How does Sup Forums feel about raising the Minimum Wage?


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>look at Seattle
the minimum wage is fine where it is.

I mean unless you want to pay $5 for a gallon of milk. Like in Seattle.

minimum wage goes up > cost of operations goes up > have to make back the difference somewhere

I mean, do these people think that the companies will just NOT change their prices to make up for having to pay their employees roughly double their wage?

I'll answer this for Sup Forums:

"It shouldn't be raised because people who have minimum wage jobs don't deserve more money for the work they do. In fact, there should be no minimum wage since flipping burgers is only worth about $3 an hour as opposed to the minimum wage."

Ah yes, the party of Jesus looking very un-Christian like.

It's good ... up until the point where offshoring or automation become cheaper than low level workers, and then suddenly it create a massive amount of unemployment ... with people crying about how now one could have expected it and how evil business owners are.

$15 is what people who learned a trade make

Pointless and possible even harmful, Australia has one of the highest minimum wages in the world and yet people who work for minimum wage here still struggle to pay their rent
>higher minimum wage leads to higher taxes
>higher taxes leads to a welfare state
>welfare state leads to democratic socialism
>welfare and democratic socialism leads to Sweden

only if we raise it to $535 an hour

WAfag here.

The people of this state voted themselves an increased minimum wage. Currently 11 dollars and hour, set to be 13.50 by 2020.

Almost immediately after the law passed, rents went on on average of 50 dollars a month. Price of goods has slowly started to increase. Once the effect is done moving through the economic system, I'll be poorer than when I started.

I put my time in, improved my skills and was rewarded higher pay because of it. These folks have hurt my bottom line to remain, effectively where they started.

Not one law or limit was placed on where this money must come from. The CEO's are not going to go home with less unless it's mandated. The consumer will pay the price.


Minimum wage is either pointless or harmful. There is no arguing this.

There should be no wage regulations

This is worth $15 an hour.

I think everybody with a masters and above in economics will argue that a minimum wage lowers wage inequality.

People should be paid what they are willing to work for.

If you are not getting paid $15 you are not worth it.

Fucking lazy entitled degenerates want $15.. Learn a skill that does not involve squeezing a ketchup bottle and you might be worth more than $15 an hour.

Bernine supporters are the lazy fucks that want everything for free, you fuckers need to go to Venezuela for awhile and let us know how well wiping your ass with your finger works out.

If you believe in socialism you are a fucking idiot.

Should be slowly scaled back while allowing labor demand to keep up with the job market (more jobs, less immigration).

Seattle fag here currently getting paid 15 an hour to barely work. I disagree with it on principal, but it does make my life easier while I go to grad school and look for more lucrative work.

Raise the minimum wage by deporting about a hundred million people to create a shortage of labor.

In my opinion, the minimum wage must be changed with accordance to economical situation of the country. Increase if cost of living goes up to the point the minimum wage is no longer sufficient to provide the essential needs of living. Most bosses are too greedy to realise that and will never increase the pay of their employees.

If you are in grad school making $15, your bachelors major isn't worth shit.

WTF did you major in? Gender studies?

>muh CEOs
Don't want to earn a shitty wage? Learn a skill beyond slightly flexing your arm. Any non-retard could make double the minimum wage just from learning skills from YouTube. Why should everyone else subsidize your retardation? Low-skill jobs are for teenagers who want entertainment money and some life experience, not Tequisha and her 20 kids from 20 different fathers to be able to drive around in a leased Cadillac.

Oh and by the way, guess who usually consumes products created by people who earn a minimum wage? People who earn a minimum wage.

McDonald's is already replacing minimum wage workers with machines what does this retarded communist think doubling it is going to do?

If McDonalds gave all of that CEO's salary to all of their employees they'd get like $10 each

Poli Sci. No shit my BA isn't worth anything, hence the grad school. I didn't have to take out any loans for any of it so I'm not sweating it too hard.

>Most bosses are too greedy to realise that and will never increase the pay of their employees.

First of all dumb faggot, its REALIZE, no S in the word.

You fuckers are just down right stupid. A "boss" pays you what he can pay someone else to do the exact same work. It has nothing to do with greed, it has everything to do with the market price of a certain skill set.

I hope you dumbfags do not start a business because comments like these prove you don't know shit about it.

Those aren't actually replacing workers. Workers who previously worked at the registers are now doing other things. In fact, those created more jobs because people have to maintain the machines, which is covered by the increased efficiency from the machines.

trying to get into politics user?

The minimum wage should be fixed at a value that supports a household of two adults and three children on a single income based on a forty-hour work week.

It should then be graduated by age, so that the full minimum wage is available in the late 20s and it is discounted backwards every year towards the minimum working age.

>but this would make labour unaffordable
No, it would just make your shit more expensive. When you buy cheap garbage you are paying the hidden price of societal degradation and degeneracy. Hate to break it to you but you don't deserve half the shit you have, and you definitely don't deserve it at everyone else's expense.

uh i dont mean to be an autist, but at my mcdonalds theres literally only 1 person taking orders at a time. even if this machine could do EVERY order (which it cant, it just does sandwiches) youd still only be replacing that one person

mcdonalds shouldnt be an example of automation until they start heating and handing food to people

grocery stores are better examples, since they can cut massive amounts of their workforce by going entirely robotic with their self scanners

Does a gallon of milk actually cost $5 in Seattle?

>Most bosses are too greedy to realise that and will never increase the pay of their employees.
And most of you are too cucked to become your own boss, so you let the Jews take over. You bring this on yourselves by passing your cucked behavior onto your kids. No, nu-male, being self-employed won't make you an oppressor.

its good but by itself it doesnt do anything.

we doubled it in 2009 and now we have to double it again, it doesnt do shit unless we close up the borders, implement fair trade, remove the fed.

Something politics adjacent. I'm not a great public speaker so that's not really an option.

how on earth do you quantify lost customers?

All the lazy white trash and ghetto blacks spend their entire paycheck as soon as the get it, so the more the make = a more robust economy..

>sales last period
>sales this period

No, even at my smaller overpriced organic market across the street it's only like 3 or 4. It's cheaper if you go to Safeway/QFC/etc.

Better off doing minimum income and have incentives for people that want to work such as reduced taxes.

Because he's the fucking CEO. There's nothing stopping any of those fags from learning and going to school. He's not raising your wage either because why the fuck would he if he's losing customers? He's making less money so of course he's not going to pay you more, fucking retards

There's nothing illogical about this.
If someone agrees to do a job for 3 bucks an hour in a clear and mutually understood contract between employer and employee, why shouldn't they have a right to?

If you basic income for doing nothing than how are you paying taxes?

blame it on the stupid libs and commiefornians. those fucks love moving to tacoma and increase the sale tax. 9.6% and will go up.

EMTs and Paramedics in Cuckifornia barely make $15, and that's if they really play the bureaucracy game with their superiors.

I pay $12 a gallon for grass fed milk, you could not pay me to drink that chemical concoction in the store brand jug.

Wtf did Trump do to them?

>I'm not a great public speaker

I'm sure you could be with some practice even Winston Churchill had problems speaking when he was younger

Here in NY, every time the minimum wage goes up, prices of food in the stores go up, without fail. So no, fuck that. Especially now that I actually have a good job. I don't get a raise every time min wage goes up, my dollar just gets devalued.

McDonald's CEO was a nigger.

>mcshit ceo made 15 mil
thats fucking abysmal for a ceo.

these niggers need to be looking at the shareholders like warren buffet.

Just googled it, there are approximately 1.5 million McDonald's workers worldwide. Which means if the CEO literally worked for free and evenly distributed his wage to everyone else in the company, they'd each have 10 more dollars a year.

Do liberals really think 1.5 million people blowing an extra 10 dollars will really stimulate the economy and do more good for the overall worker than someone with 15 million dollars investing into new businesses and ideas?

that's saddening
those folks just do great work

Union construction workers make over 20/h easy. 40 if they work at night.

Bruh, store-brand milk and most name brands come from the same cows at the same large dairies. Not to mention all milk is now rbst/growth hormone free, even the cheapest shit. Unlike a lot of products, there's next to no difference in quality. This comes from someone who's tried "muh family farm trve raw milk". It's the same shit.


Raising minimum wage is a wealth distribution scheme.

If you believe in wealth redistribution you do not belong in Sup Forums

$15 an hour minimum wage would crash the economy.
Which is why the Commies are pushing it.
Which is why Commies should be hunted down and shot like the animals they are.

Want to know how you know you are an unskilled loser that doesn't deserve a good wage? You have no bargaining power at your job. That means literally anyone could do your job. WHY should your employer pay you more when they can just pull any bum off the street to do it? Literally all you have to do is learn any skill that is more advanced than flipping a burger over fire.. In countless industries, you don't even need a formal education. They will take anyone who can demonstrate the basic skill to do the job.

leftist just car about feelings. Facts don't matter when you're trying to get retweets on twitter

Kick out the wetbacks and let wages rise naturally

Tim Cook of Apple only made $13 million last year.

But one of the CEO's of those Obama health insurance companies (the ones that pulled out of the exchange because they were losing money) made $300 million.

I think you're full of it. Here in AZ the milk I buy is sometimes 6.50.

>un-christian like
Who are you to determine what is and what isn't Christian-like?

Basic income will still be taxed so that $20000 will actually be $16000. Though that's looking at if single payer healthcare is a thing. Americans would probably be taxed less but on the other hand, insurance would probably cheat more out of you.

Try organic grass fed milk, it is not the same, it tastes totally different. You will never drink regular milk again. It's that good.

They still use massive amounts of antibiotics in non organic dairy cattle.

You feed a cow shit, you get shit out of the cow.

It's a chicken shit, egoistic idea. You appeal to the base idea of "more is good," without realizing that all you do is raise prices across the board. Minimum raise raises rent, food, utility prices.

Worse, it discourages small and medium businesses from hiring, because it's expensive. Bigger corp don't care much, because they can just raise prices by a dollar or so and still keep their usual labor cost/profit ratio, while small / medium businesses won't be able to expand as much as they could before, because expansion takes extra labor, and extra labor is getting more expensive.

So all it does is raise an imaginary number to sooth some fuckleft's self-sense of virtue, while keeping the cost of living the same, or even make it worse for people at minimum wage in the long run. Same principle as inflation.

They want to do something good for poor people? Encourage growth through retraining programs, re-education, offset cost of labor through tax exemptions, shit that will get people jobs.

Fuck me, Basic Income would be better than just raising the minimum wage.

I literally have no reason to lie to you. I live in this city, hate it, and can't wait to move, but milk really isn't that expensive here.

AZ just sounds like it's a pain in the ass to ship milk to. Seattle doesn't have that problem. Some places have absurdly high costs for certain products. Go to Hawaii sometime.

Maybe in your country, not here.

How much would I have to work to not get taxed that 4,000 dollars?

>Raise minimum wage
>Employers cut hours or jack up prices of goods to compensate for the increased upkeep

why stop at $15 should make it $1mil/h so everyone is an instant millionaire

McDonald's CEO only makes 15M?

Business still have to be able to staff their stores. They either shut down or raise prices.

>How does Sup Forums feel about raising the Minimum Wage?
We should calculate a cost of living and then adjust the minimum wage yearly to it. Then the bottom can have enough for sustenance and the job providers have no room to bitch.

That was the point. Was telling OP how delusional he is thinking that people will still have stable hours or affordable goods because of the wage increases.

remember there are 7 billion people out there


I hate poor people, so I am for it. Why stop at $15? Let's make it $25!

I wish we could price poor people out of existence.



How does it counter argument of earning less than it is sufficient to live? It has to be regulated by law, regardless of your liking and ideology.

>mfw retards will continue to post pictures of places that already have these machines already despite the minimum wage not being $15 an hour

At least then you'd get the right order

Wage inequality doesn't matter if we're all living in mud huts.

To all the fucks that complain about automation, it's a good thing. Progress would go back by leaps and bounds if you turned any currently automated task back the being manual.

Automation always increases buying power and reduces costs.

Doing so will hurt the small businesses that cannot afford the greater cost of having a higher minimum wage, meaning less opportunities for those with lower incomes. Do you hate the poor? What the fuck

That's just it. If it already makes sense to put them in with wages less then $15/hr there's no place that won't have them when wages are raised. To say nothing about the back end.
Any business that can't eliminate people worth less then $15/hr will just close up.
The end result will be fewer people with jobs.

That's the CEO's income not the company's profits.

why would listing how many customers they lost a good thing????? PLEASE GIVE 15 DOLLARS WILL BRING BACK LOST CUSTOMERS :^)

I could see their point but wouldn't they get mad if they got downsized at their job because of the raise, forced to work harder/do the work of two or more people, replaced by automation, and prices in their area go up while the CEOs they rally against still rake in all the money in the world?

I'd say the push for min wage is actually a cynical ploy by the silicon valley corporations to increase demand for their capabilities in robotics/automation. Think about it what prevents automation? Cheap labor.

>getting paid minimal wage
Poorfags with less than 6 digits in their accounts have no valuable opinion.

It's good for the most part. Though, I would have only raised it to $12-13

If you're bitching about farm equipment making people obsolete or taking jobs, the redneck should be a black guy

This isn't about being pro/against automation. This is pointing out the stupidity of pricing yourself out of a job. If a person walked into work and told their boss "double my salary or I quit" they'd quickly find themselves unemployed. We're simply pointing that out in a roundabout way.

If they raise prices people will just buy inferior goods to save money.

So literally nothing happens. Prices will stay, relatively, the same. Hardly any jobs will be lost.

Or taking women out of the workforce

Well no shit. If the only people who have jobs are people who are worth x dollars or greater then obviously among those people there will be greate equality.

The problem is making the minimum wage a high amount hurts the working poor because there no way their entry level skills are worth it at a certain amount

>Raise minimum wage nearly 100%
>Watch as almost all minimum wage jobs then become automated

I'm fine with pushing the lowest-tier of humanity out of the workforce permanently, let them starve and die for being faggots.

Only grocery stores hire cashiers. In food service every time someone is at the register there's something else they're not doing

All these checkout machines do is return the cashier to their other duties and give IT more stuff to do

>How does it counter argument of earning less than it is sufficient to live? It has to be regulated by law, regardless of your liking and ideology.

Raising minimum wage is nothing more than a wealth redistribution scheme.

People get paid shit wages because they are willing to work for shit wages.

If no one is willing to work for a shit wage then the business will pay more.

universal income would be more sensible, plus rent control and food price fixing