WOW. This is powerful


>"I'm always butthurt over liberals on twitter" - Sup Forums

I've got no idea what that picture is meant to mean. Is it trying to appeal to suicide bombers' decency?

Yes. In all honesty we'd be better off if we considered the true impact that those twitter statements have. It's just a bunch of liberals circle-jerking around.

They wield literally 0% influence outside that sphere. The common service-industry workers that is prevalent in our countries will not see or hear this.

What did they mean by this? No, seriously.

both of them because they're bits and pieces now

Suicide bombers are pussies.

I'm surprised that she was tactful enough to go after the terrorists rather than make up excuses for Islamists this time.

The Muslim is small, a coward, because he attacked and killed kids.

me too. i dont understand what they are trying to say.

Someone kill this stupid bitch already


Something about cunnies.

No dude

Contrived way of saying what Trump said quite simply; the terrorists are losers.

TBQH I was I wish twitter would die already, they don't make any money and have only brought forth torrents of liberal snark to the world and lowered the level of discourse worldwide.

the only consolation is that Trump is better at it than literally anyone else and makes them all fuggen mad

It's a typical PC response that offers the likes of JK Rowling some comfort and her own personal "don't forget about me" message in a time when her ilk are on the back foot over their multicultural agenda.
It's meaningless and offers no solution islamic problem. None, zip, nada.

Now accuse the people who want to prevent future victims of being bigots and racists and carry on as usual in your huge secure mansion in the whitest, wealthiest area of Britain with zero immigrants until the next attack happens.

hopefully she gets blown up

No one is more 'triggered' than the alt-right.

Let's have a 'TEA PARTY!!!!'

They are all the proletariat and are easily swayed and don't really matter. So some won't be swayed? It is of no consequence, they will not stop working and the rest of the brainwashed proles will beat them into submission by social exclusion

Communism is here, and they know exactly what they are doing this time

I mean, you can call them "small" all to fucking want; at the end of the day they blew up your children and all you can do is "waaa waaa waaa not Muslims" cry about it.

They're probably laughing their asses off having a gay ol time and planning their next attacks but you won't push to retaliate against them or even acknowledge them properly because you're too scared to name them what they are and go after them for fear of "offending" some people.

Boo hoo. Nothing pisses me off than this pacifist Twitter activism. You aren't solving anything with dumb messages like this. See them? They're taking action. How much action are you going g to let them get away with before you realize your silly little retweet of "we are BIGGER than them ;') peace and unity!" has absolutely zero effect in the real world?

I don't understand what the picturte means, then I don;t understand why George Osbourne is talking about it, and I don;t understand what JK Shitwriter is then saying about what he said or who Em is is whether Em is for or against the picture or for or against newspaper editors or whether JK Shitwriter agrees or disagrees with her and I wish I'd never opened this shit thread.

obviously the little girl is smaller? I don't get it.

in fact you could say that the guy on the left is a big guy

Thank you for this, it was inspiring

Why does Rowling act like a snotty teenage princess? Or to use less loaded language, where does her gigantic sense of entitlement and ego come from? I don't get it, she writes fantasy books that are popular escapism, nothing that has deep philosophical meaning. She's done nothing that has aided civilization. Yet, she parades about with photo filters trying to appear 16 and spouts liberal talking points.

If it's just because she's the owner of a vagina, then okay, but I feel like I'm missing something and it bothers me.

I find nothing disagreeable with this cartoon other than the fact that it's just stilted and flaccid. Leftists are currently incapable of making any points effectively. It's like they've been broken at a basic mental level.

Maybe it's just that the super edgy, hyper-poignant cartoons posted here have desensitized me, but yeesh. Wow what a bold statement, terrorist attacks on civilians are cowardly. You don't say.

liberals get triggered over me implying that free speech is important while i get triggered over muslims blowing little kids into pieces. Read something about it, witnesses talking about little kids missing arms, legs, torn apart. i mean at some point its ok to be triggered by this

>talking about terrorism is what actually makes people getting injured and killed bad
fuck this timeline

>jk rowling retweeting george osborne

Hmm.... makes you think

fucking champagne socialist

The implication is that the giant muslim bomber is metaphorically smaller than a child.
Then what?.....
So muslim bombers are small, and?

Maybe the terrorists will see the message and rethink their whole ideology?

JK Rowling is literally preventing terrorist attacks here.

"Don't let Radical Islam ruin your life guise, be strong and don't let hate win. :^) and no you can't hide in my gated community."

As if IS gives a fuck.

They kill kids and sell their organs on the black market. That's the ones they can't sell into slavery.

we hate you, you are correct

Dorohedoro only fiction written by a woman worth reading

>JK Rawling
this woman still living up to her name

>They wield literally 0% influence outside that sphere.

You neglect how influential social media is on young minds these days. Especially since in many cases it is a key aspect to how teenagers interact.

Woah hold on there sunshine you're using logic, that's a hate crime

We believe in love and tolerance here, we could have beaten Hitler in WW2 if only we were as tolerant as we are now

I'm sure someone who blows themselves up is real concerned with what a bourgeois children's book author thinks of them.

They're not pussies, they know they can't win a "fair fight" against western armies, planes and tanks, so they go after their soft, liberal underbelly. It is intelligent, not cowardly and they ARE winning, despite all the braindead liberals claims, that "this time if we pretend that Muslim's aren't to blame, all terrorism will stop". It will keep happening and liberal idiots will keep ;letting it happen.

She lives in Switzerland I think

Both of them end up as small pieces

the girl is smaller which is why you need to defend her not just let her become some kind of liberal martyr.

>the ones who are on the attack and cause everyone in the victim country to bow their heads and cry rather than fight back is the loser

What do these people think the long-term plan is of this hashtag bullshittery is? That the Islamists who want to make the whole world of Allah will eventually just give up and go home?

Has she accepted rapefugees into her home yet?

>Pacifism is objectively pro-Fascist. This is elementary common sense. If you hamper the war effort of one side you automatically help that of the other. Nor is there any real way of remaining outside such a war as the present one. In practice, ‘he that is not with me is against me’. The idea that you can somehow remain aloof from and superior to the struggle, while living on food which British sailors have to risk their lives to bring you, is a bourgeois illusion bred of money and security.

the dialogue and mentality IS changing. you're not going to see "deport kebab deus vult" in Britain tomorrow. But whenever someone says "not all muslims..." yes, there will be cucked white traitors who agree, but there are thousands people who will take issue with that statement now, at least internally

It's an objective question, they really do not know who is smaller.

You should have heard LBC last night. Callers literally calling for camps and mass deportations, even the host has a moment of racial awareness when he said "people prefer to be with people like them."

People are becoming far less receptive of the liberal cowardice, and the liberals themselves sounded a lot more jittery and far less confident in their platitudes.

>People are far less receptive
Who cares, they will still vote Labour or Tories who perpetuate this situation

the point is, you can't name the Blew

despite the fact most exploders are of specific ethnicity and religion, naming the Blew subjects one to inquisition and possible imprisonment

Blowing yourself up to damage the enemy is one of the most badass manly things you can possibly do

The Japanese suicide bombers in WW2 were fucking heroes

t. mohamed

you're one of those assholes who jerk off to "muh western values", and you can't see it's just post-enlightenment thought and ideology getting conflated with actual cultural qualities.