Remember goys, its all the free market's fault...

remember goys, its all the free market's fault, you need a stronger government to protect you from those evil capitalists.

>Austrians in charge of applying their own school of economics

>Switzerland is arguably the best country in Europe despite spending the least money on their government

Really makes you think

47 and 52 isn't that big of difference. Those numbers could fluctuate between themselves.

>government spending is always bad

99% of the things the government does, the private enterprise can do it better. This is common sense.

Look at Sweden. We went from 30% to 60% under 20 years. I wonder what happened between those years.

It's just a tax haven

Goyim, all people are (((equal))). If they're doing worse we need to (((even the odds))) with the (((public money))) to attain true (((social justice))).
The AnCaps and race realists preach hate speech and need to be locked up!


99% of the things government does are already contracted out to private companies. Privatization just means you are giving corporations a monopoly on public infrastructure and services.

Mexico is the best example where Carlos Slim was given control of the telecom infrastructure and overcharged Mexicans billions of dollars just to make phone calls

Privatization is retarded and it has nothing to do with efficiency

Yes goy big nanny state tbat uses tons of money is good for you! Dont you want free things?

>doesn't know the difference between private enterprise and privatization
>doesn't understand Mexico has a telecom cartel/oligarchy
>doesn't realize the only purpose for the government to build road is that it imposes where it leads

Spain's best years economically were under Franco

Privatization means handing over public infrastructure to bankers and foreigners

That's what happens in every country from Mexico to Russia. In the US the kikes mayor in Chicago sold off all the packing spaces to some Chinese company. The only result has been parking spaces cost 5x more and none of the money goes to the city anymore

What does that have to do with private enterprise?

The reason he has a monopoly/oligarchy is because he's in bed with the goverment thievs that gave him the resources and laws that he needed. It is typical socialist extorsion of the state by interest groups. See also e.g. Russia, Venezuela, NK, etc.

That's all privatization means

It's a euphemism for corruption that exists to dupe gullible libertarians into selling their country away.

It has nothing to do with muh free market

This is anegdotal and not an argument. Almost all research shows that private property is much more effectively managed and drives down the average cost of operation while increasing the quality of service.
A big state is only good to those at the top and their friends and the bottom feeders who are bought for votes with the money the state steals from the hard working ambitious people

Ok, but what does privatization have to do with private enterprise? You haven't answered this yet. Unless... you think they are the same?

That's what always happens with privatization. In Russia the entire industrial sector was sold to a few Jewish billionaires who proceeded to dismantle it and sell it for scrape.

Lel. Look at fucking Poland and Ukraine. They started basically at the same level of wealth after communism fell, Ukraine was even a bit richer. We privatized our "national treasures" etc. while they kept them from the "evil capitalists". Same desu with Belarus

Look where are they now and where we :) But I guess (((socialists))) don't like statistics, numbers and reality in general

Lol what kind of argument is that? It basically shows what I'm saying that "public property" and state business is bad cause eventually it gets stolen and/or leeched of by interest groups.

That doesn't change the fact that when you sell public infrastructure to billionaires they use it to create a monopoly.

They aren't really the same thing at all

Privatization only exists as a form of graft to sell off public infrastructure to a few bankers

The worst part about all this is that it goes only one way. It's always more government, more taxes, more regulations. It's never less.
If Sweden was raising taxes while Norway was lowering them we could directly see which country is going to be better, but we can't see that. All countries across the board are just having less freedom, more taxes, more government.

You have nowhere to escape. This is pure globalism, and all governments are grabbing as much power as they can.
All these governments are going to grow until it becomes pure communism, then it will collapse and we will continue the cycle over again. Just for once I'd like to see a country go the other way.

Bro... I never mentioned privatization. I said private enterprise, a.k.a. free enteprise, a.k.a. laissez faire. They are not the same thing at all.

Those years.

End game of ALL states is genocide the nation to create a race of slaves with no cohesion

>Just for once I'd like to see a country go the other way.
Switzerland is the best you'll ever see.

And they're one of the most right-wing and richest nations in Europe. And fucking autists here still push for (((socialism)))

our country was founded by an Israeli version of 70s labour
our biggest union includs about 10% of the israeli population

Poland never sold of its public infrastructure to billionaires


But just watch out if someone like Carlos Slim wants to buy your telecom industry in Brazil

Switzerland still has a government, public infrastructure, and public services last I checked.

And what are you going to replace public infrastructure with? Private monopolies owned by billionaires?

I already explained that's what Mexico has and people are overcharged by billions of dollars

It did you idiot, read some history. Ukraine never did that, it was simply taken over by old KGB agents and their friends like in Russia.
And there's a shit ton of examples I can give you how the state controlled industries/services are fucking over people via monopolization.

For example the coal mining business was "saved" by money from the state owned energy companies by hiking prices (ofc they can do that cause the state has a monopoly on that). So basically a narrow group of people (and devout voters) are living off money stolen in hiked energy bills. Hooray

Mexico is a corrupt socialistic hellhole run and settled by 80 IQ mestizo subhumans. Look at all mestizo/negro countries, all of them have a powerfull facist socialistic state that controlls them.

Well why not have state owned food comapnies or car companies? Without that they'll have a monopoly, yeah?

It's KEK!

No but really. You guys did that to yourselves. Your liberalism embraced world multiculturalism and happy endings thus leading to the dual edge of open borders and a silver spoon up every ass.