Russians BTFO

Even for Sweden Russians are women pussies

Gott Strafe Schweden

Lol, you French faggots are 3/4 muslim now. Nobody asks you.

>muh diversity
>need to be inclusive of blacks
>need to be inclusive of women
>need to be inclusive of the French
>So then you can virtually shoot thousands of them
What did Dice mean by this?

It would surprise me if there weren't some passive aggressive political element to this.

Everyone in Sweden despises Russia. The left because they are mean to homosexuals, the right because Russian subs infringe on our territories and muh Russian threat. Nevermind that there have been more cases of Americans infringing on our territory than Russians, nevermind that Americans are the ones spying on our internet traffic, nevermind that our intelligence actually spies on the Russians, nevermind that Americans started several wars that caused the whole refugee situation that we have today which is about to destroy the Swedish economy. It's obviously all the Russians' fault. They are allies with Assad after all.

Sure, Russians are pieces of shit but sometimes the perspective in Sweden is fucking weird.

you gotta be shitting me


>the americans started all the wars meme

nigga those somalis and eritreans ain't coming from fucking afghanistan are they


"Slavs are not white"

Dice is more redpilled than you think.

>Meant to represent Russian soldier in WW1

I hope Putin invades Sweden for this

Jesus Christ
I thought this was photoshopped
Holy shit, put in the tranny paraplegic snipers next DLC

historical revisionism in the name of social justice should be a crime

Somalians and Eritreans hardly constitute the majority of the immigrants to Sweden though, Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis do. Also, the US has been involved in conflicts in both Somalia and Eritrea which resulted in the wars going on there today.

Jews have been doing it since 1945

Fine for me, the most twisted and weird and despised image Russia has in western media - the better.

Somalia was already in civil war when the whole Black Hawk Down thing happened and we've never been in Eritrea retard

kek when you put it that way..

Dafuck is this shit!?
Do they want the people to think that hitler was right?!

But Hitler was right Hans kun

>we've never been in Eritrea retard