universe, but to extrapolate that likelihood to a belief in a specific deity or faith is to me the absolute height of arrogance.

Maybe if you actually read my entire post you would have your answers.

I used to be catholic since it was brought up on me since my conception, i attended church every Sunday without fail and i didn't really question anything about it until my best friend got cancer.

His family and mine gathered every day nonstop to pray and (i don't know how it's called in english) do "el rosario" so god could help him endure the hardships of the treatment and cure him of his illness, surprise, it didn't happen.

In fact, it was the fucking worst, while he was taking the chemotherapy his girlfriend cucked him with a retarded monkey and all our "friends" stopped contact with both of us.

Anyway, that's when i started questioning my faith, i still believe christianity and catholicism have a nice set of values but i just can't bring myself to believe blindly in a god that I'll never be certain if he's really there for us.

nothing compared to other countries. Have yoi been to the moon?

Attacking a group constantly because you "just think they're retarded" doesn't make any sense. Sounds like you're the ones hindering progress to me.

'Theism' came to Manchester today.

>thinking slaves were the same back then compared to America 200 years ago

also you have to let your slaves rest each Sunday

Slavery is mentioned in the bible. And rules for the proper treatment of slaves are also mentioned. But I wouldn't say that the bible advocates slavery. Christ taught love.

How about first you learn what atheism/theism is and then learn what agbosticism/gnosticism you inbred dumbfuck poor excuse of living tissue

I'd believe in God if he just showed up. Enough of this faith-based nonsense.

agnostic here

only way i would truly believe in a/the god, is if the being took an action in my life that i could recognize for what it is

if it merely happened to someone else i would probaly explain it away as a hallucination etc.

i want to believe in god, but i cant get myself to do it

>to pic
except when it's wrong. Like how we thought the first people were Africans.

>no evidence

The vast majority of the time people use the term "agnostic" they mean "agnostic atheist", OP isn't confusing anyone and getting angry over pointless semantics just makes you look like the retard here.

it´s called a rosary

Yeah, sure, abdul, whatever you say

>What would make you believe in god?
>not including polytheists vs montheists

Like modern physics tells us and the polytheists of the past told us, there are multiple forces in the universe.

As an agnostic, I can't take Atheists seriously but I've not really witnessed any holy events so I can't say God is real yet.

Divine Conservation.
Most basic argument for theism generally.

>Why don't you believe in god?
No evidence.

I'm agnostic, I was raised christian, but I can't believe in a god being all good and striking down sinners when i see kids with cancer dying. I wanna believe in a higher power, but there just isn't enough evidence for me to believe whole heartly. I do believe in evolution, but I also believe in purpose and my purpose can't be kissing a gods ass so I can get in his losers club.

It depends what you mean by "science"

The principles of the scientific method =/= the current community of scientific consensus

>implying atheists aren't gullible

>Why don't you believe in god?
Same reason I don't believe in Vishnu, Allah, Thoth or any of the other hundreds of gods humanity has created throughout it's history.

You mean agnostic atheist. Unless you follow any of the scripture deities, you are by definition atheist. Agnosticism and gnosticism are purely, and only, states of certainty, one meaning uncertain, the other meaning certain.

I believe in God because I exist and know I didn't do it by my own will. My life will cease by some other force as well. Everything has a ruler and that goes all the way to the very end to what rules that. The answer is God. The thing that doesn't need a creator or master.

Because you're a naturalist?

Mere superstition.

for an """intellectual""" (you) seem to be uneducated in terms of knowledge of history and geopolitics
but of course, (you) dont give a damn about those. (you) just post edgy posts t gain more (you)s
so here, have all those (you)

Sometimes I feel sympathy for believers, but then I read comments like this. I have never seen a person understand evolution and deny it. It makes sense on so many levels and has probably more proofs than any other scientific theory.

Evolution is our best argument for racerealism. If you think God created everything, it's logically inconsistent to oppose racemixing.

There's always someone who feels the need to point this out in threads like this

It is utterly irrelevant in 99% of contexts

>using proper wording is irrelevant, let's bask ourselves in utter ignorance forever!!

1 post by this id

Yeah, sure

Every belief is superstition

>Sounds like you're the ones hindering progress to me.

Maybe yes and no

>make my side look good and the others very bad by extreme cherry picking

good one pal

I guess you could call me agnostic. There is really nothing that would make me "believe in God", per say. I just try to live my life as viruous, kind and caring to my people, my friend and my family as I can and hope that if there is a God, I will gain passage to the gates of heaven based on the life I've lived.

I'm an atheist in respect to the christian idea of a God who cares about us. Out of all the things there are in the Universe, I see absolutely no reason a perfect God would care about what a bunch of monkeys "think" (if that concept even makes sense to something else but us). Life isn't special, it's not any more remarkable than any other chemical process. If a christian God existed, he'd probably be more interested in stuff like black holes. That's where shit happens.

If we're talking about a god who just pushed a button to create the Universe but has no influence over how everything unfolds, then I'm an agnostic. It would be oustide the Universe, and thus impossible to confirm or deny.

This is something I've never understood, evolution is absolutely fucking beautiful. There are so many diehard religious people who are so opposed to the very concept of it, yet i'm pretty sure that if any of them actually deigned to study and come to understand the processes by which it appears to have happened it would only renew their faith in their god and his plan tenfold.

>can't read the thread

i didn't come to argue, i came to hear opinions/lurk

also id changed cause had to switch classes and got a different computer.

You understand that the basis of "proper" language is usage, right?

Theist here, "God" to me is simply the frequency of the universe. Everything has a frequency, all of your mindsets have a different frequency, "God" is a frequency that can be attained through a specific mindset.

Yes I believe In god
This is my only life

I KNOW God exists, because Trump.