Good job idiots

u just made an innocent man about to lose his job because u got him caught up in your shitty conspiracy theory that you created

and now hes begging for help because shills are after him

hope your happy with yourselves

He's big enough that something could be done

Bump. I don't want the guy to leave. He's the only one in the mainstream who cares.

>we are pathological liars and scum punishing a man for reporting the truth
>why did you tell the truth? if you had just believed our lies this man would be okay

Piss off, Satan.

Oh's actually happening. I'm willing to help Sean Hannity...WTF?!?!

>innocent man
>spreads shitty conspiracy theory
pick one. he gets what he deserves.

It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy fact.

Repeat after me, "land of the free"

>Fox falling for fake news
>yet again
sorry not sorry

>Trump gets elected
>He immediately destroys conservatism at an ideological level

this is AMYRIKA , don't you FORGET IT eurofag

>fake news

it's real idiot


Please. The family is pleading. They are in a bad place and they are pleading PLEADING with you all to just stop and think about what you are doing.

Please. They asked you to stop.

source: your ass

hannity dindu nuttin, he a good boy

This is how political influence is exercised in a capitalist society. I thought Hannity liked that kind of thing.

the only 62d inter dimensional mahjohng being played.

isn't media matters run by that faggot who was sucking off the comet ping pong dude?


Yessir. They're kind of the head of the octopus in regards to ctr and sb.

Maybe he shouldn't have trusted that untrustworthy fat fuck.

>conspiracy theory
>if you bring it up everyone is after you

So this is the guy my grandfather worships

He can go fuck off. Hope he loses everything and his wife leaves him

How the fuck are we supposed to help him?

How about Fox steps up and protects their assets?

don't really need fox anymore, so many different ways to get the news to people

stfu liberal

How has Hannity not had any women pretend he sexuallied them yet?

>tfw the resurgence of the Seth Rich "assassination" was 24D chess by Brock to get Sean Hannity kicked off the air

It may happen now. He is prodding where he shouldnt obviously.

What the fuck...did the shilling go up to 15?

This just popped up on my phone!

Drumpdhbpfh BTFO fuck white people heil Assad heil Putin heil Islam Reddit is great only the_d will ruin this board I love big black dickregards internet Nazi man Sage

I'm not liberal. My grandad used to drink a lot of ehiskey and physically abuse me while having hannity's show blasting.


I am not surprised.

Its not Hannity's fault your Grandpappy made you succ his dicc

>shitty conspiracy theory
>gets him fired and ridiculed from his (((higher ups)))
Oy vey goy, it's all just silly conspiracies don't listen to them.

>having your phone linked to social media accounts or any kind of personal information
are you fucking stupid?

Please return to your originating website.

whats up william legate

>alex jones talks about pizzagate,months later has to apologize,gets destroyed by her wife and the system

>this idiot talks seth ROACH,about to lose everything

how many lifes are you going to ruin,pol?

what the fuck is your endgame?


Obvious closet case is obvious.


>imblying they still don't know who you are even if you don't

come on senpai, posting anywhere in public even this compromises yourself

Hahahahahahahahha faggot, your granpapy tried to redpill you too hard, hahahahahah

Man why dont they have adult versions of those? I miss being a kid.

If I'm found dead in the morning please know that I have no reason to commit suicide.

Hannity is fine, for awhile. He's the only anchor left on Fox's schedule. They're going down the tubes after all the recent firings/resignations.

A lot of old people left with Oreilly and more and more people on the right are turning to alternative media for their news.

He should fucking quit, Fox is complete dog shit. Shep is a nigger loving faggot.

>and now hes begging for help because shills are after him
So I just called Fox News to voice my support for Sean Hannity in light of the comments about Seth Rich, and to tell them that I value the diversity of opinion on Fox News.

Fox isn't alpha like Infowars but I hope they help take down the alphabet cable news channels.


You are going to experience a new level of shilling the next days. They are pushing the Fox News retraction hard, Hannity is going to lose advertisement deals. Media Matters started to go after his money flow which is telling. Got busted deleting/editing his Reddit accounts. Donna fucked up again.

This is big guys. Really big.

This...this is what lead to the retraction.

I've never seen them freak out this hard. Pizzagate was the tip of the iceberg. This, this is all the marbles. If it all comes to light it'll be a purge of monumental proportions.

he should ally with alex jones.

not even kidding

Do you now find it odd Ailes dies so very recently?

hanmity is a wuss

Ailes was fat and had several long term health conditions, I don't think there's any maliciousness behind his death.

Honestly it's probably best he kicked the bucket now rather than watch the network he built up collapse into nothingness in the next few years.

it's just sean being a dip and falling for the jared jew shill seth jew bullshit to cover their zio tracks.

Watching Donna fuck up is one of my favorite things.


Does anyone care about them?

Where's the proofs?

what the fuck

>Pushes fake conspiracy theory to take heat away from Trumps failures
>Brings on a washed up businessman who is a known bullshit artist
>Family begs him to stop pushing the conspiracy theory
>Refuses to listen to the families wishes
>Gets shit on by every sane person in the country
>Blames Liberal Fascism

When did conservatives become such pussies? They like to throw punches and attack people but when they get in over their head they like to play the victim card. Pathetic cucks.

You just described antifa and half of the liberal left.


Why aren't people losing their jobs over Muh Russia?

DO they even have substantial evidence besides the FBI subpoenaing Flynn?

nope. they got rid of ailes and oreily.
expect a sex scandal soon

Now that's funny

>liberal facism


media matters has been after him for a long time. They are wickedness incarnate, and should be hunted down and slaughtered. They are funded by George Soros for the purpose of destroying civilization.

You're are a disgrace to your family. Please drink bleach tonight

He is actually a goody two-shoe'd Boy Scout. There will be nothing like Geraldo Jerry Rivers Rivera tier fuckery forthcoming.

if shills are after them it means the conspiracy theory is true

Because it's real. From pizzagate to Seth Rich. It's all real.

laaaaand ooof teeeh frrrreeee

They can still smear him. All that's needed is the accusation. Remember all those sloots that marched out in October 2016 to claim that Trump """sexually assaulted""" them?

The whole Trump-is-a-Russian-spy conspiracy theory is also just a vague accusation endlessly repeated. That's all it takes.

Shill thread.


He is their god. If you read even a single volume of the original talmud this would readily become apparent. Every single one of them is privy to this, and the ones who deny it are lying through their teeth.