Pope Francis is actually the best Pope we've had for a while. He actually cares about being real Christian...

Pope Francis is actually the best Pope we've had for a while. He actually cares about being real Christian, unlike deus vult LARPers

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He's a fucking fascist and can go fuck himself

>real christian

Pick one, idiot.

I have to agree honestly. I went to a Catholic school and every year the seniors and teachers would wash the feet of the underclassmen and yet pol hates the pope for washing migrants feet.

You're insane! He's a globalist piece of shit and never wanted the job in the first place. Never speaks English on purpose.

You serious?

>being real Christian
sola scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solo Christo mate.

Gb2 reddit

what you mean like sucking muslim cock and espousing communism?

Protestants are anti christian

Fuck off and kill yourself Janni, you christfaggots are the sole reason Europe is burning today.

Meanwhile in early christian

JPII was far better

but I'll come over to Francis' side if he clarifies the Church's stands on usury and debt.

He should call for a global debt forgiveness Jubilee

another fucking degenerate religion thread
pls fuck off

This man was a pedophile protector

No he wasn't, he was a pedophile defender

When the pope is more loved by non-catholics and atheists than by catholics, its a shitty pope.

I'm gonna have to request a Pauline Hanson mate

Too bad he is the leader if a satanic and pagan religion.


Please burger.

Can't handle reality?

the power of islam

A. Hartmann Grisar

"Luther's intolerance is very much at variance with the Protestant view still current to some extent in erudite circles, but more particularly in popular literature. Luther, for all the harshness of his disposition, is yet regarded as having in principle advocated leniency, as having been a champion of personal religious freedom . . . Below we shall, however, quote a series of statements from Protestant writers who have risen superior to such party prejudice:

B. Walther Kohler (P)

"In Luther's case it is impossible to speak of liberty of conscience or religious freedom . . . The death-penalty for heresy rested on the highest Lutheran authority . . . The views of the other reformers on the persecution and bringing to justice of heretics were merely the outgrowth of Luther's plan; they contributed nothing fresh." (5)

C. Karl Wappler (P)

"Even contempt of the outward Word, carelessness about going to church and contempt of Scripture - in this in-stance . . . the Bible as interpreted by Luther - was now regarded as `rank blasphemy,' which it was the duty of the authorities to punish as such. To such lengths had the vaunted freedom of the Gospel now gone." (6)

And this guy looks like he is a pedophile

Still more real than proteshits who deny natural immortality of humans and free will
Protestantism is cancer that is playing major role in decadence of western society.

D. Johann Neander (P)

"[Luther's views] would justify all sorts of oppression on the part of the State, and all kinds of intellectual tyranny, and were in fact the same as those on which the Roman Emperors acted when they persecuted Christianity." (51;v.6: 266-8)

E. Adolf von Harnack (P)

"It is an altogether one-sided view, one, indeed, which willfully disregards the facts, to hail in Luther the man of the new age, the hero of enlightenment and the creator of the modern spirit. If we wish to contemplate such heroes we must turn to Erasmus [a Catholic] and his associates . . . In the periphery of his existence Luther was an Old Catholic, a medieval phenomenon." (85:193/7)

F. Dean William Inge (P)

"The Anglican Dean Inge, of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, did not hesitate to say . .

'If we wish to find a scapegoat on whose shoulders we may lay the miseries which Germany has brought on the world, I am more and more convinced that the worst evil genius of that country, is not Hitler or Bismarck or Frederick the Great, but Martin Luther.'

And he gave as his reason that in Lutheranism:

'the Law of Nature, which ought to be the court of appeal against unjust authority, is identified with the existing order of society, to which absolute obedience is due.'" (84:382)

> 2017
> martyrdom

I gonna caress muh dick, m8, cuckians are full of hate and envy.

4. John Calvin

A. Will Durant (Secularist)

"Calvin was as thorough as any pope in rejecting individualism of belief; this greatest legislator of Protestantism completely repudiated that principle of private judgment with which the new religion had begun. He had seen the fragmentation of the Reformation into a hundred sects, and foresaw more; in Geneva he would have none of them." (122:473)

B. Georgia Harkness (P)

"There was little political liberty in Geneva under Calvin's regime, and still less of religious liberty. His practical influence was on the side of an autocratic state and complete conformity of the individual to the established powers." (123:222)
5. Heinrich Bullinger: Most Tolerant of the Intolerant (Will Durant)

Bullinger was undoubtedly the most tolerant Protestant Founder:

"[He] avoided politics . . . sheltered fugitive Protestants, and dispensed charity to the needy of any creed . . . he approached a theory of general religious freedom." (122:413)

But even Bullinger favored Calvin's execution of Servetus and the burning of witches, as we shall see later.
The tyranny of protestantism

The Persecuted Become the Persecutors!

One of the many tragi-comic ironies of the Protestant Revolution is the fact that even persecuted Protestants failed to see the light:

"Often the resistance to tyranny and the demand for religious freedom are combined, as in the Puritan revolution in England; and the victors, having achieved supremacy, then set up a new tyranny and a fresh intolerance." (123:222)

"Multitudes of Non-Conformists fled from Ireland and England to America; . . . What is amazing is the fact that, after such experiences, those fugitives did not learn the lesson of toleration, and did not grant to those who differed . . . freedom . . . When they found themselves in a position to persecute, they tried to outdo what they had endured . . . Among those whom they attacked was . . . the Society of Friends, otherwise known as Quakers." (92:207)

Hate and envy

What happens to a House divided against itself?


1. General Observations

Dissensions plagued Protestantism from the start, even though one would think that a religion stressing individualism and conscience would be free from such shortcomings and would promote mutual respect. The myth of Protestant magnanimity and peaceful coexistence (especially in its infancy) dies an unequivocal death as the facts are brought out:

A. Patrick O'Hare

"A volume might be filled with indubitable facts to prove the intolerant spirit of Luther and of the various sects which his rebellion originated. The quarrels, hostilities and jealousies that constantly arose among one and all made them a prey to the fiercest dissensions. They anathematized and persecuted each other . . . and indulged in the coarsest and vilest invective . . . The Lutherans . . . denounced and excluded the reformed Calvinists from salvation. The Calvinists roused up the people against the Lutherans . . . Zwingli complained of Luther's intolerance when he was the victim . . . but he and his followers threw the poor Anabaptists into the Lake of Zurich, enclosed in sacks." (50:293)

B. Calvin's Revealing Letter to Melanchthon

"It is indeed important that posterity should not know of our differences; for it is indescribably ridiculous that we, who are in opposition to the whole world, should be, at the very beginning of the Reformation, at issue among ourselves." (50:293)

What exactly are you trying to prove mate? That Christians screw up when they take their theology from sources other than the Bible? Cause I agree with that.

>I hate the early christians and history

>The christians who want to defend their countries, culture and people aren't real christians
>The real christians are those who only cherry pick a select couple of passages from the bible that they can use to virtue signal about how christian they are to their social circle and then use that to justify destroying their countries with immigration

Really makes you think.

Ah sure, screw several millenia old apostolic tradition because ™ began to spawn bullshit.

real Christians would remove merchants from the temple.

All Christians are hypocrites inherently mate, hence the value of grace. The Reformers not getting it right and screwing up gives neither you or I or the Catholic Church the high ground.
There is no high ground before Jesus. If you wanna say something say it straight rather than wasting your time with pasta.
Jesus detested the deification of apostolic tradition over the worship of God, hence his qualms with the Pharisees mate.

the Early Christians destroys any validity of protestantism

>Our shitty spin-offs are original christianity guys I swear

“Protestant quest for excellence in scholar ship and the heroism of the Low Countries struggle: it had been founded only a year before Arminius’s arrival, and popular mythology soon saw it as the town’s reward for beating off the Spanish armies in an epic siege. Arminius went on from Leiden to study at Geneva with Theodore Beza, High Priest of Calvinist orthodoxy, and while there he received a call to become a minister of the Gospel in Amsterdam. He was ordained in 1588 and distinguished himself in his pastoral and administrative work in Amster dam; a call back to Leiden University to teach theology followed, and from 1603 to his death six years later, he remained on the academic payroll”

Excerpt From: MacCulloch, Diarmaid. “Reformation: Europe's House Divided 1490-1700.” ePenguin, 2004. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

The foot washing ritual is called "maundy".
It's a ritual that goes back centuries in the church and can be traced back to an episode in the bible where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.

And watching non-Catholics react to maundy is one of the most fascinating things to me.

People see the Pope washing the feet of migrants and criminals and think of it as embarrassing and humiliating. But the funny thing is, it doesn't even have the same connotations as it did back in Jesus' time.

Back in those days, foot washing was more than just humiliating. It was more than just an embarrassment. It was the most low of duties. It was reserved for the lowest of the low in society.

People today see the Pope washing the feet of people beneath him in social stature and think its shocking.
But imagine how the disciples felt when they saw God made man washing their feet with all those connotations.

Those people today would not have felt half as shocked as the disciples did.

All in all, it's a sign that Christianity is about servitude and humbling yourself.

Protestant Pharisees

a house divided

Why did this happen?

smells like a TRS thread..
kinda like dirty cocks and shame...

Damn son

lol no

Protestants hate history

Love division


Wow lol




Ahhh, yes. That's why you spawned abhorrent teachings, such as predestination and annihilationism, right? No, screw it. Even if Catholic church becomes cucked, i will value 1 catholic more than 1000 proteshits. And im orthodox.

It's about time a Pope reminded Christians to be meek and humble, rather than fantasize about conquering a fallen world.

Before Francis

>Pedo scandals
>Catholics ridiculed everywhere
>Atheists smashing Catholics on the internet 24/7 for their conservative attitude
>Nobody outside the Catholic community likes Catholics

After Francis

>Everyone loves the pope
>Each time he speaks people applaud
>Pedo scandals forgotten
>Fedoras turn to muslim criticism instead
>Aliens literally pondering whether they should visit earth to kiss his butt or not

The guy is go good you don't deserve him



Protestantism: House Divided


>christfaggots are the sole reason Europe is burning
>ignoring the fact that Christianity propelled Europe to world domination
>ignoring the fact that the least cucked countries in Europe are catholic
>Ignoring the fact that atheist shitholes like Sweden are the most cucked
>ignoring the fact that "stronk pagans" acheived nothing in history other than raping and pillaging fishing towns

pic related is whats going to happen to you pagan LARPers on the day of the stake


>kisses feet of muslims
>best pope
when the deus goes full vult, he will be the first to be removed

you really don't deserve him

PROTESTANISM cannot agree with itself

If you believe in free will, you are a heretic

Just ask the Synod of Dork

yeah he should do like Jesus said and kill the people he doesnt like

He is King of Cucks

Protestants don't kill people?


Islam and protestantism

Two branches of the same tree

Take heart bros, next Pope will be amazing.

As if the pope isn't the biggest LARPer ever.

protestantism a house divided




Get out


> read Putin VS ANGLICAN

obviously, Putin


the pope is a south-american, liberation theology, marxism-in-disguise jesuit. which part of that suggests fascism?
christian theocracy is indeed hard to distinguish from fascism, but Francis is a feelgood central, let's pretend all people are good type of guy.

>Jesus told me to be conservative and kill all unbelievers and crusade in Middle East
Oh wait he didn't

High Anglican seems ok. They at least try and be keep ortho/cat tradition. But yeah, protetics are too far gone.

you shall known them by their fruits.

We see the fruit of protestantism

Schism and death

I liked the Polish one too

He laughs when he funds out why Trump got so fat:

A . . . . . E
S . . . . . S
E . . . . . U
D E S U:^)

it's all going to be batnz for Trump in Europe, just wait til the summit.

The pope is a marxist heretic and you are only virmin.

>best Pope
This was best Pope.

Literally all of the previous Popes were better than him.
You can only disagree if you are a marxist commie.