Metal fasteners are an unnecessary threat to civil society. Much safer alternatives are now available, such as industrial strength glues.

I think it's time for an all out ban on Nails, Screws, Nuts, Bolts and Staples.

Its 2017.


how fucking stupid are you leaf, honestly now?

Im with you leaf #JailTheNail'#2017

You don't need metal objects in today's advanced world. Have not enough died already?

not bad actually, if original. Well done!

>When you remember that autists have a hard time discerning sarcasm


Give me ONE single reason for a citizen to own sharp metal objects.

>Protip: you can't.



Agreed, we as a society should learn our lesson from the Manchester bombing - I think I talk for everyone when I say it is long due time to #JailTheNail and #OiBinThatNail


Without fail
Jail the that nail

It's clear now that white people only invented metal fastenings as part of their racist agenda.


To poke a hole in that damn glue bottle

I agree, Leaf. Islam is a secondary issue. We must take decisive action to curb the nail menace.


Think about it though, why should anyone be able to buy these things? Why not restrict them to licensed companies only? The only people that would be hurt by this are terrorists. Prove me wrong (you can't).

Assault Nails have no place in civil society. Neither do Assault Leftists.

if it works on everything why do we even need nails? we would save so much money banning them and using the metal to build more bridges

i heard guns exist that can shoot nails at high speeds and kill kids! how the fuck?? and anyone can just buy a nail gun at a hardware store

Think about it. Explosives are used in industry by professionals. They require licences. Why shouldn't metal fasteners, nail and screw guns require permits and training? It's for the greater good.

Lets end this once and for all. We need to get nails properly regulated.

Nails are also racist. Do you see nails used in pre-colonial societies? Protip: You don't. Africa did very well without nails for thousands of years, now look what's happened since the Europeans introduced them. Madness.


Looking forward to Glue Wars TM

>London 2040. A glue bomb exploded in al-Zawahiri square, scores of dead. The Commissioner of Police, Abu al-Zarqawi, stated that the infidels asphyxiated to death as the glue shut their respiratory tracts. al-Zawahiri square is known for frequent gatherings of the last Christian community in UK numbering 2000 people. Queen Charlotte Elizabeth Diana al-Baghdadi, and her consort, Rapin Chids al-Baghdadi, condemned the victims for fostering a climate of hatred against the majority. "Never in history, such a peaceful nation of 500 million, was harassed, outraged and humiliated by such a small gang of violent people" she said.