Islam defense force!


Other urls found in this thread:



>Has a footballer as their profile picture
Opinion instantly disregarded




closed borders would have prevented the baby factories who shat them out from coming to the country...

So glad I don't use twitter ~_~




If they engage in reprisal violence, why can't we?



The moral is that it isn't foreigners that are the problem, but all muslims.

Yeah, nice try, you cunt.


That fucking shortsightedness, it's astonishing



Based Jack posobiec. Go follow him.


he's right you know

This. Just the screencaps here are enough to be putting my blood pressure through the fucking roof


Don't make shit like that up.

She'd get fucking lynched if she'd actually posted it but I'm so desensitised to retardatry from the left now that I had to actually go check.



delet this



Is this real? It manages to both make no sense and be incredibly inappropriate.

Britain should be executing his parents to send a message.

>manchester residents offering the governments homes

Based Mike Cernovich. He is /yourguy/


Yes, but expelling problem Muslim UK nationals from the country would have prevented this.

So let me get this straight:

Abedi was born and raised British, with Libyan refugee parents, yet still allowed radical Islam to persuade him to killing innocent women and children...

...But refugees who have spent ZERO time becoming endeared or accustomed to Western culture will be SO much safer to allow in? And their children won't be a risk for doing the same shit that Abedi pulled?

>22 years later
>all attacks took place on the 22nd day
holy fuck man.

I love jews.

Holy shit, this is the argument of the decade. I'm screencapping for future use.

I'd like to beat him to death.

das sikh

its the next generation and the last, ww3 is shortly on the way because of retardation cities will be destroyed by terrorists and nukes

Imagine if we never let muslims into western nations

Sure, never mind that ISIS is literally Orthodox Islam

>UK nationals
>but are non-white
>and muslim
I have a plan.

>UK nationals
actually nationality is more than just where you are born, it is based on your ancestry. foreign uk citizens are just that, citizens, no ancestral lineage.

Well that would work too, but what really bothers me is how completely blind he is to the link between refugees and their children.

>Refugees come here
>Have child
>Child commits act of terror

especially since they defend their reprisals publicly. they are asking for it in a literal sense.

>Ahmadiyya Press

If terrorism has nothing to do with religion why link to a Muslim sect press release

Yet you only posted about those attacks when you wanted to virtue signal.

>*Islamic* State has nothing to do with Islam

>closed borders would have prevented neither
They would have prevented those 2 shitskins' parents from moving to UK.

Force of reason analyzing the problem.

Saudis wont get there pipeline billions of dollars lost in sand.

Some parents get children that become doctors and such, others get insecure boys that blow themselves to pieces at a girls concert.

Life is like a shrapnel bom, you will never know which piece you get.

Considering the fact that Gaddafi was crushing the terrorists in Libya like ants, yeah, I think that's why they moved to the UK.

If he was a UK citizen, that just means the UK needs to deport every single "human" browner than a paper bag, regardless of citizenship.


das raycis

There is no future for the West if these people are allowed to take us down this path.

>Salman Albedi
>UK national

Pick one.

This is like saying a 2nd generation anchor baby from Mexico is ethnically the same as an Anglo American who can trace their lineage back to the foundation of the US.

Why do we still post her tweets? She is a known retard. Stop giving her attention

Well you have to provide them with everything they want otherwise they will keep blowing themselves up.
You're being taken hostage in your own country.

I welcome climate change for may it destroy us all.

Both the Jew and the SandJew are both very observant about "magic dates" and significant numbers. They come up more than six million times before.

>we've been fighting a holy war for over 1000 years
>surely none would be willing to make plans lasting only 20!




What's particularly funny is there's no proof of muslims doing any of these things.

I love this response because this just means they all have to go if 2nd generation are always the ones attacking.

>closed borders would have done nothing
lul his parents were refugees. We are now jusr beginning to see the fruits of mass migration, this is only getting worse.

Europe is lost. Islam will conquer it eventually. If the people there think that these bombings should be a part of normal life, they will all die to Islam or be oppressed by it soon enough.

Get out while you still can.

That's not even enough though. Most ARE being provided with what they want.

Should school bullies be blamed for school shooters?

I think we should be blaming the spazzy retards who can't stand up for themselves without going full edgy sperg every time someone makes fun of their shit skin.


Who gives a shit if they hatched out a terrorist deliberately or not? All that matters is that they did. And they only way to stop this from happening again in the future is to restrict those same parents from coming to our countries.


Every NeoGaf poster should be found and shot. Fucking cowards.



Alright, I will play this faggots game. If both were British by birth let in refugees, however, do not let in Muslim refugees because both were Muslim. Problem solved, you get refugees and less gas leaks in Europe.


22 people including young girls may have died but REMEMBER THE CAB DRIVERS


Its doubly funny when you consider that the viral picture of the "Muslim" taxi driver giving free lifts in manchester is clearly a Sikh.



what a fucking retard.

I could be wrong but ive been told this part of the scripture, when translated properly refers specifically to the killing of muslims, not anyone.


>buy pet snake
>snake has a baby snake
>snake grows up
>snake bites me
>see he was born here, snakes aren't the problem, let's bring in a shitload of unrelated snakes in response to this epidemic of snake biting

It left out the part where those who deny Islam are considered infidels and can never be considered innocent.

Same shit with Jews doing whatever they want to Goyim because their scriptures consider them lesser beings. Islam does the same with infidels.

>Whosoever kills an innocent human being*
>*'Innocent human being' offer only valid for Muslims


But kids of Islam will eventually be voting for their demographic interests

If mecca was blown up, what would be the result? Would it the trigger the holy race war?

There's no P in "islam". So no "peace".
