Someone lynch this nigger


The West is dead

>blessing from the God that white people have brought it over to them
wew lad

I need more .webms of niggers getting rekt

OP remember #notallniggers

He's right though. I'm happy too. I don't care that they're white, though. Liberals.

That reminds me, i need to buy some bread

DESU westerners should stop going after some pointless symbolic victories like getting muslims to tacitly admit that ISIS has everything to do with Islam. Instead the focus should be on what would be actual victories like kicking them the fuck out.

Can someone explain what im looking at here?

How the fuck is his heart still beating?
That's got to be at least 10A going through him to cause that kind of burn.

Nigger tries to steal copper electric wiring in Africa, and gets rekt.

I will dump if you gibs a qtpi

I heard a similar story of a guy in South Carolina or something trying to steal copper wiring from a massive solar array in the daytime while it was energized. Was told a maintenance guy found him a few days later, no one ever knew he was out there. Just found his charred carcass.

So that guy is just slowly( somehow slowly) electrocuting himself.


He makes a point we art talking about smart white people here but tainted western whorish kids who will grow up supporting the left thus causing more deaths of their own.

where and when have muslims ever apologized for anything? all I've ever seen is just a bunch of self righteousness. not that I'm calling for an apology from people who didnt have anything to do with anything.

I've never heard a Muslim apologize lol. Can someone link me a Muslim leader appologizing for a terrorist attack?

KFC - Kentucky fried coon

Fuck white people. This shit should be celebrated .

is this picture trumps hair

>edgy child says incendiary stuff on the Internet

Get him!

>muslims shouldn't apologize for terrorist groups
>but the pope should apologize for the crusades
>even though the crusades were an answer for muslim invasions just like hmamas is doing
>but hamas is right for defeding their lands

Mudslime logic everyone

Based statement.

Here gypsies get rekt while trying to steal copper from railways from time to time.
As far as the grid is concerned he's just a load, and a negligible one at that.

A single locomotive can pull 8-10MW of peak power, and on heavy freight trains they often run in pairs.
Even if the smoking gipsy was drawing 100kW (and exploding in the process) the grid wouldn't even notice, it's basically standby power.

he's right, they should just be thrown out of our countries.


Here's another account of his