Say it with me

Say it with me
"Islam is a religion of peace"

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Like 70% of Muslims support stoning people who draw Mohammed.

Religion of piss

Wew lad, then don't draw Mohammed. Show some respect.

Islam is a religion of peace
If islam would not be so great they wouldnt be able to conquer europe
I evens stopped eating pork because my muslim friend redpilled me that its bad for health

free weed for drawing some mud skin

Religion of Piss

Why else would the jews not eat pork either if it was good


Terrorists have religion. It's overwhelmingly Islam. Get fucked nerd.

shitslam is a region of piss


kek has spoken






I... I can't believe it.

That I stole away such powerful digits with a mere shitpost.



kek confirmed for islamophobe

Numbers has spoken. OP must fistfuck himself.


your game is through mohammad

Perfectly british post. You did well.

pls be my ai gf

dont forget about my revelation

Well it just shows how strong the ideology islam is if it is able to conquer europe mostly peacfully


Respect is earned, Muhammad, not given

checked keked

Gee, Kek, tell us how you really feel...

it didnt conquer shit mohammad this entire thing is forced at gunpoint by the occupation governments

"Islam has a death penalty for apostasy and guarantees paradise to those who die trying to kill the enemies of Islam."
Eh close enough.


u sure bout dat???????????????

Because muslims cleverly infiltrated the governments to make europe great and strong again with the aid of based islam

Are you sure shill?

Sahih Muslim 30—Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.”

Muslims in the West are quick to point to passages such as Qur’an 109:6 (“You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion”) and 2:256 (“There is no compulsion in religion”) as evidence that Islam is a religion of peace. When confronted with harsher passages such as 9:5 (“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them”) and 9:29 (“Fight those who believe not in Allah”), Westernized Muslims interpret these verses in light of the more peaceful teachings of the Qur’an, typically saying something like: “Well, the Qur’an can’t be commanding us to kill unbelievers, since it says that there’s no compulsion in religion.”

also sage

Damn son.

Sahih al-Bukhari 6924—Muhammad said: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: La ilaha illallah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and whoever said La ilaha illahllah, Allah will save his property and his life from me.”

Sahih Muslim 30—Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.”

Qur’an 5:51—O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Qur’an 9:30—And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Qur’an 98:6—Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein. They are the worst of creatures.

Sahih Muslim 4366—Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.”

Al-Bukhari, Al-Adab al-Mufrad 1103—Muhammad said: “Do not give the People of the Book the greeting first. Force them to the narrowest part of the road.”

Source? I think thats just a meme.

Killing disbelievers is not, in itself, a crime[2]. This is confirmed in Tabari, e.g., “Killing disbelievers is a small matter to us…” Tabari IX:69. In fact, many verses in the Koran order the killing of various kinds of disbelievers (33:61, 4:76, 4:89-91, 8:12, 9:41, 9:5, 9:29, 61:11, etc.). Believers must honour their duty to Allah and fight the disbelievers in battle, or be punished in hell (2:216, 8:15-16, 9:39). Although the Koran explicitly forbids the murder of Muslims (4:93), the Koran does not contain a similar statement that forbids the killing or murder of non-Muslims

Religion of peace when it comes to other muslims
Intrestingly enough muslims have killed each other more, kinda makes them hypocrits doesn't it.

Also ignore slave trade, mass murdering of families to take women as slaves during non-war times, and also beating your wife to an inch of her death.

Thats just peaceful acts

everybody knows it.

also sage 1 post with this id

Have another (You)

Kek wants you to die OP I hope you suffer for your blasphemy

Islam is a religion of peace, but don't make fun of terrorism because then you commit hate speech